Christopher Luse

Instructional Associate Professor of American History

Christopher Allen Luse

Dr. Christopher Luse is an Instructional Associate Professor of American History in the Department of History at the University of Mississippi. He is the only full time History Professor assigned to the Tupelo Branch Campus and teaches 400 Level courses in American History.

Research Interests

His research interests include:

  • Antebellum Southern History, more specifically, the role of the Proslavery Argument
  • 19th Century Ethnology and the Use of Scientific Racism in the Proslavery Argument 


Dr. Luse was awarded the John T. Hubbell Prize for best article published in Civil War History for 2007. 

He is also a member of The Southern Historical Association.


Christopher A. Luse “Slavery’s Champions Stood at Odds: Polygenesis and the Defense of Slavery”, Civil War History 53 (December 2007): 379-412. 

“North” A Bicentennial History of Mississippi 1817-2017 (Jackson: Mississippi Secretary of State’s Office, 2017). 

Dissertation “Slavery’s Champion’s Stood at Odds: Polygenesis and the Defense of Slavery” Emory University 2008 

Courses Taught

  • HST 402 Revolutionary America, 1763-1800
  • HST 403 US- Emerging Nation, 1789-1850
  • HST 404 US- The Civil War Era, 1848-1877
  • HST 414 African American History to 1865
  • HST 415 African American History since 1865
  • HST 422 The Rise and Fall of American Slavery
  • HST 425 The Era of Reconstruction
  • HST 435 US Military History
  • HST 440 The Military History of the Civil War
  • HST 452 The History of Mississippi
  • HST 455 History of Religion in the South


B.A. History, College of Wooster (1999)

M.A. History, Northern Illinois University (1999)

Ph.D. History, Emory University (2008)


  • Mellon Teaching Fellowship, Emory University, 2005-2006
  • Phi Beta Kappa, College of Wooster Chapter, 1985