Lauren Byrd

Admissions Counselor (Transfer Students)

Lauren Byrd

Lauren works with students at East Central Community College, East Mississippi Community College, Itawamba Community College, Jones County Junior College, Meridian Community College, and Northeast Mississippi Community College. Also, transfer students from states east of the Mississippi River.


Born in raised in Mississippi, I grew up in a household that was split between Mississippi sports rivals. Each Christmas, family members would gift each other with the opposite team's merchandise to poke fun at whomever's team won the Egg Bowl that year. As a young child, I remember watching sports movies like Angels in the Outfield on repeat. If you haven't been to a baseball game and wanted to lift your arms like  angel wings, have you even been to a game? There is nothing more thrilling to a die-hard sports fan like me than watching Ole Miss baseball on a beautiful spring day at Swayze field.


Associate Social Work, Northeast Mississippi Comm. College (2013)

B.S.W Social Work, Delta State University (2015)

M.S. Sport & Human Performance, Delta State University (2017)

In the news

Students pose for photos beneath the Walk of Champions arch on the Oxford campus of the University of Mississippi.

OXFORD, Miss. – The University of Mississippi enrolled 5,241 freshman students for the fall 2023 semester, the largest freshman class at any university in the state’s history.