Teacher Education, Ed.S.
Earn AAA licensure and learn to use research, writing, grantsmanship, and reflection to improve learning and serve as mentors to others in the field.

About the Education Specialist in Teacher Education
The Education Specialist (Ed.S.) degree program provides educational development beyond the master's level and qualifies students for an AAA License.
The Ed.S. in Teacher Education has three emphases areas students can choose from:
- Elementary Education
- Secondary Education
- Special Education
Candidates expand their content-area pedagogical knowledge and learn to incorporate the latest technology into their teaching.
- National and state standards are addressed with special emphasis on lifelong learning and development of leadership skills.
- Those pursuing an emphasis in Special Education learn to diversify their instruction to be an effective teacher for individuals with exceptional learning needs in various settings.
Candidates also refine the skills needed to research, publish, write grants, and conduct workshops and in-services to edify professional peers and colleagues.
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Program Information
Program Type
Specialist Program
Area of Study
2 years
Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction
Program Location
Elementary Education;
Secondary Education;
Special Education
Required Credit Hours
Explore Everything the Education Specialist (Ed.S.) in Teacher Education has to Offer
Degree Requirements
Students pursuing the Ed.S. in Teacher Education must maintain at least a B = 3.0 average on all graduate work undertaken.
Additionally, all Ed.S. graduate students must:
- Complete a manuscript for submission to a peer-reviewed periodical
- Make a satisfactory presentation to a professional group, AND
- Complete 65 clock hours of fieldbased learning opportunities.
To complete the Ed.S. in Teacher Education with an emphasis in Elementary Education, a student must complete the following courses.
Professional Core (9)
- EDCI 658 Trends and Issues in Teaching (3)
- EDRS 501 Educational Statistics (3)
- EDCI 557 Computer Concepts and App for Educators (3); EDCI 558 Integrating the Internet in Education; EDCI 657 Info Technology for Professional Educators (3)
Specialization (15)
*Include 6 hours in the content area with Advisor’s approval.
- EDCI 635 Reflective Teaching
- EDEL 601 Child Growth and Development (3)
- EDEL 767 Field Study (3)
- * (3)
- * (3)
Electives (6)
*Choose 1 of the following options – each option is worth 6 hours.
- Compete National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Process (6)
- EDEL 651/652 Advanced Individual Study (6)
- Diversity: 6 credit hours of coursework approved by advisor (6)
- Two additional EDSP courses with advisor’s approval (6)
*An EDEL course to complement the student’s master’s level specialization or a graduate course in content area with advisor’s approval.
Professional Component
A requirement of the Education Specialist degree is the development of a manuscript for publication in conjunction with the candidate’s designated faculty advisor.
- This manuscript must be developed and submitted to a peer- reviewed periodical as a requirement of degree completion.
For Elementary Education, EDCI 658 Trends and Issues in Teaching, and EDEL 767 Field Study, serve as the foundation for this requirement.
- Note: EDCI 658 precedes EDEL 767 or the two courses must be taken concurrently.
Additional Criteria
Upon completion of all degree requirements, the candidate must submit evidence of the following activities to his/her designated faculty advisor:
- Evidence of candidate’s submission of required professional article, including letters of correspondence and the manuscript of a completed research project submitted to a peer-reviewed periodical.
- Evidence of a satisfactory, professional presentation of the manuscript, or research results, to a graduate-level class and graduate faculty, or outside workshop, conference or meeting. (Student must see advisor for copy of an additional evaluation rubric or checklist used.)
- Submission of completed 65 hours of field experiences, including field experience log and all supporting evidence.
To complete the Ed.S. in Teacher Education with an emphasis in Secondary Education, a student must complete the following courses.
- The full program of study in Secondary Education is offered only at the Oxford campus. However, candidates can typically take at least half of the needed hours either online or at the regional campuses.
Professional Core (9)
- EDCI 658 Trends and Issues in Teaching (3)
- EDRS 501 Educational Statics (3)
- EDCI 557 Computer Concepts and App for Educators (3); EDCI 558 Integrating the Internet in Education (3); Info Technology for Professional Educators (3)
Specialization (15)
*Include 6 hours in the content area with Advisor’s approval.
- EDSE 625 Trends and Issues in Secondary Education (3)
- EDSE 690 Master’s Seminar in Secondary Education (3)
- EDSE 767 Field Study (3)
- * (3)
- * (3)
Electives (6)
*Choose 1 of the following options - each option is worth 6 hours.
- Complete National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Process (6)
- EDEL 651/652 Advanced Individual Study (6)
- Diversity: 6 credit hours of coursework approved by advisor (6)
- Two additional EDSP courses with advisor’s approval (6)
*An EDEL course to complement the student’s master’s level specialization or a graduate course in content area with advisor’s approval.
Professional Component
A requirement of the Education Specialist degree is the development of a manuscript for publication in conjunction with the candidate’s designated faculty advisor.
- This manuscript must be developed and submitted to a peer - reviewed periodical as a requirement of degree completion.
- Note: EDCI 658 precedes EDSE 767 or the two courses must be taken concurrently.
Additional Criteria
Upon completion of all degree requirements, the candidate must submit evidence of the following activities to his/her designated faculty advisor:
- Evidence of candidate’s submission of required professional article, including letters of correspondence and the manuscript of a completed research project submitted to a peer-reviewed periodical.
- Evidence of a satisfactory, professional presentation of the manuscript, or research results, to a graduate-level class and graduate faculty, or outside workshop, conference or meeting. (Student must see advisor for copy of an additional evaluation rubric or checklist used.)
- Submission of completed 65 hours of field experiences, including field experience log and all supporting evidence
To complete the Ed.S. in Teacher Education with an emphasis in Special Education, a student must complete the following courses.
Professional Core (9)
- EDCI 658 Trends and Issues in Teaching (3)
- EDRS 501 Educational Statistics (3)
- EDCI 557 Comp Concepts and Apps for Educators (3); Integrating the Internet in Education (3); Info Tech for Professional Educators (3)
Specialization (15)
*Include 9 hours in the content area with advisor's approval.
- EDSP 674 Seminar in Special Education (3)
- EDSP 767 Field Study (3)
- *(3)
- *(3)
- *(3)
Electives (6)
*Choose 1 of the following options – each option is worth 6 hours.
- Complete National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification Process (6)
- EDSP 651/652 Advanced Individual Study (6)
- Diversity: 6 credit hours of coursework approved by advisor (6)
- Two additional EDSP courses with advisor’s approval (6)
*An EDSP course to complement the student’s master’s level specialization or a graduate course in content area with advisor’s approval
Professional Component
A requirement of the Education Specialist degree is the development of a manuscript for publication in conjunction with the candidate’s designated faculty advisor.
- This manuscript must be developed and submitted to a peer reviewed periodical as a requirement of degree completion.
For Special Education EDCI 658, Trends and Issues in Teaching, and EDSP 767, Field Study, serve as the foundation for this requirement.
- Note: EDCI 658 precedes EDSP 767 or the two courses must be taken concurrently.
Additional Criteria
Upon completion of all degree requirements, the candidate must submit evidence of the following activities to his/her designated faculty advisor:
- Evidence of candidate’s submission of required professional article, including letters of correspondence and the manuscript of a completed research project submitted to a peer-reviewed periodical.
- Evidence of a satisfactory, professional presentation of the manuscript, or research results, to a graduate-level class and graduate faculty, or outside workshop, conference or meeting. (Student must see advisor for copy of an additional evaluation rubric or checklist used.)
- Submission of completed 65 hours of field experiences, including field experience log and all supporting evidence
Applicants to the program must meet these requirements:
- 3.25 GPA on all previous graduate coursework
- AA License (or eligibility for) in the content or related area
- 2 years teaching or relevant experience (letter from employer on letterhead)
- Results from a national standardized achievement/aptitude test predictive of the ability to complete a graduate program successfully. These include but are not limited to:
- Passing Score on Praxis II Content Field
- Passing Score on Praxis II PLT
- Competitive Graduate Record Examination scores (GRE: all sections).
- Statement of Professional/Academic Goals
- Two (2) Graduate Reference Forms
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We are here to answer any questions you may have about an Education Specialist degree. Don't hesitate to get in touch!
William Joseph Sumrall
Professor of Elementary Education
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