
Technical Assistance

The FTDC staff are happy to assist UM faculty, staff, and TAs with issues related to software and hardware. We provide support for Blackboard, Panopto, Test Scoring, Faculty Activity Reports, Course Materials Management, and other applications that run on the University's campus-wide systems. The best way to reach us is by email. All Blackboard or Panopto related questions should be addressed to Any other request for assistance can be directed to Additionally, you can call 662-915-7918 and speak to an FTDC student worker weekdays between 8:00am and 5:00pm. FTDC Staff are also available for virtual office hours via Zoom weekdays from 1:00-2:00 pm and for one-on-one remote support sessions as needed.

Departmental Software

The FTDC offers Microsoft and Adobe software licenses for purchase for University owned computers. You can find out more about this by viewing our Software License page. Sophos Antivirus is also provided for all UM employees University owned computers at no charge.


The FTDC offers multiple training opportunities throughout the year. We also provide one-on-one and departmental training sessions as needed for Blackboard and other software applications. Each fall semester, we offer a full week of training sessions as part of Technology Enhancement Week. For more information, see our Workshop Schedule.


The FTDC is responsible for the administration of the campus Blackboard server. We also offer Blackboard workshops throughout the year and will provide one-on-one training as needed.

If you need assistance with any aspect of Blackboard, please consult the Blackboard Help Pages or contact us at

Test Scanning

The FTDC provides assistance in grading tests using an OpScan Test Scanner. For more information visit our Test Scanning Tutorial.

Accessibility of Instructional Materials

From Microsoft Office to Adobe PDF documents to audio and video files, instructors use many different sorts of documents in the classroom. At the University of Mississippi, we are committed to providing equal access to all students, faculty, and staff. We are committed to upholding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by providing all persons with disabilities equal access to learn and grow. As such, your course materials need to be made accessible. Learn more about Accessibility and how to create accessible course material by visiting Accessibility Solutions or by attending one of the accessibility training workshops available at IT Training.