Diane Fortenberry

  • Program

    B.A. Classical Civilizations ( College of Liberal Arts )
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  • About

    Dr. Fortenberry has been working in the publishing world in London, England. Her positions have included Managing Editor for the Dictionary of Art at Macmillan Publishers; Founding Partner with Academy Projects, a consulting firm offering specialist archaeological, architectural and publishing services; and Project Manager and Senior Editor with Phaidon Press, specializing in fine art, ancient and non-Western art and archaeology. Dr. Fortenberry is now a freelance writer, editor, and speaker specializing in the visual arts, art history, and archaeology. She is also an occasional lecturer in ancient art, history and archaeology with various cruise lines in the Mediterranean, and a volunteer guide in the ancient Greek galleries at the British Museum.

Alumna Spotlight Q & A

Why did you choose classics?

I wanted to become an archaeologist of Greek and Roman sites.

Tell us about your current career, and the path that your education/career has taken since college.

I gained a PhD in Aegean Bronze Age Archaeology from the best school in the country for that speciality, the University of Cincinnati. In the end, though, I decided I wanted a career outside of academia, and ended up in publishing, which turned out to be the perfect career for me. 

What is the value of classics in today's world?

A Classics major can go on to do pretty much anything, from medicine to music, literature to technology, politics to journalism. The language skills you'll take away and the historical understanding you will gain are of immense value in a vast number of careers — or you might decide to teach the next generation.