Why did you choose to attend UM?
I chose Ole Miss because I loved the environment and atmosphere of Oxford. I felt that it was the perfect size school for me and also had tons of opportunities for me to get involved and plugged in on campus.
When and why did you choose your major/minor?
I landed on legal studies as my major at the end of my freshman year. I originally began as a political science major but ultimately decided that legal studies and criminal justice were the type of classes I was looking for in order to become an attorney.
What are your career goals?
After graduating from Ole Miss, I plan on attending law school and becoming a criminal prosecutor.
Is there a professor who has been particularly helpful to you?
I have had Professor Danny Hall for three classes now and he has been particularly helpful during my time at Ole Miss. He really challenges me as a student and works hard to prepare us for law school by having us draft legal documents and making us think like a lawyer would.
What has been a particularly meaningful way you have engaged in a community? (Either on or off campus?
A meaningful way that I have engaged in the community here would be through my sorority Alpha Phi and greek life as a whole. We do tons of fun community service events and volunteer work like Rebelthon, Casa Encore, and the Care Walk.
What do you like to do outside of school (hobbies/interests)?
I enjoy working out at Campus Rec, hanging out with my roommates, and going on spontaneous trips.
What are you binge watching/reading/listening to?
My roommates and I have been binge watching The Vampire Diaries and whenever I am driving or going for a walk I love to listen to Crime Junkies podcasts.
What is your favorite place to eat in Oxford?
My favorite place to eat here is Oxford Burger or Lost Pizza!
What are some dream travel destinations (and why?)
I would love to travel to the coast of Italy because it looks like a beautiful summer destination.
What’s your favorite place to study on or off campus and why?
I enjoy studying in the law school because it helps me stay focused on my ultimate goal of getting into law school after my undergraduate studies.
Why is your department a special place?
The legal studies department is a special place to me because it is where I found my passion and helped me get involved on campus. Being an ambassador for both the school of applied science and for pre- law, I can now share my experience with prospective students. Another thing I love is that I have always felt comfortable going to my advisors and professors here in my department because they all have the experience and knowledge to help me with whatever I need.
What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM? (keep these short and brief).
Some of my favorite things about my major is that most of my professors are already lawyers or teach at the law school which is super helpful.
Another great thing is that the department is constantly having events, speakers, and panels of professionals from all over come recruit and educate students interested in their fields. Lastly, the legal studies department does a great job of offering LSAT prep sessions and courses for those pursuing law school so you are adequately prepared for the process.