
Avery Carpenter

  • Program

    Bernard Smith Murff and Marie Murff Duncan Education Scholarship ( School of Education ), B.A.Ed. Elementary Education ( School of Education )
  • Hometown

    Greenville, MS (South)
  • About

    My name is Avery Carpenter, and I am from Greenville, MS. I could not be more proud to call this school my home away from home!

What does this scholarship award mean to you?

When I found out that I was receiving a scholarship for my education degree, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I feel so overjoyed to be a scholarship recipient knowing that it will help reduce my amount of student loans and debt. My life has been greatly impacted by education, and earning a degree in elementary education has been an incredible experience in and of itself. I cannot thank the donors enough for this scholarship, and their help with my expenses for the upcoming semester at the University of Mississippi.

Why did you choose to attend the University of Mississippi?

I chose to attend the University of Mississippi to branch out of my comfort zone. My entire family attended Mississippi State, so that is all I have ever known. After my freshman year, my opinion completely changed and I decided to transfer here to pursue my Education degree. On my first campus visit, I toured the education building and fell in love with it. Ole Miss is more of a place to get a degree. It is a community where you choose to make others feel valued and successful!

Tell us about a favorite memory, professor, and/or academic course during your time at the School of Education:

There was one teacher who always reminded us to take care of ourselves. Each morning, we would begin class with a journal prompt to start our day. She didn’t open class by talking about assignments, grades, or upcoming class events. We began class by writing our thoughts down, and I always adored the way she prioritized our well-being. There was a point during that semester when I was struggling with my mental health, and she was there every step of the way to push me to keep going. That is the type of teacher I strive to be!

What inspired you to pursue a degree at the School of Education?

For as long as I can remember, I have always looked up to my elementary teachers, specifically my third-grade teacher. I view her as the ideal role model who consistently encouraged me and every other student to strive for greatness. I want to make an impact on students’ lives and change their view of learning. My greatest desire is to be a part of something greater than myself, and becoming a teacher will allow me to give back to the community in incredibly impactful ways.

Tell us about your community involvements and/or hobbies:

I currently work at a daycare, ABC learning center, and it has only expanded my passion for working with early aged children. During my sophomore year, I served as a Jumpstart member with Americorps. We spent most of our time at Oxford Early Childhood Center where we spent our time after school reading and engaging with children. I love being a part of watching young children learn and grow in their learning. Additionally, I am a member of the Chi Omega Fraternity, where we are highly involved with our philanthropy, the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the Blair E. Batson children’s hospital.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After graduation, I will either pursue to get my Masters degree or begin my teaching career. Either way, I know that I am where I need to be! I cannot wait to see what my future holds.