Meet Cailyn
What does this scholarship award mean to you?
This scholarship means the world to me. I could not have made it through undergrad without the immense support from scholarship donors. Donors are a constant encouragement to students to keep pursuing their dreams and making it possible for us to to do so is such a blessing.
Tell us about a favorite memory, professor, and/or academic course during your time at the School of Education:
My favorite course throughout my time at the School of Education has to be my student teaching course. I was granted the amazing opportunity to be a Rebel Teacher, which allowed me to enter the classroom at the same time as certified teachers and work with students from day one. I learned so much about myself and education through this experience. I'm so thankful that the School of Education allows students the opportunity to do this.
What do you plan to do after graduation?
After graduation, I plan to enter the classroom in a local school district. I plan to use my master's degree in order to better serve students and understand where their behavior stems from. I also hope to be able to educate other professionals in the area of behavior so that we can all grow together for the betterment of students.