Get to Know Calloway Bills
Why did you choose to attend UM?
The programs that I was accepted into upon applying to the University, being the Trent Lott Leadership Institute, the Croft Institute for International Studies, and the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, presented me with the best possible opportunities to have the best possible undergraduate experience that would prepare me for my career and mold me into a better person.
When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?
I knew my majors when I enrolled at the University. Being in Public Policy Leadership and International Studies, we had to be accepted into the program when we applied to attend this school, so I knew coming in that I would be majoring in those two disciplines. I originally had a German minor, but decided to declare a major in German when I started taking classes here and realized I wanted to take my language learning more seriously and grow closer to the faculty in the German Department.
What would you tell a high school student about your major?
My majors are for anyone interested in politics, policy, or global events. In particular, International Studies has more of an academic nature in terms of the way INST majors think about global issues and different concepts. In PPL, students study policy issues with a hands-on approach that allows for a slightly different understanding of how policy works. Also, German is an applicable major for anyone. It can be helpful for students focusing on political subjects, STEM programs, and any sort of business or economics studies. Germany is the leading economic and political power in the European Union, has strong STEM research and innovation capabilities, and is a major player in global politics.
Why is your department a special place?
From the moment I stepped foot on campus, the Department of Modern Languages has been nothing but helpful in every way that I have engaged with them. From scheduling classes in accordance with the language requirements of the Croft Institute, to advising me on my language learning journey, and even to helping me navigate internships, research, and study abroad programs in Germany, they have been nothing short of exceptional. The faculty are brilliant and enthusiastic when engaging with students in and outside of the classroom, and are always looking for new ways to challenge students. I have benefitted greatly from the relationships and connections I have made in the Department of Modern Languages and I know that these will continue to grow and prosper in the coming years.
Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?
I took German 304 in the spring semester of the 2022/23 school year. My professor was Herr Wash. I came into the University with prior experience in German and took German 211 in the fall to help fine-tune my grammar and vocabulary base, and taking German 304 allowed me to confidently take a step further towards fluency. Herr Wash is an exceptional teacher, and his class forced me to work hard to develop better listening and speaking skills. After taking this class, I am confident that my German language skills have improved dramatically and the engaging lectures from his class have given me more motivation and inspiration to take my German to the next level.
What do you hope to do after you graduate?
I plan to either go to law school and pursue a Juris Doctor or go to a graduate program to pursue a Masters in Public Policy. My dream school for this would be the University of Virginia. After finishing school, I would like to work in economic and trade policy either in Washington, DC or in a state-level department that focuses on economic development. Ideally, I would like to spend some time abroad in Germany, either for research or for work in economic policy on a global scale. My long-term career goal is to become a Foreign Service Officer, specifically on the Economic Officer track.
What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self?
Say yes to everything. So many new opportunities will present themselves to you in college. Just say yes. Experiencing new things and growing is one of the fundamental benefits of the college experience, and you will only grow if you allow yourself to.
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