Get to Know Deanna Bostic
Why did you choose to attend UM?
My decision to come to UM was a seemingly obvious one. I have lived in Mississippi for my entire life and knew that UM had the best Political Science Program in the state, which was my intended major in high school. In addition to this, my mom was a University of Mississippi Medical Center employee for many years, which provided financial benefits for my attending the University.
When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?
I knew from age 7 that I wanted to go into the legal field. I was always interested in politics and fascinated with lawyers. In high school, I felt very motivated by politics and decided that I wanted to study political science in college. Political science courses have allowed me to explore theories of politics and government and try to find answers to some of the questions I have. I had taken a philosophy class because I saw that philosophy was within the top 5 majors for those who performed the best on the LSAT. After taking my first philosophy class I was hooked! I loved the fact that we were exploring different avenues of thought and different arguments on certain topics and that the teachers encouraged disagreement and debate even in a class with almost 100 people. I have grown to love being a philosophy major because it allows me to reflect on my own beliefs, consider different perspectives, and form my own opinions.
What would you tell a high school student about your major? What is most important for them to know if they're interested in pursuing that field of study?
I think that if you are interested in pursuing politics you should explore the personality types of successful people in that field to make sure that you have a personality that will thrive in the hectic, bitter, and complicated world of politics. If one is considering philosophy, I would encourage them to assess their open-mindedness to ideas contrary to their own. If you are open to different perspectives and are willing to defend your own, if that type of thinking is mentally stimulating for you, I would encourage you to pursue a philosophy degree. I would also encourage anyone considering law school to be a philosophy major because I believe it fosters analytical thinking, academic writing, and attention to detail that will serve well in the law profession.
Why is your department a special place?
The faculty is what makes the philosophy department a special place. All the professors I have had thus far have been some of the nicest and most helpful people I have ever met. All of the faculty contribute to creating a positive classroom culture that engages students. I think the most admirable trait of many of the philosophy department faculty members is that they encourage their students to explore, evaluate, and defend their own beliefs and predispositions without trying to influence what their students think.
What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM? (keep these short and brief).
- The Professors - the most kind and knowledgeable people you will ever meet.
- Throughout the semester the department advertises all kinds of events and there is always something interesting coming up. (Just Conversations, Philosophy club, guest speakers)
- The Philosophy building (Bryant). The building is so beautiful and my favorite place to study!
Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?
Professor Aaron Graham was my first philosophy professor (for PHIL 101) and was the biggest influence on my decision to become a philosophy major. He had a very organized structure for his class and students could easily tell he was passionate about teaching philosophy. I also took his Philosophy of Law class and to no surprise loved it too. Professor Graham communicates well with his students and genuinely cares for their success. In addition to this, he has been to law school, which is what I intend to do, and recently has become the Pre-law/ Philosophy advisor. Professor Graham is always helpful and makes sure to provide me with as much information as he can so that I may make the most informed decision.
What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?
My most memorable moment from my time in college so far has to be laying on the grass in front of the observatory with my two closest friends. Although this may seem a petty moment to consider my most memorable moment, I will always cherish the memory. It was close to the end of the Spring Semester of 2023 and class finals week had been so stressful and my friends and I were just burnt out. It was the first sunny day we had had after days of rain and clouds and Neely Kinnihl (my fellow philosophy ambassador), JB Brooks, and I just lay in the green grass in front of the observatory and soaked up the sunshine.
What do you hope to do after you graduate? What are your career goals/ plans for postgraduation?
I currently plan to graduate, work as a paralegal for a while, then go to law school and hopefully become a practicing lawyer. I am still exploring options for going straight from undergraduate to law school as well as investigating how to become a paralegal or receive a certification.
Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford? What are your hobbies, favorite places to go, etc.?
Most of my time outside of school is spent at work, currently, I am a Host at Chili’s in Oxford. Outside of work, I love spending time with my dog, Shadow. He is an energetic 4-year-old black lab and he loves swimming, sticks, and snuggles! I love being outside and can not wait for summer (me and Shadow will be making plenty of trips to Lamar Park and Sardis Lake).
What is your go-to meal in Oxford?
My go to meal in Oxford is South Depot. I get nachos with chicken , steak, and buffalo sauce.
What are you binge watching or reading right now?
My go to binge watching show is Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, and my favorite books to binge read would probably be the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.
What are some dream travel destinations?
My dream travel destinations are Jamaica and Germany. Jamaica has beautiful beaches and plenty of outdoor activities. I would like to visit Germany to see its beautiful historic architecture as well as explore World War 2 history.
What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self (about the general college experience)?
I would tell my freshman self to be more outgoing. College is a wonderful opportunity to meet a lot of people, take advantage of rare opportunities, and become a more well-rounded person. College can also feel very isolating though so it is important to develop quality friendships and prioritize mental well-being. It is important to prioritize one’s education, but even more important to manage your time wisely and balance academics with enjoying this time in your life.
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