Emma Delahoussaye

  • Program

    Hospitality Management ( School of Applied Sciences )
  • Hometown

    Lafayette, LA (South)
  • Involvement

    Greek Life, Service and Community Engagement
  • About

    Hello! My name is Emma Delahoussaye and I am the oldest in a family of five. A fun fact about me is that I have lived overseas for seven years! My experiences during that time have formed my desire to pursue a career in Hospitality Management.
Portrait of Emma Delahoussaye

Why did you choose to attend UM?GREENFIELD FARM PRECIS

I fell in love with UM the moment I arrived on campus for their Admitted Student's Day. From the beautiful scenery to the academic programs, I loved every aspect of it and was happy that my parents were satisfied as well.

When and why did you choose your major/minor?

I chose the Hospitality Management major because the hospitality industry has had such an impact on my childhood as I lived overseas! Coming back home opened my eyes to cultural differences and allowed me to start preparing for my own career goals.

What are your career goals?

I would eventually like to own my own café that highlights the genuine essence of hospitality around the world.

Is there a professor who has been particularly helpful to you?

Dr. Choi is the Interim Department Chair of the Hospitality Management Program and a close advisor of mine. She manages the Ole Miss Ambassadors for Southern Hospitality Club (OMASH) and I see her often during recruiting events (Fall Fridays). I owe a lot of my success to her.

What has been a particularly meaningful way you have engaged in a community? (Either on or off campus?

Being a part of Alpha Omicron Pi has helped me connect to other students on campus and helped me embrace and discover new sides of myself. Outside of campus clubs I began working at the Inn at Ole Miss to gain some industry experience. This job has helped me become more confident and learn what my life after college could be like.

What do you like to do outside of school (hobbies/interests)?

Outside of school I like hanging out with friends by going to the movies or even a quick run to Walmart is always a fun experience.

What are you binge watching/reading/listening to?

Recently I have been listening to classical study pomodoro playlist from YouTube and reading Mystery Novels like the Sherlock Holmes Series.

What is your favorite place to eat in Oxford?

Personally, I am Yaya’s person, but if I were grabbing lunch, I would go to either Ajax or Oxford Burger Co.

What are some dream travel destinations (and why?)

I have always wanted to visit Ireland for the rich Celtic culture or Japan to see the technology and experience their culture as well.

What’s your favorite place to study on or off campus and why?

I like to study at Starbuck’s at the Student Union for the ambiance of a coffee shop without leaving campus. The coffee is also a bonus too.

Why is your department a special place?

My department is special because it is so much more than classroom lectures. It has hands-on experience and dedication to my own personalized program.

What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM? (keep these short and brief).

  1. It is personalized to my interest.

  2. I have the opportunity to network with experienced workers in the hospitality field.

  3. I will build valuable work-related experiences before I graduate to give me that extra edge when applying for jobs.