Get to Know Grant McNeer
Why did you choose UM?
I chose the University of Mississippi because of its robust student life, gorgeous atmosphere and academia. There is a reason UM is consistently ranked as the best small college town and most beautiful campus. I knew when applying that there was never going to be a dull moment here.
When and how did you choose your major(s)/minor(s)?
I loved the concept of economics and its different way of thinking. I love how interestingly challenging it is. I first took an economics class in high school and immediately fell in love with it. As for computer science, I grew up around programming because of my dad's career, and have always had a fondness for it.
What would you tell a high school student about your major? What is most important for them to know if they're interested in pursuing that field of study?
I think it's important to note how many jobs look for economics majors, and how versatile an economics degree is. You can go into policy, finance, teaching, and make a very comfortable living just about wherever you go. It is a very worthwhile and thought-provoking degree.
Why is your department a special place?
I think my department has always had a strong emphasis on being involved. I get emails all the time about speakers and events that bring up economics topics. Every other economics major I have met has had a passion for it.
What are your 3 favorite things about your major/department at UM? (keep these short and brief).
- All of the teachers I have had are great lecturers.
- Every class has problem sets that help you retain the information taught in the lectures.
- All of the staff and faculty are helpful and will take the time to meet with you.
Can you tell me about a professor or a class you've taken that has had the most impact on you?
I have taken Professor Bolen for a couple of economics classes. I have thoroughly enjoyed each of his classes because of the passion he has for the topics he teaches. It has definitely helped drive my love for economics as well.
What has been one of your most memorable or enjoyable moments at UM?
UM vs LSU football 2023. Yes, I stormed the field. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done and was such a good win.
What do you hope to do after you graduate? What are your career goals/ plans for postgraduation?
I want to go straight into graduate school. I plan on working my way to my PhD, so one day I can teach in college lectures. I also want to spend a good deal of time in research and data analytics. I have thought about corporate finance as well.
Apart from school, how do you spend your time in Oxford? What are your hobbies, favorite places to go, etc.?
Oxford has many great bass fishing lakes and ponds, so I frequent that a good bit. Other than that, I love playing pickleball with my friends and hanging out. Going to the square any time of the day is a worthwhile and great time.
What is your go-to meal in Oxford?
Oby's has such a diverse menu, it never gets old.
What are you binge watching or reading right now?
Alone is a wilderness survival tv show that I have been binge watching. It's so cool to see how people come up with creative ways to build their survival shelters.
What are some dream travel destinations?
I don't have a specific travel destination in mind, but I would like to tour many countries in Europe. From what I have seen in videos is that European countries each have their own cultures and traditions. I want to check those out.
What is one thing you wish you knew as an incoming freshman that you'd tell your past self (about the general college experience)?
Become involved as much as possible. Time flies, and you should make the most out of your time at UM. Never miss a game day.
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