Hailey Holden

  • Program

    North Mississippi Education Consortium Scholarship ( School of Education ), Wallace E. And Elizabeth G. Hope Scholarship ( School of Education ), B.A.Ed. Secondary English Education ( School of Education )
  • Hometown

    Senatobia, MS (South)
  • About

    Outside of school, I enjoy reading and spending time with my family. I have always loved school, and I am so very excited to be able to provide quality education within my community after graduation.

What does this scholarship award mean to you?

These scholarship awards mean that an extra weight has been taken off of my shoulders and I can breath just a little bit easier. I am paying for my tuition, for the most part, on my own and out of pocket. These awards mean one less bill that gets stressed about, and I am oh so grateful.

What inspired you to pursue a degree at the School of Education?

My own teachers form high school, Coach Dunnigan & my English teachers. Coach Dunnigan. He made sure to let his students know that they always had an adult that cared about them. The same can be said about my Senior English Teacher, Mr. Swartz. He makes sure that you realize your worth. Every time he saw me he would remind me that I am to smart to settle and I could do whatever, if I could put my mind to it. I can only hope that I am as impactful on my students as they have been to me.

Tell us about your community involvements and/or hobbies:

My hobbies include painting, playing with my pets (a bloodhound Anne and a mix breed named Beatle), reading, and everyone's favorite watching Netflix.