Meet Lori
What does this scholarship award mean to you?
This scholarship award means the world to me. It is very honorable for a donor to pay it forward to support another graduate student. There are no words to express my gratitude. It means I don't have to be stressed about how I am going to fund my education as I do the work. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity. I wish the donor much success and prosperity for thinking of others in the graduate program at Ole Miss.
Why did you choose to attend the University of Mississippi?
I chose to attend the University of Mississippi because I have heard so many wonderful things about the university and the campus. I have distant friends who have graduated from Ole Miss. I know friends of friends who have attended and graduated from Ole Miss. They have all encouraged me to go for it. I have attended other universities in MS and I would love to earn this doctorate from Ole Miss.
Tell us about a favorite memory, professor, and/or academic course during your time at the School of Education:
My favorite memory in the School of Education at Ole Miss is the joy that my graduate coordinator, Dr. Angus Mungal, displays when he meets with us via Zoom. He is very gentle and wants us all to feel comfortable as we embark on this journey toward a doctorate. He wants to make sure all questions are answered. His dedication and encouragement mean the world to me and will forever be remembered as I begin the work and writing toward this goal.
What inspired you to pursue a degree at the School of Education?
I have worked in education for the past 22 years. I love working with students and faculty and making a difference in the lives of children. I recently completed a Master's degree in Educational Leadership with licensure. My inspiration comes from my family who have always encouraged me to set a goal and achieve it. I have many achievements and can't wait to complete this very important degree in educational leadership. I have friends who have completed doctoral programs and I know I can do it as well. I am ready for the challenge.
Tell us about your community involvements and/or hobbies:
I volunteer as much as possible in the community. I work closely with an organization that creates child IDs for children to help stop missing and exploited children. These important child IDs help find children and incarcerate criminals. The IDs include the child's name, weight, height, and fingerprints. Parents are very grateful to receive these child IDs. I volunteer as often as needed. The guy who is over the program met me at a career day. One of my career guests invited him and we have been friends and volunteer buddies for the past 15 years.
What do you plan to do after graduation?
I would love to land a position as an assistant principal, but I will also look into leadership positions at the university level. I have always known I was a leader. After receiving this doctorate, I will seek out as many positions of leadership as possible in different institutions of learning.