
Samantha Walker

  • Program

    Luetta W. Ford Scholarship for Special Education in Honor of James W. Mann ( School of Education ), M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction - Special Populations ( School of Education )
  • Hometown

    Olive Branch, MS (South)
  • About

    My name is Samantha Walker from Olive Branch, MS. I transferred from Northeast Mississippi Community College. In May 2024, I received my B.A.Ed in Special Education and currently pursuing my M.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction for Special Populations.

What does this scholarship award mean to you?

As a first generation college student, this scholarship award means more than I can imagine. This award will help me gain more resources and knowledge as I further my education. I am truly grateful!

Why did you choose to attend the University of Mississippi?

I chose to attend the University of Mississippi because not only did it provide me with the most affordable opportunities but opportunities to grow as a future educator.

Tell us about a favorite memory, professor, and/or academic course during your time at the School of Education:

During my time at the School of Education, I have always had great and supportive professors. My favorite professor, Dr. Diane Lowry, always puts her students first and has truly made a difference in my life and time here at the School of Education. Dr. Lowry provides opportunities to grow and always made me feel heard.

What inspired you to pursue a degree at the School of Education?

I just changed my major to Special Education about 2 years ago. I have always had love and passion for working with people with disabilities. All students deserve someone to believe in them, support them and be given the opportunity to do what makes them feel accomplished/successful. The School of Education has done all these things for me. Being apart of this community that shares these same values and support has been one of the best things during my time here at the School of Education.

Tell us about your community involvements and/or hobbies:

During my time here at the School of Education, I have been apart of The Bridge Program. The Bridge is a program that supports students with autism while transiting into college. I have been able to support members through peer mentorships and connection. I get to host a weekly study group for members to help with homework, make connections and providing support as needed.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

After graduation, I would like to teach in a self-contained high school classroom. Using the skills and knowledge I have gained through the School of Education, I would like to create program that provides information on advocacy for students with disabilities, both in schools and local community. I want to incorporate the community into everyday learning and provide opportunities to learn outside the four walls of a classroom.