Sport Clubs

Registered student organizations serving students in sports and recreational activities that are competitive, recreational, or instructional in nature.

Get in the game


About Sport Clubs

While Sport Club participation is open to students, faculty and staff of the university, the primary philosophy of the Sport Clubs program is “student-led, student-run.”

As a member of a Sport Club, students will learn through their involvement in fundraising, public relations, administration, budgeting, and scheduling, as well as the development of skills in their particular sport.

Active Sport Club Organizations

Additional Information

Step 1: Create an IMLeagues Account on the OleMiss CR app or at

App Instructions:
  • Download the OleMissCR App from the Google Play Store or Apple Store
  • Select “Login via Portal,” use your Ole Miss webID and password & update information

Desktop Instructions:
  • Visit
  • Select the green “Create Account” button in the top right corner, use your Ole Miss webID and password & update information

Step 2: Register for the Sport Club team you are interested in joining

  • Select the “Sport Club” tab/widget
  • Select the green “Join Team” button next to the name of the Sport Club.
  • Sign the electronic waiver and enter your Ole Miss ID#. Leave a message for the Sport Club Officers to receive once you hit “Submit.”

Step 3: Contact the Sport Club’s officers

Email the club and notify them of your interest in joining

The following steps must be taken in order to become a recognized Sport Club under the Department of Campus Recreation:

Step 1: Register to become a recognized student organization through the Student Union

  1. Create a profile on the ForUM
    • Click “Sign In” in the top right corner
    • Use your Ole Miss login information
    • Click on the organization tab shown in the header
  2. Create a student organization
    • Once signed in, select “ORGANIZATIONS” towards the top of the page
    • Click “REGISTER AN ORGANIZATION” on the left side of the page
    • Select “REGISTER A NEW ORGANIZATION” on the bottom left of the page
    • Fill out the registration form
      • Your full organization name should be “Club <Insert Sport Name>” or “<Insert Sport Name> Club”
      • Select the “Sport Club” category
      • If approved after completion of this form, your primary advisor will be Gabrielle Sokol, Assistant Director of  Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs –
      • You will need to submit a constitution.

Questions regarding the ForUM registration process should be directed to the Ole Miss Student Union at or 662-915-1044 and additional resources can be found here.

Step 2: Schedule a meeting with Campus Recreation Sport Club staff

  • After completing registration on the ForUM, you should schedule a meeting with Sport Club staff by emailing or calling 662-915-5573.
    • Please feel free to do this prior to registering a new organization if you have questions about our Sport Club program.
  • In preparation for the meeting, please bring the following documents:
    • Club Constitution
    • Semester Budget
    • A list of practice facility, local/regional opponents, and a potential national governing body

Need more information? Check out our Sport Club Handbook below. You'll also find forms and resources for Sport Club Officers as well!

Sport Club Handbook

Sport Club Officer Forms & Resources

The Sport Club Council (SCC) is a student advisory board made up of Sport Club Members from throughout the Sport Club Program. The mission of the SCC is to provide members with leadership opportunities to connect with their peers, act as a bridge between members and administration, and to help promote the growth and development of Sport Clubs at the University of Mississippi.

This council, in conjunction with the Intramural Sports & Sport Clubs professional staff and graduate assistants, enacts changes, reviews policies, reviews funding requests, enacts disciplinary procedures, and provides insight to improve the program.

Email the SCC

Sport Club Event Calendar

  • Interested in providing financial support for Sport Clubs?

    Sport Clubs rely heavily on player dues and fundraising to offset individual student expenses. Your financial support is greatly appreciated!

    UM Foundation Sport Club Giving Site

Sport Club Recognition

Annually, the Sport Club program recognizes a "Club of the Year," "Rising Club of the Year," "Athletes of the Year," and "Community Engagement Award."

Club of the Year: Men's Club Soccer

Athletes of the Year: Kai Nihira - Men's Rugby Club & Anna Rae Copeland - Women's Club Lacrosse

Rising Club of the Year: Women's Rugby Club

Community Engagement: Wakeboarding Club

Club of the Year: Club Baseball

Athletes of the Year: Luke Gassett – Ice Hockey Club, Grayson Clynch – Women's Club Lacrosse, & Jake Carpenter – Club Baseball

Rising Club of the Year: Table Tennis Club

Community Engagement: Club Tennis 

Club of the Year: Club Tennis

Athletes of the Year: Nick Longhorn – Club Baseball & Kendall Causey – Club Tennis

Rising Club of the Year: Fly Fishing Club

Community Engagement: Equestrian Club 

Club of the Year: Ice Hockey Club

Athletes of the Year: Will McDonald – Club Baseball & Beth Sherbo – Women’s Club Soccer and Club Basketball

Rising Club of the Year: Women’s Club Basketball

Community Engagement: Fly Fishing Club 

Club of the Year: Ice Hockey Club

Athletes of the Year: Brandon Storner – Ice Hockey Club & Nora Heindel – Equestrian Club

Rising Club of the Year: Water Polo Club

Community Engagement: Club Baseball

Club of the Year: Equestrian Club

Athletes of the Year: Bryce Davis – Club Tennis & Brooke Ridley – Women’s Club Soccer

Rising Club of the Year: Special Olympics College Unified Sports Club

Meet the Sport Club Staff

Please don't hesitate to reach out to the Sport Club staff if you have any questions or require assistance!
Gabby Sokol

Gabby Sokol

  • Asst Director of Campus Recreation - Intramural Sports/Clubs
Alex Zimmerman

Alex Zimmerman

  • Coordinator Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs
Hunter Hoover

Hunter Hoover

  • Graduate Assistant – Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs
Madison Ministero 

Madison Ministero 

  • Graduate Assistant – Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs 
Nicholas Bosley

Nicholas Bosley

  • Graduate Assistant - Athletic Training
Eric Coggins

Eric Coggins

  • Graduate Assistant–Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs
Jake Harvanchik

Jake Harvanchik

  • Graduate Assistant–Intramural Sports and Sport Clubs