Presentations & Publications
CMSE faculty, staff, and students are engaged in disseminating academic work.
Peer Reviewed Articles
, , & (2024). From co-teaching to co-mentoring: Transforming special education and mathematics instructional partnerships through shared content-focused professional development. School Science and Mathematics, 1–18.
Clark, C., Steimle, A., & LaValley, B. (2024). Engaging STEM learners of all ages: A university, community, and K-12 solar eclipse outreach partnership. Connected Science Learning, 6(2), 44-57.
Steimle, A. J. & James, J. S. (2018). Impact of mathematics progressions on teacher content
knowledge. In Venenciano, L. and Redmond-Sanogo, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 45th
Annual Meeting of the Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Baton Rouge, LA.
James, J. (2015). Problem solvers solutions: Jesse’s train. Teaching children mathematics,
21(6), 331.
James, J. & Steimle, A. (2014). Problem solvers: Jesse’s train. Teaching children mathematics,
20(6), 346.
Other Publications
Watson, S.A., Whitworth, B.A. Steimle, A. & James, J. (2022, Summer). “I can see the bright
side of science!” Building the content knowledge of elementary teachers of science.
ICRSME Newsletter.
Buckhalter, B. (2019). An examination of the relationship among the intentions, features, affordances, and outcomes of Saturday Academy for Math professional development for mathematics teachers. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Dewitt, C.M. (2013). Astronomy week: An investigation of the implementation and identity formation of participants. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Fillingim, J.G. (2010). An investigation of the engagement of elementary students in the NCTM process standards after one year of standards-based instruction. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Gillentine, E.P. (2013). Exploring mathematical knowledge in elementary teacher candidates with the use of classroom-based artifacts. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford,
Harmon, S. (2011). An examination of mathematical knowledge for teaching in professional development settings. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Holbert, S.M. (2013). Mathematical tasks without words and word problems: Perceptions of reluctant problem solvers. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
James, J. S. (2011). A comparison on online and face-to-face discussions in an elementary mathematics methods course. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
LaValley, B. (2023). Mathematics and special education co-teaching in the middle school: How teacher make sense of their partnership. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
McCrory, M.R. (2010). An exploration of initial certification candidates' TPACK and mathematics-based applications using touch device technology. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Mitchell, E.A. (2014). Increasing self-efficacy and quality lesson planning using lesson-study with elementary preservice teachers. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Smith, R.E. (2018). Supporting novice teachers in critical needs schools. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Watson, S.A. (2023). The presence and prevalence of underqualified high school science teachers in Mississippi. (Doctoral Dissertation). University of Mississippi: Oxford, MS.
Conference Presentations
National Council for History Education
March 20-22, 2025, St. Louis, MO
LaValley, B., James, J., & Steimle, A. (2025, March). STEM teaching with primary sources to expand partnerships and prioritize local history in rural Mississippi [Poster Presentation]. National Council for History Education Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Mississippi Science Teaching Association Goes North Conference
March 1, 2025, Booneville, MS
King, E., & Perez, K. (2025, March). Using Library of Congress teaching resources to bring STEM to life [Conference Session]. Mississippi Science Teaching Association Goes North, Booneville, MS.
Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference
February 6-8, 2025, Reno, NV
Amidon, J., Winfun-Cook, C., Harris, A. & Amidon, K. (2025, February 6-8). Stop preachin' and let 'em teach! Using agape to on-ramp teachers toward desired mathematics teaching practices [Conference Session]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Reno, NV.
Harris, A. (2025, February 6-8). Influence of pre-teaching on students' self-efficacy in mathematics [Poster Presentation]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Reno, NV.
James, J., Steimle, A., & Buford, V. (2025, February 6-8). Supporting cohesive learning of elementary teachers through a university-school partnership [Conference Session]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Reno, NV.
LaValley, B. James, J., & Steimle, A. (2025, February 6-8). Strengthening mathematics and special education co-teaching partnerships through a shared content focused professional learning academy [Conference session]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Reno, NV.
LaValley, B. (2025, February 6-8). STEM teaching with embedded primary sources: A cross-curricular professional development for K-12 STEM educators [Poster Presentation]. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference, Reno, NV.
Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
November 6-8, 2024, Chattanooga, TN
Harris, A. (2024, November). Pre-teaching possibilities in the mathematics classroom [Roundtable Session]. Mid-South Educational Research Association, Chattanooga, TN.
LaValley, B., James, J., & Steimle A. (2024, November 6). Moving toward “a dynamic constructive framework” for mathematics and special education co-teaching professional development [Research report]. Mid-South Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN.
Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference
October 24-25, 2024, Hattiesburg, MS
Harris, A., James, J, & Steimle, A. (2024, October). Promoting number sense in the elementary mathematics classroom [Conference Session]. Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Hattiesburg, MS.
James, J. & Torrent, D. (2024, October). Let your students tell the story [Conference Session]. Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Hattiesburg, MS.
LaValley, B., & Bailey, A. (2024, October). An "absurd" approach to exploring randomness in physics and mathematics [Conference Session]. Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Hattiesburg, MS.
Richardson, K. & LaValley, B.(2024, October). STEM Teaching with Embedded Primary Sources: A Cross-Curricular Professional Development for K-12 STEM Educators [Conference Session]. Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, Hattiesburg, MS.
Mississippi Science Teaching Association Annual Conference
October 20-22, 2024, Biloxi, MS
LaValley, B., King, E. (2024, October). Inspiring STEM Learners With Primary Sources [Conference Session]. Mississippi Science Teaching Association Annual Conference, Biloxi, MS
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting
September 25-28, 2024, Chicago, IL
Amidon, J., Harris, A., Perez, K., & Bailey, A. (2024, September). Stop preaching and let ‘em teach! Aiming teachers toward desired teaching practices [Conference Session]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
James, J., Harris, A. & Steimle, A. (2024, September). Supporting collective growth among elementary math teachers through a university-school partnership [Conference Session]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Chicago. IL.
LaValley, B., James, J., & Steimle, A. (2024, September 25). The Mathematics Mentoring Academy for Teachers of Exceptional Students: A Transformative PD Model [Research Report]. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Meeting and Exposition, Chicago, IL.
MSTA Goes North
February 24, 2024, Oxford, MS
LaValley, B. (2024, February 24). Collaborations in secondary science and math: Instructional connections in chemistry and algebra. [Conference session]. Mississippi Science Teachers Association Goes North Conference, Oxford, MS.
Mississippi Council of Teachers of Mathematics
November 10-11, 2023, Oxford, MS
Amidon, J., Winfun-Cook, C., & LaValley, B. (2023, November 10-11). Mississippi Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. [Conference session]. The Mississippi Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Gillentine, E. P. & Richardson, K. (2023, November 10-11). Modeling with fraction (cuisenaire) rods. [Conference session]. The Mississippi Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Harris, A. (2023, November 10-11). Let’s collaborate! [Conference session]. The Mississippi Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
James, J. & LaValley, B. (2023, November 10-11). It’s more than just fast and accurate: Understanding the components of fluency. [Conference session]. The Mississippi Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
LaValley, B. & James. J. (2023, November 10-11). Understanding data distributions with Shaq’s cube draw task. [Conference session]. The Mississippi Council of Teacher of Mathematics Annual Meeting, Oxford, MS.
Mathematics Specialist Conference
October 29, 2021, Oxford, MS
James, J. (2021, October 29). Building on students’ strengths to meet their mathematical learning needs [Conference session]. Mathematics Specialist Conference, Oxford, MS.
Kelly, K, & Moore, N. (2021, October 29). Integrating force and motion with math concepts across grade levels in the elementary classroom [Conference session]. Mathematics Specialist Conference, Oxford, MS.
Steimle, A. & James, J. (2021, October 29). Sharing our collective knowledge [Plenary session]. Mathematics Specialist Conference, Oxford, MS.
Watson, S.A. & LaValley, B.F. (2021, October 29). Finding the balance: Incorporating mathematical skills in secondary physical sciences [Conference session]. Mathematics Specialist Conference, Oxford, MS.