Green Initiatives
Dedicated to sustainability, implementing green initiatives that reduce environmental impact and enhance campus beauty.
Promoting Sustainability with the Ole Miss Landscape Green Initiative
The Ole Miss Landscape Green Initiative is an effort aimed at promoting sustainability, reducing environmental impact, and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. Through a combination of education, awareness, and action, this initiative seeks to integrate sustainable practices into every aspect of university life, from energy conservation and waste reduction.
Facts & Figures
Taking the Initiative

Campus Growth
Landscape Services collaborates with Facilities Planning on future campus projects. When landscaping plants are in the area of growth, Landscape Services will proactively determine a new area to relocate those plants if possible.

At Ole Miss, every effort is made to preserve trees on campus. If relocation is not viable, the tree may be repurposed into wood products such as frames or tables, or converted into hardwood mulch.

To maintain the campus’s appearance, the Landscape Services team removes leaves from parking lots and shrub beds. Over 90% of the leaves are then mulched using mowers, and any leaves that cannot be mulched are taken off-campus to a natural waste site for recycling.

John Deere Propane Mower
Landscape Services at Ole Miss has integrated two John Deere Zero-Turn Propane Mowers alongside our standard fleet. These mowers are EPA-certified, engineered to reduce carbon emissions, minimize fuel system maintenance, and lower fuel costs by up to 30%. Additionally, propane is widely accessible, with over 88% of the propane used in the U.S. sourced domestically.

Rain Sensor
We utilize automated rain sensors to efficiently manage the campus irrigation system. Over 100 control clocks are equipped with sensors that automatically deactivate the irrigation when it rains. This automated approach is an environmentally-friendly solution that helps maintain the beauty of the Ole Miss campus.

Water Barrel
We initiated sustainability efforts with the creation of a rain barrel designed to collect rainwater for use around campus. This system captures 50 gallons or more of free water each day. This water is then used to irrigate the campus landscape, reducing water costs during the summer. The 30-gallon barrel features a system of tubes that channel the condensation from the air conditioning unit to a faucet, where it is directed into the barrel.