Journal of Experimental Criminology

The premier source for high-quality experimental and quasi-experimental research in criminology and criminal justice.

About the Journal of Experimental Criminology

The Journal of Experimental Criminology is committed to the advancement of the science of systematic reviews and experimental methods in criminology and criminal justice.

The journal seeks empirical papers on experimental and quasi-experimental studies, systematic reviews on substantive criminological and criminal justice issues, and methodological papers on experimentation and systematic review.

We encourage submissions from scholars in the broad array of scientific disciplines that are concerned with criminology as well as crime and justice problems.

The Journal of Experimental Criminology is published four times a year by Springer publishing. 


Meet our Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor

Wes Jennings

Wes Jennings

  • Chair and Professor of Criminal Justice & Legal Studies
Mason Myers

Mason Myers

  • Graduate Assistant