The primary purpose of BASE is to create opportunities for students to connect with our corporate partners in the areas of sales, supply chain management, and/or business analytics.

What's in it for corporate partners?

BASE partners get rich interaction with our best students, the opportunity to have input into our curriculum, and opportunities for professional development with our other industry partners. Top-notch talent in sales, supply chain, and business analytics is in high demand, and a bad hire can have significant costs to organizations based on compensation, training, and lost revenue. BASE offers employers a recruiting advantage to bring high-quality graduates into their organizations who are better prepared to succeed in their sales, analytics, and supply chain roles.

What's in it for students?

Through BASE programming students get rich interaction with industry leaders, professional skills development training, and networking opportunities with employers across multiple industries to help them find high-quality jobs in their chosen areas of emphasis when they graduate.

Current Programming

$5,000 for one student in each of the three areas of BASE (business analytics, sales, and supply chain)
Subsidize student PSE (sales and marketing fraternity) memberships ($100/student)
Student/employer networking, networking skills development, recruiting for jobs and internships
Full-time job and internship recruiting, student sales competition, and professional development workshop
Guest speakers in the classroom, one-on-one networking opportunities, partner involvement as clients in our consulting capstone class


BASE Fall Bootcamp (November 4–5)

BASE Executive Speakers Panel
Johnson Commons Ballroom
Monday, Nov. 4 at 4:15 p.m.
Employers and BASE Partners register here 
Student registration: COMING SOON
Student/Industry Networking Reception
(student attendees by invitation only)
Johnson Commons Ballroom
Monday, Nov. 4 at 6 p.m.
BASE Fall Board Meeting
Holman Hall 230 (School of Business Administration Executive Boardroom)
Tuesday, Nov. 5, 10 a.m.-noon
BASE Career and Networking Fair
Johnson Commons Ballroom
Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Employers and BASE Partners register here 
Student registration: COMING SOON


Connect with Us

Are you interested in learning more about BASE? Fill out the following form to receive additional information.

Meet the BASE Team

Are you interested in participating in employer-focused events? Send us an email and we'll add you to future lists.
Matthew Shaner

Matthew Shaner

  • Instructional Assistant Professor of Marketing
Barry Babin

Barry Babin

  • Chair of the Department of Marketing, Phil B. Hardin Chair and Professor of Marketing