Conference on the Civil War

Every two years, the center hosts a slate of emerging and established scholars of the Civil War era

speaker on a stage behind a podium facing a group of listeners

Attendees at the 2010 conference, "And the War Came," which marked the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's election and the secession crisis.


Call for Papers

2025 Conference on the Civil War/Porter Fortune Symposium:
New Directions in the Legal History of the Civil War Era
October 16-18, 2025

The Center for Civil War Research and the History Department at the University of Mississippi seek papers for the 2025 Conference on the Civil War, to be held October 16-18, 2025 in Oxford, Mississippi. 

The conference features a keynote address by Ariela Gross (UCLA) and a special roundtable with Cynthia Nicoletti (UVA),  Gautham Rao (American University), and Anne Twitty (Stanford University).

The mid-19th century saw a revolution not only in the written laws and constitutions that governed Americans, but in the ways in which Americans interacted with those laws and the people who administered them. The laws governing slavery and those emerging from it first tore the nation apart then posed significant challenges to its reconstruction. Americans likewise confronted severe legal questions as they prosecuted a cataclysmic conflict, one that brought the state and its armed forces into intimate contact with civilians of all stripes. Meanwhile, the changing ways in which Americans worked, moved, and understood their place in the world required fundamental reconsiderations of their relationships to government, capital, and one another–all of which necessarily involved the law. 

This conference seeks to build on the work of historians who have begun critical re-evaluations of the legal history of the Civil War era. Papers may represent traditional legal histories, as well as military, social, and cultural histories demonstrating Americans’ encounters with the law. We welcome individual papers or full panel proposals exploring topics including, but not limited to: 

  • The law and slavery in the United States
  • Efforts at or movements for legal and constitutional reform
  • Women, gender, and the law
  • Legal and political culture
  • The laws of war
  • Labor, capital, and the law
  • The law and Reconstruction

 Interested participants should submit a paper title, 250-word abstract, and one-page CV to by Friday, June 6, 2025. Panel proposals should include a CV and abstract for each participant; a commenter and/or chair is not required. The Center for Civil War Research offers stipends to offset costs for presenters lacking institutional travel support.

The 2023 Conference on the Civil War 

The Passage of the Armies: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Enslaved in the Civil War and Reconstruction

A Porter Fortune Symposium in conjunction with the University of Mississippi Department of History

October 12-14, 2023

  • 1:30-2:30 Campus Tour on the History of Slavery at the University (meet at Lyceum steps facing the Circle)
  • 3:00-4:15 Panel 1: Shifting Loyalties (Butler Auditorium, Triplett Alumni Center)
  • 4:30-6:00 Special Roundtable: New Directions in the History of Civil War Civilian-Military Interactions [Amy Murrell Taylor (University of Kentucky), Andrew Lang (Mississippi State), Barton Myers (Washington and Lee)] (Butler Auditorium)
  • 6:30-8:00: Welcome Reception (Farrington Gallery, Bryant Hall)


  • 9:00-10:30 Panel 2: Reconstruction (Butler Auditorium, Triplett Alumni Center)
  • 10:45-12:00 Panel 3: Confronting Freedom (Butler Auditorium)
  • 2:45-4:00 Panel 4: Soldiers and Civilians (Butler Auditorium)
  • 5:00 Keynote Address: "The Union Army and the Limits of Presidential Power in the Civil War" (William Blair, Penn State) (Auditorium 124, Student Union)

  • 9:00-10:15 Panel 5: Wartime Emancipation (Butler Auditorium, Triplett Alumni Center)
  • 10:30-12:00 Panel 6: Imagined Futures (Butler Auditorium)

Conference Highlights

Three people sitting at a table with sign behind them reading: "The Center for Civil War Research"

2015 Conference

Panelists at the 2015 conference, "Gender, Memory, and War in the Anglo-American World," which commemorated the 150th, 100th, and 75th anniversaries of the American Civil War, the First World War and the Second World War.

Three men on stage; one standing behind podium and two sitting at a table

2010 Conference

Dr. John Neff introduces a panel at the 2010 conference, which commemorated the 150th anniversary of the election of Abraham Lincoln and the secession crisis.

Man at podium with arms outstretched

2012 Conference

A speaker delivers a paper at the 2012 conference, "The War at Home: Civilian Life During the American Civil War."

UM Graduate Students and Faculty at 2023 Conference

Graduate students Brianna Taylor and Julian Flesch stand with Dr. April Holm and Dr. Robert Colby at the 2023 conference.

Conference participants at restaurant

2023 Conference

Speakers at the 2023 conference, "The Passage of the Armies: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Enslaved in the Civil War and Reconstruction," enjoy a dinner at Taylor Grocery.

woman speaking at podium

2015 Conference

A speaker presents at the 2015 conference, "Gender, Memory, and War in the Anglo-American World," which commemorated the 150th, 100th, and 75th anniversaries of the American Civil War, the First World War and the Second World War.

a man stands behind a podium and reads from a paper

2016 Conference

Edward Valentin, Jr. presents a paper at the 2016 conference, "A Just and Lasting Peace: Reconstruction and the making of postwar America."

a man stands behind a podium and gestures while speaking

Conference 2014

Dr. Charles Ross delivers the keynote address at the 2014 conference, "Science, Medicine, and Technology in the Civil War."

Past Conference Topics and Dates

The Passage of the Armies: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Enslaved in the Civil War and Reconstruction
October 12-14, 2023

Crossroads of Memory: A Conference Honoring the Life and Work of John Neff
October 29 & 30, 2021

Borders, Boundaries, and Lines in the Civil War 
September 29 & 30, 2017

A Just and Lasting Peace: Reconstruction and the Making of Postwar America
A Porter Fortune Symposium
October 7 & 8, 2016

Gender, Memory, and War in the Anglo-American World
Commemorating the 150th, 100th, and 75th Anniversaries of the U.S. Civil War, the First World War, and the Second World War (in conjunction with WAR-Net)
October 1-3, 2015

Science, Medicine, and Technology in the Civil War
October 9 & 10, 2014

This Terrible War: Marking the 150th Anniversary of the American Civil War
A Porter Fortune Symposium
October 3-5, 2013

The War at Home: Civilian Life During the American Civil War
October 19 & 20, 2012

And the War Came: The 150th Anniversary of the Secession Crisis
A Porter Fortune Symposium
October 13-15, 2010

Civil War Leadership
October 30 & 31, 2009

The Experience of Combat
May 18 & 19, 2007

Understanding the African-American Civil War Experience
May 19 & 20, 2006

Remembering America's Civil War
May 27 & 28, 2005

For more information on past conferences, visit our eGrove repository.

Center for Civil War Research logo. Features a distressed illustration of side view of a civil war era cannon.