Health Professions

Leading the way to better health and better lives

illustration of a human form with medical symbols swirling around it

Exploring Health Professions

The Health Professions Advising Office will guide you towards your dream of becoming a health professional. Below are some introductory resources to begin your research into the health professions. In addition, the Explore Health Careers website provides information on a range of health professions.

Please note that the following programs are not advised by HPAO staff - dietetics/nutrition, exercise science, pharmacy, public health, and speech therapy. Learn more about those programs at UM.

There are two major pathways for entering a health profession.

Allied health programs include Dental Hygiene, Health Informatics and Information Management, Histotechnology, Medical Laboratory Science, Nursing, and Radiologic Sciences. Undergraduate students

  • complete prerequisite courses for admission to the professional school (~2 years);  
  • are enrolled in the Allied Health Studies major while at UM and may choose to complete that degree before going to professional school;
  • must complete a competitive application to professional school and be accepted; and
  • earn a baccalaureate degree in the health field from that professional school.

Professional programs include Dentistry, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Veterinary Medicine, and many others. Undergraduate students

  • complete a baccalaureate degree and prerequisite courses for admission to the professional school;
  • must complete a competitive application to professional school and be accepted; and
  • earn a masters or doctorate degree in the health field from that professional school.

Allied Health Studies

Students spend 2, 3, or 4 years (depending on the program) on the Oxford campus before applying to a competitive-entry professional program for the specialized coursework and training. These students will be enrolled in the Allied Health Studies major while at UM and can choose to complete the B.A. in Allied Health Studies before enrollment in the professional school program.