Analytical and Biophysical Chemistry Research Core

Glycoscience is an essential and rapidly emerging field of biomedical science, and the challenging nature of glycoscience research requires tools and expertise that are not commonly found in the biomedical research community. Moreover, the biomedical community is rapidly growing to appreciate the essential role of carbohydrates, with researchers outside of the self-identified “glycoscience” community finding themselves faced with addressing challenging questions in glycoscience as part of the course of their biomedical research. The focus of the Analytical and Biophysical Research Core is three-fold:

Targeted Analysis

GlyCORE offers targeted analysis of various kinds to help with both qualitative and quantitative analysis of both enriched compounds and selected compounds present in complex mixtures. GlyCORE supports many common analyses, including labeled and label-free quantification; analysis of carbohydrates to determine composition and structure; sequence analysis of proteins to determine mutations and/or post-translational modification; higher-order structure analysis of proteins to determine changes in topography or protein binding interfaces; and measuring protein-ligand complexes.

Discovery-Based Research

GlyCORE offers services in qualitative and differential quantitative glycomics, proteomics, and metabolomics to offer investigators system-level views of changes upon perturbation of their experimental system. Data analysis is available for proteomics via Byonic software. Data analysis for glycomics and metabolomics is supported using freely available academic software. Interfacing with GlyCORE’s Computational Chemistry and Bioinformatics Core is available to support more sophisticated data analysis needs.


GlyCORE offers training in proper sample preparation and handling to help ensure usable results. Training and consultation are performed on an individual basis, as well as group workshops.

For inquiries, contact our Core Manager, Dr. Sandeep Misra (

Meet the Core

Joshua Sharp

Joshua Sharp

  • Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Research Associate Professor in Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Sandeep Misra

Sandeep Misra

  • Research Scientist
Anter Shami

Anter Shami

  • Senior R&D Chemist