Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence
GlyCORE supports investigators in glycoscience through direct funding of selected research projects, establishes mentors for early career investigators, supports the recruitment of new faculty in glycoscience, and develops local and regional meetings for investigators to discuss their work.
What is Glycoscience?
Carbohydrates are one of the four major classes of biomolecules and play a central role in almost all biological systems, from their central role in energy metabolism to roles in cell-cell communication and protein regulation that we are only beginning to understand.
Sustained and impactful innovation in glycoscience requires a concentration of both specific core research capabilities as well as expertise in the chemistry, biochemistry, and cellular biology of carbohydrates and carbohydrate conjugates. The University of Mississippi hosts accomplished faculty in glycoscience in a wide variety of disciplines, including glycoside natural products isolation and characterization, glycan analysis, protein-carbohydrate interactions, and physiological responses to protein glycation. Additionally, we have reached a critical concentration at the University of Mississippi of faculty members whose interests intersect with glycoscience from a variety of disciplines. This confluence has presented an opportunity to nurture these interests and develop a core of expertise necessary for the long-term development of institutional excellence in glycoscience, leveraging our unique history and resources in natural products.
Recognizing the opportunity to contribute to the future of glycoscience research, The University of Mississippi has established the Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence (GlyCORE), a new University-wide NIH COBRE Phase 1 center to study how carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing molecules affect human health. GlyCORE supports investigators in glycoscience through direct funding of selected research projects, establishes mentors for early career investigators, supports the recruitment of new faculty in glycoscience, and develops local and regional meetings for investigators to discuss their work. GlyCORE also hosts three central Research Cores to support these investigators with cutting-edge biomedical research tools. Our goal to lower the barriers to entry to glycoscience for researchers across the spectrum of biomedical research is what makes GlyCORE innovative; we do not solely serve the dedicated glycoscience community but rather develop the infrastructure and dedicated expertise necessary to support glycoscience research from a diverse community.
In addition to our primary goal of serving The University of Mississippi, GlyCORE seeks to develop, support, and foster glycoscience throughout the Mid-South region (including Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri). We encourage students, faculty, and scientists in the region to contact us regarding potential collaborations, participation in seminars and lecture series, and any other ways in which we can help support and promote glycoscience research at your institution.
Upcoming Events
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2025 Mid-South Glycoscience Meeting
Thursday, June 5, 2025
Thad Cochran Research Center
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, Prof. Josh Sharp, the investigators, and the Core Directors of the Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence, I look forward to welcoming you to the annual Mid-South Glycoscience Meeting at the University of Mississippi, scheduled for Thursday, June 5, 2025, in Oxford, Mississippi. This conference will offer both in-person and virtual attendance options.
The Mid-South Glycoscience Meeting is intended to bring together glycoscientists from across the region to share their work, learn more about our broad and rapidly growing field, and start new ties and collaborations across disciplines. The Mid-South Glycoscience Meeting features research from investigators across our region and brings exciting scientists from across the country to share their work and insights. This meeting is hosted and sponsored by the Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence (GlyCORE), the region’s only dedicated glycoscience research center. Established in 2020, GlyCORE houses staffed Research Cores with specialized instrumentation to support our group of glycoscience investigators at the University of Mississippi and glycoscientists across the Mid-South region.
The Organizing Committee intends for the Mid-South Glycoscience Meeting to be a collegial and welcoming event that supports existing glycoscientists across the region and serves as a useful introduction to the field for researchers and trainees. This year’s program will include researchers from many facets of glycoscience, from synthetic chemistry and glycomaterials to glycobiology.
We hope you find this year's program exciting, and we look forward to welcoming you in person or virtually to the Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence on the beautiful University of Mississippi campus.
Thomas Werfel, Associate Director
Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence (GlyCORE)
Registration Link:
Call for Proposals
GlyCORE supports four concurrent Junior Investigator Projects of $150,000/year of direct costs for three years and two Pilot Project Program Awards of $100,000/year of direct costs for one year. The awards include four mechanisms of support: financial support of the research program, highest priority access to subsidized Research Cores, a required mentorship program, and research dissemination opportunities.
Research Project Leaders must hold a tenure-track faculty appointment (or equivalent at research institutes); however, established investigators who are making significant changes in their research to include glycoscience are also eligible to apply.
The next scheduled Call for Proposals will begin in the Spring of 2025.
Pilot Project Program
A key facet of the COBRE mechanism in Phase 1 of the Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence (GlyCORE) is the support of Early Career Investigators (ECIs) as they seek to develop research programs that can compete nationally for NIH independent funding. In response, GlyCORE will fund four total two-year projects (two in Years 2 and 3, two more in Years 4 and 5) with $ 50,000 of direct cost support per year. Proposed research must fall within the field of glycoscience.
All University of Mississippi investigators with research within the field of glycoscience, but not currently funded by GlyCORE, are eligible for the PPP award. However, preference will be given to those eligible for Junior Investigator status under COBRE guidelines.
PPP awardees will be selected by a competitive process. Following a Call for Proposals, a Letter of Intent containing a draft of the Specific Aims page must be submitted.
- Initial screening will ensure research falls within the field of glycoscience
- All remaining candidates will submit an NIH R21-style proposal
- NIH R21-style proposals will be scored by the Internal Advisory Committee based on the NIH rubric
- Three PPP finalists and the scoring reports will be evaluated by the External Advisory Committee for final selection based on scientific merit and the PPP's ability to forward the strategic goals of GlyCORE
- Awards will be granted pending NIGMS approval
Glycoscience Student Advocates
Glycoscience Student Advocates (GSA) is comprised of graduate and undergraduate students interested in or conducting glycoscience-related research at The University of Mississippi. GSA strives to promote the field of glycoscience by encouraging the research, education, and training of interdisciplinary glycoscience trainees, as well as hosting seminars and knowledgeable speakers during monthly meetings. To request an invitation to join the GSA, don't hesitate to get in touch with Mario Djugovski at
Marwa Farrag, President
Tahir Ali, Vice President
Shailaja Pokharel, Secretary
Shiva Akhlaghi, Treasurer
Ousman Boye, Event Manager
Article I – Name
- Section 1 – The name of this student organization shall be: Glycoscience Student Advocates
- Section 2 – The abbreviated name or acronym for this student organization shall be GSA. The remainder of the constitution will use GSA and Glycoscience Student Advocates interchangeably
Article II – Purpose/Mission Statement
- Section 1 – The purpose of this student organization is to provide opportunities to promote glycoscience knowledge by encouraging the research, education, and training of interdisciplinary glycoscience trainees.
- Section 2 – Glycoscience Student Advocates shall abide by all university policies and procedures.
Article IV – Membership
- Section 1 – The University of Mississippi students must comprise 100% of the student organization’s membership.
- Section 2 – Members of GSA must be undergraduate or graduate students who are interested or conducting glycoscience related research within The University of Mississippi.
- Section 3 – Glycoscience Student Advocates at The University of Mississippi complies with all applicable laws regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action and does not unlawfully discriminate against any applicant for membership based upon race, color, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, citizenship, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or genetic information.
Article V – Officers/Executive Board
- Section 1 – The officers of GSA shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Event Manager.
- Section 2 – A President is limited to serving a maximum of one term. Officers can re-run for any position. All officer positions are open to all University of Mississippi students.
- Section 3 –The term length of each position starts May 1st and ends April 30th.
- Section 4 – In the event that >50% of the Officers and the GSA Faculty/Staff Advisor deem a current Officer unfit for service, that officer will be formally notified by email or written notice and relieved from service.
- Section 5 – No reports from officers to the membership will be required.
Article VI – Elections
- Section 1 – Election of officers shall be held in the month of April. The current president of GSA will oversee elections, announce the candidates and the results.
- Section 2 – Elections will be held via an online poll, using anonymous ballots. In the event that two candidates have equal support after the initial election, then a runoff election will be held between the tied candidates. In the event of a tie during the runoff, currently elected officers and the departmental advisor will decide.
- Section 3 – In the event that no candidates run for a position, or a vacancy within GSA arises, the current GSA President will appoint a candidate, which must be approved by the GSA Faculty/Staff Advisor.
Article VII – Meetings
- Section 1 – Regular meetings of this student organization shall be held every month. All officers have the authority to call a meeting, if necessary.
- Section 2 – Quorum shall consist of half of the voting members. [A quorum is defined as the number or percentage of the total membership that must be present at a meeting.]
- Section 3 – Robert’s Rules of Order shall not apply to GSA meetings.
Article VIII– Advisors
- Section 1 – At least one full-time faculty or staff member from The University of Mississippi must serve as an advisor to the student organization.
- Section 2 – The GSA Faculty/Staff Advisor will be any faculty or staff member within the glycoscience interdisciplinary.
- Section 3 – Responsibilities of the Advisor Role include:
- Facilitating effective communication between GSA Leadership, glycoscience community, and University Administrators to fulfill the GSA Mission Statement.
- Meeting with the President of GSA to authorize GSA finances and Officer Elections
Article X – Finances (if applicable)
- Section 1 – Membership in GSA shall not require any dues.
- Section 2 – The primary source of funding for GSA is the Glycoscience Center of Research Excellence (GlyCORE) at The University of Mississippi. The GSA Faculty/Staff Advisor will authorize ALL spending on behalf of GSA.
- Section 3 – Only the GSA Treasurer and President are authorized to spend money on behalf of GSA, following approval from the GSA Faculty/Staff Advisor. In the event that another officer needs access to funds, written permission must be granted by either the Treasurer or the President, or Faculty/Staff Advisor.
- Section 4 – The outgoing Treasurer will arrange a meeting with the incoming Treasurer to explain financial processes and systems.
Article XI – Constitutional Amendments
- Section 1 – The GSA constitution may be amended by a vote of 80% of GSA members. Amendments must be proposed one meeting in advance (4 weeks). Changes are effective immediately upon their passage and it may take place at any meeting. Every time a student organization’s constitution is amended, a revised copy must be e-mailed to the Assistant Dean of Students for Leadership and Involvement.
Article XII – Bylaws
- Section 1 – All GSA members will always conduct themselves as professionals and representatives of GSA, both on and off campus and on social media. Actions of GSA members, including officers, deemed incongruent with the GSA Constitution or Mission Statement are subject to disciplinary actions.
Article XIII – Hazing Statement
- Section 1 – GSA agrees to abide by the University and Office of General Counsel Hazing Policy, which states: “The University of Mississippi prohibits hazing in any form. According to the National Fraternity Executive’s Association and Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group, hazing is: any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shock; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, or any other such activities carried on outside the confines of the house; publicly wearing apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities that are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual, or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.”
Article XIIV – Dissolution Clause
- Section 1 – GSA will be effectively dissolved when there are fewer than two Officers elected to fulfill the positions of President and Treasurer.
- Section 2 – Money obtained from the Associated Student Body will be returned to ASB and shall be added to allocations designated for Registered Student Organizations.
- Section 3 – GSA will hold no outstanding debts with organizations other than ASB.
GlyCORE Trainee Travel Awards
GlyCORE will make available limited funding for trainees who are attending and presenting their research at a glycoscience conference. The award will provide up to $1,000 for allowable travel expenses, and the trainee is limited to one award per budget year.
For more information and to apply for an award, please use the following link:
External Advisory Committee
Dr. Kelley Moremen
Chair of External Advisory Committee
University of Georgia
Distinguished Research Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Member of Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
Dr. Umesh R. Desai
Virginia Commonwealth University
Alfred and Frances Burger, Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
Director, Institute for Structural Biology, Drug Discovery and Development (ISB3D)
Dr. Steven D. Townsend
Vanderbilt University
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Dr. Sylvie Garneau-Tsodikova
University of Kentucky
Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Dr. Linda Hsieh-Wilson
California Institute of Technology
Arthur and Marian Hanisch Memorial Professor of Chemistry
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Glycoscience Links
- ACS Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry
- American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Functional Glycomics Gateway
- GlycoNet
- Gordon Research Conferences
- National Institutes of Health – Common Fund Glycoscience Program
- NIH Grants and Funding – All About Grants Podcasts
- NIH News and Events
- NIH YouTube Channel
- NSF Events
- Society for Glycobiology