Youth Protection

Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for minors who participate in activities and other events held on campus or that are affiliated with the University.

Children in costume line up on the stage at the Ford Center Youth Music Theatre Workshop

Protection of Minors Participating in Youth Programs Policy

This policy provides the standard for providing a safe and secure environment for minors who participate in programs, events, camps, clinics, workshops, or other activities held at, sponsored by, or affiliated with the University. Understanding these guidelines is essential for everyone involved in youth programs, including university employees, students, and volunteers.

Grey Young

Meet Our Compliance Specialist for Programs Serving Minors

Grey Young

Compliance Specialist

Register Your Program

Youth Programs must register with the EORC 60 days before the start date, naming a Program Director and Contact. Annual re-registration is required, with background checks and training completed 14 days prior. Missing deadlines may lead to program delay, suspension, or cancellation.

Protection of Minors

To ensure appropriate protection of minors who are on campus or involved in university-sponsored programs, follow these helpful tips:

  • Do NOT have one-on-one contact with minors.
  • If you suspect that a minor has been abused or neglected, state law requires that you call the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services and University Police Department immediately.
    • It is YOUR DUTY to report anything that gives rise to concern for the health or safety of a minor.

If you witness something concerning, contact:

Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services

24/7 Child Abuse Hotline


University Police and Campus Safety


662-915-4911  Emergency

662-915-7234  Non-Emergency

Interim Title IX Coordinator

Marissa Watson


Youth Protection Specialist

Grey Young
