Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for Aas 326African American History since 1865

School Course Name UM Credits
Colorado State University (C001350)
ETCC 251 — Africn-Americn Hist Since 1865 3.00
Jackson State University (C002410)
HIST 361 — Blacks in American History II 3.00
LeMoyne-Owen College (C003501)
HIST 222 — Af-Amer History II 3.00
Minneapolis Community College (C002362)
HIST 1310 — African American Hist 2 3.00
Mississippi State University (C002423)
AAS 3023 — African American History since 1865 3.00
HI 3023 — African American History since 1865 3.00
Monroe Community College (C002872)
HIS 104 — Blk Am His II 3.00
Peralta Commmunity College District (Z201390)
AFRAM 31 — Af-Am Hist 1865-1945 3.00
San Diego City College (C008895)
BLAS 140B — Hist U.S./Black Perspectives 3.00
Temple University (C003371)
AAS C068 — Afro Am Hist Since 1900 3.00
University of Massachusetts at Amherst (C002221)
AFROAM 133 — Reconstrctn-1954 3.00
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441)
HIS 374 — African Am History Survey, Since 1890 3.00
Xavier University of Louisiana (C002032)
AFAM 3360 — African American History II 3.00