Transfer Equivalencies
Use this page to look up which courses will transfer from other schools and universities to the University of Mississippi.
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Equivalencies for Astr 101 – Descriptive Astronomy
School | |
School Course Name | UM Credits |
Abilene Christian University (C003537) | |
PHYS 101 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
American Public University System (C038193) | |
SCIN 134 — Introduction to Astronomy w/ Lab | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Anne Arundel Community College (C002058) | |
AST 101 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Auburn University Main Campus (C001009) | |
PHYS 1150 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Augusta University (C001552) | |
ASTR 1000 — Intro to the Universe | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Austin Community College (C012015) | |
AST 1613 — Stellar Astronomy | 3.00 |
ASTR 1303 — Stellar Astron | 3.00 |
PHYS 1312 — Solar System Astronomy | 3.00 |
Ball State University (C001786) | |
ASTR 100 — Intro Astro: Sol Sys and Bey | 3.00 |
ASTRO 100 — Mystery Sky | 3.00 |
Brookdale Community College (C008404) | |
PHYS 106 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
California State University-Sacramento (C001150) | |
ASTR 004 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Cape Fear Community College (C005320) | |
AST 111 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Citrus College (C001166) | |
ESCI 111 — Planetary Astronomy | 3.00 |
Coastline Community College (C020635) | |
ASTR C100 — Introduction/Astronomy | 3.00 |
College of Charleston (C003428) | |
ASTR 129 — Astronomy I | 3.00 |
PHYS 129 — Astronomy I | 3.00 |
College of Du Page (C006656) | |
EARTH 1120 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
College of Lake County (C007694) | |
ESC 141 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
College of Marin (Z000545) | |
ASTR 101 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
College of San Mateo (C001181) | |
ASTR 100 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Columbus State University (C001561) | |
ASTR 1105 — Desc Astronomy with Lab | 3.00 |
County College of Morris (C007729) | |
SCI 118 — General Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Cuny Queensborough Community College (C002697) | |
PH 110 — Prin Ast & Space | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Cuyahoga Community College District (C008797) | |
PHYS 1010 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Delaware County Community College (C007110) | |
ESS 105 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Delgado Community College (C004626) | |
SCIE 111 — Astronomy/The Solar System | 3.00 |
SCIE 112 — Astronomy/Stars and Galaxies | 3.00 |
East Carolina University (C002923) | |
PHYS 1080 — Physics and the Universe | 3.00 |
Eastern Florida State College (C001470) | |
AST 1002 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
El Camino College (C001197) | |
ASTRON 10 — Stellar Astronomy | 3.00 |
ASTRON 11 — Elementary Astronomy | 3.00 |
ASTRON 10 — Stellar Astronomy | 3.00 |
ASTRON 11 — Elementary Astronomy | 3.00 |
Emory University (C001564) | |
PHYS 115 — Intro Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Florida Atlantic University (C001481) | |
AST 2002 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Gavilan College (C001202) | |
ASTR 1 — Intro Gen Astronomy | 3.00 |
George Mason University (C003749) | |
ASTR 103 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Georgia Highlands College (C009507) | |
ASTR 1000 — Intro to the Universe | 3.00 |
Georgia Perimeter College (C001562) | |
ASTR 1010 — Astronomy Of The Solar System | 3.00 |
ASTR 1401 — Introductory Astronomy I | 3.00 |
ASTR 1411 — Introductory Astronomy I | 3.00 |
Georgia State University (C001574) | |
ASTR 1000 — Introduction to the Universe | 3.00 |
Golden West College (C001206) | |
ASTR G100 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Guilford Technical Community College (C004838) | |
AST 111 — Descriptive Astronomy I | 3.00 |
Heartland Community College (C030838) | |
ASTR 121 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Hendrix College (C001099) | |
PHYS 160 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Hopkinsville Community College (C001994) | |
AST 101 — Frontiers of Astronomy | 3.00 |
Houston Community College System (C010633) | |
GEOL 1346 — Introduction To Astronomy | 3.00 |
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (C009136) | |
PSC 1111 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Illinois Wesleyan University (C001696) | |
PHYS 110 — Fundamental Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Indiana University-Bloomington (C001809) | |
AST-A 105 — Star and Galaxies | 3.00 |
AST-A 105 — Stars and Galaxies | 3.00 |
Irvine Valley College (C029477) | |
ASTR 20 — General Astronomy | 3.00 |
Jefferson College (C007102) | |
PHY 106 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
3.00 | |
1.00 | |
1.00 | |
1.00 | |
1.00 | |
Kansas City Kansas Community College (C001925) | |
NASC 107 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Lake Land College (C007644) | |
PHY 115 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
PHYS 115 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Lincoln Land Community College (C007170) | |
AST 101 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Lindenwood College (C002480) | |
ESC 13000 — Introductory Astronomy | 3.00 |
Louisiana State University-Shreveport (C002013) | |
ASTR 105 — The Solar System | 3.00 |
Louisiana Tech University (C002008) | |
PHYS 220 — Astronomy - The Solar System | 3.00 |
Madison Area Technical College (Z005130) | |
20806243 — Sur Of Astronomy | 3.00 |
2.00 | |
Manchester Community College (C001392) | |
AST 101 — Principles of Astronomy | 3.00 |
Massachusetts Bay Community College (C002171) | |
EV 120 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Metropolitan Community College -Nebraska (C004432) | |
SCIE 1300 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
0.01 | |
Milwaukee Area Technical College (C003866) | |
NATSCI 225 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Mineral Area College (C002486) | |
PHS 1200 — Intro Astronomy | 3.00 |
Mississippi College (C002415) | |
PHY 216 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999) | |
PHY 1113 — Introduction To Astronomy | 3.00 |
Mississippi State University (C002423) | |
PH 1063 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Mississippi University for Women (C002422) | |
PS 106 — Introductory Astronomy | 3.00 |
Missouri State University (C002503) | |
AST 113 — Modern Astronomy | 3.00 |
Monmouth University (C002616) | |
PH 150 — Principles of Astronomy | 3.00 |
Montana State University - Billings (C002530) | |
ASTR 110 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Montana State University-Bozeman (C002532) | |
ASTR 110N — Intro to Astronomy: Mysteries | 3.00 |
Montgomery County Community College (C004452) | |
AST 120 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Murray State University (C001977) | |
AST 115 — Introductory Astronomy | 3.00 |
AST 199 — Intro Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Napa Valley College (C001247) | |
ASTR 110 — Descriptive Astr | 3.00 |
Northern Illinois University (C001737) | |
PHYS 162 — Elementary Astronomy | 3.00 |
Northern Oklahoma College (C003162) | |
ASTR 1014 — Astronomy I | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Northern Virginia Community College (C003727) | |
NAS 130 — Elemnts of Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
PHY 150 — Elements of Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Northwest Arkansas Community College (C000458) | |
ASTR 2004 — Survey of the Universe | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Northwest Florida State College (C001510) | |
AST 1002 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Oakton Community College (C009896) | |
PHY 115 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Ohio University Main Campus (C003100) | |
ASTR 1000 — Survey of Astronomy | 3.00 |
Polk Community College (C001514) | |
AST 1002 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Prairie State College (C001640) | |
ASTRO 200 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Rhodes College (C003519) | |
PHY 101 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
PHYS 101 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Rider University (C002628) | |
PHY 180 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Ridgewater College (C005252) | |
ESCI 0113 — Intro Astron | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Rio Hondo College (C001269) | |
ASTR 110 — General Astronomy | 3.00 |
Riverside City College (Z055516) | |
AST 1A — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Saddleback College (C008918) | |
ASTR 20 — General Astronomy | 3.00 |
Saint Louis Community College (C002471) | |
PSI 111 — Intro to Astronomy I | 3.00 |
Saint Louis University Main Campus (C002506) | |
PHYS 1130 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
San Diego City College (C008895) | |
ASTR 101 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
San Jose City College (C001282) | |
ASTRO 010 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Santa Barbara City College (C001285) | |
EARTH 101 — Intro to Astron | 3.00 |
Santa Fe College (C001519) | |
AST 1002 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Santa Monica College (C001286) | |
ASTRON 1A — Stellar Astron | 3.00 |
Savannah College of Art and Design (C015022) | |
ASTR 101 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Seattle Pacific University (C003788) | |
PHY 1135 — Astronomy: Individual & Univers | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Seminole State College of Florida (C001520) | |
AST 1002 — Intro To Astronomy | 3.00 |
Seton Hall University (C002632) | |
PHYS 1007 — Intro Astronomy | 3.00 |
Skyline College (C007713) | |
ASTR 100 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
South Florida Community College (C001522) | |
AST 1002 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
State Fair Community College (C008080) | |
EASC 120 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Tallahassee Community College (C001533) | |
AST 1002 — Intro Astronomy | 3.00 |
Texas A&M University (C003632) | |
ASTR 101 — Basic Astronomy | 3.00 |
PHYS 306 — Basic Astronomy | 3.00 |
The University of The South (C003534) | |
PHYS 149 — Survey of Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Trine University (C001839) | |
AST 203 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
Tulane University of Louisiana (C002029) | |
AST 100 — Descriptive | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
ASTR 101 — The Solar System | 3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Monticello (C001085) | |
ESCI 1033 — Elements of Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Central Florida (C003954) | |
AST 2002 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Colorado at Boulder (C001370) | |
ASTR 1110 — Gen Astronomy-Solar Sys | 3.00 |
University of Louisville (C001999) | |
PHYS 107 — Elementary Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Maine (C002053) | |
AST 109 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Maryland Global Campus (C011644) | |
ASTR 100 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Memphis (C003509) | |
PHYS 1020 — Survey Of Astronomy (4 hrs) | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
PHYS 1020 — Survey of Astronomy (3 hrs) | 3.00 |
University of Missouri-Columbia (C002516) | |
ASTRON 1 — Introduct to Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of Missouri-Saint Louis (C002519) | |
ASTRON 1001 — Cosmic Evol Intro Astron | 3.00 |
University of New Mexico Main Campus (C002663) | |
ASTR 101 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of New Orleans (C002015) | |
PHYS 1005 — Introductory Astronomy I | 3.00 |
PHYS 1008 — Introductory Astronomy Lab II | 1.00 |
University of North Texas (C003594) | |
PHYS 1060 — Stars & The Univ | 3.00 |
PHYS 1061 — Stellar Sys Observ | 1.00 |
University of Notre Dame (C001840) | |
PHYS 10140 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Phoenix (C014593) | |
SCI 151 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Rhode Island (C003414) | |
AST 108 — Intro. Astronomy: Stars & Galaxy | 3.00 |
University of San Diego (C010395) | |
PHYS 107 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of South Alabama (C001057) | |
PH 101 — Intro to Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of St Francis (IL) (C001664) | |
PSCI 104 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of Texas at Austin (C003658) | |
AST 301 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Toledo (C003131) | |
ASTR 1010 — Survey of Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Virginia Main Campus (C003745) | |
ASTR 1210 — Intro to the Sky and Solar System | 3.00 |
ASTR 1559 — Astronomy: Stonehenge to Hubble | 3.00 |
University of Washington (C003798) | |
ASTR 101 — DL-Astronomy | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
University of West Florida (C003955) | |
AST 3033 — Modern Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (C003899) | |
ENV SCI 141 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (C003896) | |
ASTRON 100 — Survey of Astronomy | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (C003924) | |
ASTR 311 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Utah State University (C003677) | |
PHYS 1040 — Intro Astronomy | 3.00 |
PHYS 3030 — The Universe | 3.00 |
Utah Valley State College (C004027) | |
ASTR 1010 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
ASTR 1040 — Elementary Astronomy | 3.00 |
Ventura College (C001334) | |
AST V01 — Elementary Astronomy | 3.00 |
Virginia Military Institute (C003753) | |
AT 170 — The Universe | 3.00 |
Walters State Community College (C008863) | |
ASTR 1030 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Washburn University of Topeka (C001949) | |
AS 101 — Intro to Astmy-Cosmology | 3.00 |
AS 102 — Intro to Astmy-Solar System | 3.00 |
Washington State University (C003800) | |
ASTRONOM 135 — Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Waubonsee Community College (C006931) | |
AST 100 — Introduction to Astronomy | 3.00 |
Wellesley College (C002224) | |
ASTR 100 — Life in the Universe | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Western Carolina University (C002981) | |
AST 101 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Western Kentucky University (C002002) | |
ASTR 108 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Western Michigan University (C002330) | |
PHYS 105 — Intrductory Astronomy | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Youngstown State University (C003145) | |
ASTR 1504 — Descriptive Astronomy | 3.00 |
Yuba College (C001344) | |
ASTRO 1 — Intro to Astro | 3.00 |