Transfer Equivalencies
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Equivalencies for CJ 415 – Forensic Science & Crime Scene Analysis
School | |
School Course Name | UM Credits |
Arapahoe Community College (C001346) | |
CRJ 231 — Intro to Forensic Sci and Criminalistics | 3.00 |
Arkansas Northeastern College (C012860) | |
CJ 25093 — Forensic Science | 3.00 |
Belhaven University (C002397) | |
SCI 211 — Forensic Science | 3.00 |
Colorado Mesa University (C001358) | |
PSYC 425 — Forensic Psychology | 3.00 |
Cumberland University (C003485) | |
CRJ 421 — Introduction to Forensic Science | 3.00 |
Delta State University (C002403) | |
CRJ 435 — Applied Criminalistics | 3.00 |
Diablo Valley College (C001191) | |
ADJUS 203 — Crime Scene Investigation | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Florida State University (C001489) | |
CJE 3762 — Forensic Science Investn | 3.00 |
Hampton University (C003714) | |
CRJ 409 — Criminalistics of Cybercrime | 3.00 |
Long Island University (C002751) | |
FSC 71 — Intduction to Criminal | 3.00 |
Miami-Dade Community College (C001506) | |
CHS 1522 — Forensic Science 1 | 3.00 |
Mississippi College (C002415) | |
AJU 431 — Special Issues in Forensic Science | 3.00 |
North Carolina State University-Raleigh (C002972) | |
PCC 274 — Introduction to Forensic Science | 3.00 |
Pasco-Hernando State College (C010652) | |
CJE 1640 — Criminalistics | 3.00 |
CJE 1645 — Intro Foren Scienc | 3.00 |
Pennsylvania State University (C003329) | |
FRNSC 100 — Intro for Sci | 3.00 |
Rio Salado Community College (C021775) | |
FOR 105 — Forens Sci: Phys Evidence | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Sam Houston State University (C003606) | |
CRIJ 3366 — Forensic Science | 3.00 |
Texas A&M University (C003632) | |
FIVS 205 — Intro Forensic & Inv Sc | 3.00 |
University of Illinois at Springfield (C009333) | |
CHE 131 — Introduction to Forensic Science | 3.00 |
University of Memphis (C003509) | |
CJU 4160 — Street Law | 3.00 |
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus (C002589) | |
JUST 405 — Technology, Crime & Society | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of Phoenix (C014593) | |
CJS 215 — Introduction to Forensics | 3.00 |
University of South Alabama (C001057) | |
CJ 223 — Intro to Forensic Science | 3.00 |
Virginia Commonwealth University (C003735) | |
CRJS 425 — Violent Crime Scene Investgtn | 3.00 |
Warren Community College Commission (C025039) | |
CRJ 107 — Forensic Science | 3.00 |
1.00 |