Transfer Equivalencies

Use this page to look up which courses will transfer from other schools and universities to the University of Mississippi.
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Equivalencies for Coun 333Psychology of Human Growth and Developme

School Course Name UM Credits Equivalency Validity
Armstrong State University (C001546)
CEUG 1010 — Human Growth & Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Austin Community College (C012015)
PSY 1653 — Hum Growth Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Belhaven University (C002397)
PSYCH 213 — Human Growth & Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Delta State University (C002403)
CEL 256 — Child Study 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Drury University (C002461)
EDUC 207 — Psyc Of Human Growth & Devel 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
East Mississippi Community College (C002405)
EDU 143 — Human Growth & Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Harding University (C010311)
EDFD 203 — Child And Adolescent Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EDUC 203 — Hum Gro and Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Holmes Community College (C002408)
EPY 2233 — Child Psychology 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Itawamba Community College (C002409)
ED 243 — Child Growth & Develop 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Jackson State University (C002410)
COUN 315 — Human Growth & Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EDPY 3055 — Human Growth Devel 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
GUID 315 — Human Dev & Learning 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 304 — Child Psychology 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Jones County Junior College (C002411)
PHY 2533 — Human Growth & Devel 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Louisiana Tech University (C002008)
PSY 408 — Hum Growth & Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Mary Holmes College (C002412)
ECE 301 — Human Growth & Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
ED 234 — Human Growth and Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EPY 2513 — Child Psy (Hum Gro & Dev I) 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EPY 2533 — Human Growth and Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 05/12/2006
Meridian Community College (C002413)
EPY 120 — Human Growth & Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
FLV 120 — Hum Grow Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PLY 120 — Hum Gro Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Millsaps College (C002414)
EDUC 204 — Human Growth and Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Mississippi State University (C002423)
EPY 2513 — Human Growth and Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EPY 3143 — Human Dev & Learning Strategies in Educ 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Mississippi University for Women (C002422)
PCY 206 — Human Growth & Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 202 — Human Growth & Develop 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 206 — Human Growth And Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Mississippi Valley State University (C002424)
ED 302 — Psychology Of Learning & Human Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EDUC 302 — Human Growth & Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Pensacola State College (C001513)
DEP 2003 — Human Growth/Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 08/20/2005
Phillips Community College of Univ Ark (C001104)
PSY 223 — Human Growth And Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Rust College (C002433)
EDE 230 — Prin of Early Childhood 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 332 — "Human, Growth, Dev & Dive" 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Southeastern Louisiana University (C002024)
EPSY 303 — Child Psychology 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Tyler Junior College (C003648)
PSYC 2314 — Human Growth And Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of Maryland-College Park (C002103)
EDCP 220 — Intro Human Diversity 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of Memphis (C003509)
EDPR 3302 — Child And Adolescent Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
EDPS 2111 — Human Growth & Devel 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 3103 — Child Psychology 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSYC 3103 — Child Psychology 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of South Alabama (C001057)
EPY 251 — Human Growth and Development 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 350 — Child & Adolescent Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441)
EPY 370 — Human Growth & Dev I 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
PSY 370 — Child Psychology 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (C003529)
EDUC 203 — Hum Growth & Devel-Child 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of Tennessee-Martin (C003531)
CDFR 211 — Child Growth and Dev 3.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999