Transfer Equivalencies

Use this page to look up which courses will transfer from other schools and universities to the University of Mississippi.
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Equivalencies for Csci 256Programming in Python

School Course Name UM Credits
American Public University System (C038193)
ENTD 200 — Fundamentals of Programming 3.00
ENTD 220 — Introduction to Python 3.00
Belhaven University (C002397)
CSC 111 — Programming Fundam 3.00
Boston University (C002130)
CDSDS 110 — Intro to DS with Python 3.00
Bowling Green State University Main Camp (C003018)
CS 1010 — Intro to Python Programming 3.00
Bunker Hill Community College (C011210)
CSC 125 — Python Programming 3.00
Chapman College (C001164)
CPSC 230 — Computer Science I 3.00
Christian Brothers University (C003482)
CS 112 — Computers in Problem Solving 3.00
Columbus State University (C001561)
CPSC 1301K — Computer Science I 3.00
Delaware County Community College (C007110)
CS 102 — Intro to Python 3.00
Graceland College (C001866)
CSIT 1100 — Principles of Computing 3.00
Indian River State College (c001493)
COP 2000 — Intro Comp Prog 3.00
James Madison University (C003721)
CS 149 — Introduction to Programming 3.00
Maryville College - St Louis (C002482)
COSC 130 — Intro To Programming 3.00
Metropolitan Community College -Nebraska (C004432)
INFO 1003 — Intro to Computer Programmin 3.00
Northwest Mississippi Community College (C002427)
CSC 1614 — Comp Programming I 3.00
IST 1724 — Python Programming 3.00
Pennsylvania State Univ Harrisburg Capit (C006814)
CMPSC 131 — Prog & Comp I 3.00
Saint Edward's University (C003621)
COSC 1305 — Computational Skills I 3.00
Saint Petersburg College (C001528)
COP 100 — Intro to Computer Programming 3.00
Tougaloo College (C002439)
CSC 206 — Programming Basics 3.00
University of Alabama at Birmingham (C001052)
CS 103 — Introduction to CS in Python 3.00
University of Arizona Global Campus (C001881)
CPT 200 — Fundamentals of Programming Languages 3.00
University of Denver (C001371)
COMP 1351 — Introduction to Programming I 3.00
University of North Florida (C009841)
IDC 2000 — Beauty and Joy of Computing 3.00
West Texas A&M University (C003665)
CS 1337 — Intro OO Programming 3.00
Western Nebraska Community College (C002560)
INFO 1255 — Python 3.00