Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for EL 237Advanced Bowling

School Course Name UM Credits Equivalency Validity
Chadron State College (C002539)
HPER 213 — Bowling 1.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Middle Tennessee State University (C003510)
PHED 2250 — Intermediate Bowling 1.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Phillips Community College of Univ Ark (C001104)
PEAC 111 — Intermediate Bowling 1.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
Piedmont Virginia Community College (C009928)
PED 136 — Bowling II 1.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999
University of Florida (C001535)
PEL 2112 — Bowlilng 2 1.00 12/31/1949 - 12/31/9999