Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for Hst 180Intro to East Asian History

School Course Name UM Credits
Cabrillo College (C001124)
HIST-19B — Hist of Asia: China 3.00
Fort Lewis College (C001353)
HIST 171 — Survey East Asian Civ II 3.00
Fullerton College (C001201)
HIST 160A — Asia: Basic Heritage 3.00
George Mason University (C003749)
HIST 251 — Survey East Asian Civ 3.00
Hollins College (C003715)
HIST 115 — Asian History Survey I 3.00
James Madison University (C003721)
HIST 274 — Modern Asia 3.00
John A Logan College (C008076)
HIS 213 — Eastern Civilization 3.00
Johnson County Community College (C008244)
HIST 135 — Eastern Civilization 3.00
Knox College (C001704)
HIST 140 — Intro to East Asian Civilization 3.00
Lenoir-Rhyne College (C002941)
HIS 205 — Intro East Asian His 3.00
Metropolitan State College of Denver (C001360)
HIS 1250 — China Japan Korea since 1800 3.00
Mississippi State University (C002423)
HI 1323 — East Asian Civilizations Since 1300 3.00
Northern Virginia Community College (C003727)
HIS 254 — Hist Mod East Asian Civ 3.00
Saint Lawrence University (C002829)
HIST 106 — Modern East Asia 3.00
Saint Michael's College (C003694)
HI 143 — Modern East Asia 3.00
Shepherd College (C003822)
HIST 100 — Hist Civ: Asian Traditions 3.00
University of North Alabama (C001016)
HI 441 — East Asia since 1300 3.00
University of Portland (C003224)
HST 251 — Modern East Asia 3.00
University of Toledo (C003131)
HIST 1090 — East Asian from 1800 3.00