Transfer Equivalencies
Use this page to look up which courses will transfer from other schools and universities to the University of Mississippi.
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Equivalencies for LA 201 – Introduction to Law
School | |
School Course Name | UM Credits |
American Public University System (C038193) | |
LSTD 100 — Introduction to Law for Paralegals | 3.00 |
American University (C001434) | |
JLS 101 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Brightpoint Community College (C004004) | |
LGL 110 — Intro to Law & the Lgl Asst | 3.00 |
Clayton State University (C008976) | |
PARA 1101 — Introduction to Law & Ethics | 3.00 |
College of Southern Maryland (C002064) | |
PGL 1011 — Intro Paralegal Studies I | 3.00 |
Collin College (C023614) | |
LGLA 1307 — Intro to Law and Legal Professions | 3.00 |
Dallas College (C045001) | |
LGLA 1311 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
LGLA 1313 — Intro. to Paralegal Studies | 3.00 |
Delta State University (C002403) | |
PLS 300 — Introduction To Paralegalism And Law | 3.00 |
Edmonds Community College (C005001) | |
POLSC 200 — Intro to Law | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Erie Community College City Campus (C010684) | |
PA 101 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Faulkner University (C001003) | |
PL 1301 — Intro Paralegal Stud | 3.00 |
Florida SouthWestern State College (C001477) | |
PLA 1003 — Introduction to Paralegal Studies | 3.00 |
Hinds Community College (C002407) | |
LET 1113 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
LET 1113 — Legal Systems and Terminology | 3.00 |
LET 1123 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Holmes Community College (C002408) | |
LET 1113 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
LET 1123 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Illinois State University (C001692) | |
POL 201 — Intr to Law Paralegal | 3.00 |
Itawamba Community College (C002409) | |
LET 1113 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
LET 1123 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Ivy Tech Community College (C010037) | |
LEGS 101 — Intro to Legal Studies | 3.00 |
Johnson County Community College (C008244) | |
LAW 121 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Jones County Junior College (C002411) | |
LET 1113 — Legal Systems and Terminology | 3.00 |
LET 1123 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Liberty University (C010392) | |
PLST 200 — Intro to Paralegal Studies | 3.00 |
Lynn University (C001505) | |
DJCA 100 — Foundations of US Justice | 3.00 |
Massachusetts Bay Community College (C002171) | |
LA 230 — Law and Society | 3.00 |
Meridian Community College (C002413) | |
LET 1113 — Legal Systems/Terminology | 3.00 |
Miami University-Oxford Campus (C007104) | |
CJS 125 — Law and the Courts | 3.00 |
Mississippi College (C002415) | |
PLE 201 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999) | |
PLG 1113 — Introduction To Paralegal Studies | 3.00 |
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (C002417) | |
LET 1113 — Legal Systems and Terminology | 3.00 |
Mississippi University for Women (C002422) | |
PLG 101 — Introduction To The Legal Profession | 3.00 |
Monroe Community College (C002872) | |
LAW 101 — Fundamentals of the Law | 3.00 |
Morehead State University (C001976) | |
LGS 210 — Intro to Law & Ethics | 3.00 |
Nicholls State University (C002005) | |
LASS 101 — Intr to Legal Assistant Studie | 3.00 |
Northeast Mississippi Comm. College (C002426) | |
LET 1113 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
LET 1113 — Legal Systems and Terminology | 3.00 |
LET 1123 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
PLT 1303 — Intro to Legal Syste | 3.00 |
Northwest Mississippi Community College (C002427) | |
LET 1113 — Legal Systems and Terminology | 3.00 |
LET 1123 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
Nunez Community College (C015130) | |
PARL 1000 — Intro to Law and the Paralegal Professio | 3.00 |
Pasco-Hernando State College (C010652) | |
PLA 1003 — Intro Law Lgl Eth | 3.00 |
Pensacola State College (C001513) | |
PLA 1003 — Legal Profession | 3.00 |
Phillips Junior College -Springfield, MO (C022506) | |
PLE 1114 — Intro to Law I | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Purdue University Global (C004586) | |
LS 100 — Intro to the Law and Legal Prof | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Roger Williams College (C004917) | |
LS 101 — The American Legal System | 3.00 |
Saint John's University (MN) (C002379) | |
LES 1100 — Intro to Legal Studies | 3.00 |
Saint John's University New York (C002823) | |
LES 1100 — Intro to Legal Studies | 3.00 |
Saint Leo University (C001526) | |
POL 123 — Introduction to Law and the Legal System | 3.00 |
Saint Petersburg College (C001528) | |
PLA 1003 — Intro to Legal Assistantship | 3.00 |
San Antonio College (C009163) | |
LA 1301 — Intro Law/Legal Process | 3.00 |
Santa Fe College (C001519) | |
PLA 1003 — Int Legal Tech | 3.00 |
Southeastern University (FL) (C001521) | |
PLAW 3003 — Legal Term and Litigation Proc | 3.00 |
Southern New Hampshire University (C002580) | |
JUS 261 — Judicial Administration | 3.00 |
Southwest Tennessee Community College (C500121) | |
LEGL 1040 — Introduction To Lab | 3.00 |
LEGL 1300 — Intro to Paralegal Studies & Ethics | 3.00 |
Syracuse University Main Campus (C002882) | |
LPP 255 — Intro to the Legal System | 3.00 |
Troy University (C001047) | |
LAW 221 — Legal Environment | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Tulane University of Louisiana (C002029) | |
UPAR 2010 — Intro Paralegal Studies | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
United States Military Academy (C002893) | |
LW 310 — Intro to Legal Method | 3.00 |
LW 474 — Law of Armed Conflict | 3.00 |
University of Alaska Anchorage (C011462) | |
PARL A101 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith (C001110) | |
LEGL 1043 — Intro to Law | 3.00 |
University of Maryland Global Campus (C011644) | |
PLGL 101 — Intro to Paralegal | 3.00 |
University of Massachusetts Lowell (C002161) | |
41 103 — Intro Paralegal Studies | 3.00 |
University of Memphis (C003509) | |
LEGL 2410 — Introduction To Law | 3.00 |
University of Miami (C001536) | |
LWU 102 — Intro to Legal Profession | 3.00 |
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441) | |
PLS 381 — Introduction to Paralegalism | 3.00 |
University of Washington (C003798) | |
LSJ 200 — Intr Law Soc & Just | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Volunteer State Community College (C009912) | |
CRMJ 1020 — Intro to Legal Process | 3.00 |
Western Carolina University (C002981) | |
LAW 105 — Introduction to Law | 3.00 |