Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for Mgmt 582Employee Relations

School Course Name UM Credits
George Mason University (C003749)
MGMT 431 — Legal Envir Employee & Labor Relations 3.00
Georgia State University (C001574)
MGS 4320 — Legal Environment of Human Resource Mana 3.00
Purdue University Main Campus (C001825)
OLS 252 — Human Relations In Organizations 3.00
Troy University (C001047)
HRM 4455 — Employment Law 3.00
University of Houston-Downtown (C012826)
MGT 3304 — Labor Mgt Relations 3.00
University of Missouri-Columbia (C002516)
MANGMT 4120 — Humn Resourc Mngmnt Law 3.00
University of South Florida (C001537)
MAN 4402 — Employment Laws 3.00