Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for Mus 101Introduction to Music Literature

School Course Name UM Credits
Bergen Community College (C004736)
MUS 101 — Introduction to Music 3.00
Delta State University (C002403)
MUS 105 — Music Literature 3.00
Itawamba Community College (C002409)
MUS 1122 — Mus Survey I-Mj 3.00
MUS 1132 — Mus Survey Ii-Mj 1.00
MUS 1123 — Survey of Music Literature 3.00
MUS 2123 — Music Survey (Majors) 3.00
John Brown University (C001100)
MUS 1203 — Lib Arts Foundations for Th 3.00
Joliet Junior College (C001699)
MUS 101 — Explor of Mus Literature 3.00
Jones County Junior College (C002411)
MUS 1143 — Music Literature 3.00
MUS 2123 — Music Survey 3.00
Lee University (C003500)
MUHL 212 — Music History: 1700 - 1850 3.00
Millsaps College (C002414)
Music 1100 — Masterworks of Music 3.00
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999)
MUS 1123 — Music Survey (Majors) 3.00
MUS 1143 — Music Literature 3.00
MUS 2123 — Music Survey (Majors) 3.00
Mississippi University for Women (C002422)
MUS 105 — Introduction To Music Literature 3.00
Northeastern University (C002199)
MUSC 2308 — Principles of Music Literature 3.00
Panola College (C003600)
MUSI 1307 — Music Literature 3.00
Shawnee Community College (C007693)
MUS 0118 — Survey of Music Literature 3.00
Southern Arkansas University Main Campus (C001107)
MULI 1013 — Intro to Music 3.00
University of North Alabama (C001016)
MU 244 — Surveyofmusicliterature 3.00
Westfield State College (C002189)
MU 103 — Music App (Maj-Min) 3.00