Transfer Equivalencies

Use this page to look up which courses will transfer from other schools and universities to the University of Mississippi.
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Equivalencies for Phil 101Introduction to Philosophy

School Course Name UM Credits
ASA Institute of Bus and Comp Tech (C030955)
PHI 200 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Alcorn State University (C002396)
SS 395 — Philosophy 3.00
SS 396 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Allen County Community College (C001901)
HUM 125 — Philosophy 3.00
Amarillo College (C003540)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Angelo State University (C003541)
PHIL 2301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Anne Arundel Community College (C002058)
PHL 111 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Appalachian State University (C002906)
P&R 1000 — Introd to Philosophy 3.00
Arapahoe Community College (C001346)
PHI 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Arizona State University (C001081)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Arizona Western College (C001071)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Arkansas Northeastern College (C012860)
PH 22003 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Arkansas State University Beebe Branch (C001091)
PHIL 1103 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Arkansas State University Main Campus (C001090)
PHIL 1103 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
Arkansas State University Mid-South (C015862)
PHIL 2013 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PY 2013 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Arkansas Tech University (C001089)
PHIL 2003 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Armstrong State University (C001546)
PHIL 2201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Auburn University Main Campus (C001009)
PHIL 1100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Augusta University (C001552)
PHIL 1000 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Austin Community College (C012015)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Austin Peay State University (C003478)
PHIL 1030 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 201 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Avila College (C002449)
PL 111C — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Bakersfield College (C001118)
PHIL B6A — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Baptist Health Sciences University (C034403)
PHI 201 — Classical Issues/Phil 3.00
Barnard College (C002708)
PHIL BC1003 — Intro: Philos & Human Existence 3.00
Baton Rouge Community College (C037303)
PHIL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Baylor University (C003545)
PHI 1321 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Belhaven University (C002397)
PHI 201 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Bellarmine College (C001954)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 160 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Bellevue College (WA) (C003769)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Belmont University (C003479)
PHI 1600 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Bentley College (C002124)
PH 101 — Problems of Philosophy 3.00
Bergen Community College (C004736)
PHR 101 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Berkshire Community College (C002167)
PHIL 102 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Bevill State Community College (Z000203)
PHL 106 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Birmingham Southern College (C001012)
PL 201 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Blinn College (C003549)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Boise State University (C001616)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Boston College (C002128)
PL 070 — Philosophy of the Pers I 3.00
Bowling Green State University Firelands (C007856)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Bowling Green State University Main Camp (C003018)
PHIL 1010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Brookdale Community College (C008404)
PHIL 115 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Brookhaven College - Dallas College (C021002)
PHIL 1301 — Intro Philosph 3.00
Broward Community College (C001500)
PHI 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Bryant University (C003402)
HUM 260 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Butler Community College (KS) (C001906)
PHIL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Butler County Community College (PA) (C003240)
PHIL 201 — Philosophy 3.00
Cabrillo College (C001124)
PHILO 4 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Caldwell Community College and Technical (C004835)
PHI 215 — Philosophical Issues 3.00
Calhoun Community College (C001013)
PHL 106 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
California State University-Channel Isla (C039803)
PHIL 200 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
California State University-Chico (C001146)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Calvin College (C002241)
PHIL 153 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Campbellsville College (C001959)
PHI 241 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Canada College (C006973)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Canisius College (C002681)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Carlow College (C003303)
PH 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Carroll College (C003838)
PHI 205 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Castleton State College (C003683)
PHI 1010 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Centenary College of Louisiana (C002003)
PHIL 102 — Contemporary Moral Problems 3.00
Central Connecticut State University (C001378)
PHIL 112 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Central Michigan University (C002243)
PHL 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Central Texas College (C004003)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 231 — Introd to Philosophy 3.00
Chaffey Community College (C001163)
PHIL 70 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Chaminade University of Honolulu (C001605)
PH 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
City College of Chicago-Harold Washingto (C001652)
PHIL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
City Colleges of Chicago Malcolm X (C001650)
PHIL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Clark Atlanta University (C001559)
CPHI 221 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Clark University (C002139)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Clarke College (C001852)
PHIL 110 — Fundamentals of Philosophy 3.00
Clayton State University (C008976)
PHIL 2201 — Introduction to World Philosophy 3.00
Cleveland Community College (C008082)
PHI 215 — Philosophical Issues 3.00
Coastal Carolina University (Z004281)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Coastline Community College (C020635)
PHIL C100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
College of Central Florida (C001471)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
College of Charleston (C003428)
PHIL 101 — Intro To Philosophy: Beliefs & Values 3.00
College of Coastal Georgia (C001558)
PHIL 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
College of Du Page (C006656)
PHILO 1100 — Introduction 3.00
College of Lake County (C007694)
PHI 121 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
College of Notre Dame (C001179)
PHL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
College of Notre Dame Maryland (C002065)
PHL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
College of San Mateo (C001181)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
College of Southern Nevada (C010362)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
College of The Canyons (C008903)
PHILOS 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
College of The Mainland (C007096)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Phil 3.00
College of Wooster (C003037)
PHIL 10000 — Ethics, Justice, & Society 3.00
Collin College (C023614)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Colorado Christian University (C009401)
PHIL 202 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
Colorado Mountain College (C009007)
PHI 111 — Introduction to Ph 3.00
Colorado State University (C001350)
PLCC 100 — Appreciation of Philosophy 3.00
Columbia State Community College (C003483)
PHIL 1030 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Columbus State Community College (C006867)
PHIL 1101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Columbus State University (C001561)
PHIL 1105 — Survey Philosophical Though 3.00
Community College of Allegheny County (C003231)
PHL 101 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Community College of Vermont (C011167)
PHI 1010 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Concordia University - Irvine (C020705)
CPHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Concordia University at Austin (C003557)
PHL 3301 — Survey of Western Philosophy 3.00
Corning Community College (C002863)
PL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PL 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
County College of Morris (C007729)
PHL 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Covenant College (C003484)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Cox College (C020682)
PHIL 201 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Crafton Hills College (C009272)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Ph 3.00
Cuesta College (C001192)
PHIL 206 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Culver-Stockton College (C002460)
PHI 101 — Int Philosophy 3.00
Cumberland University (C003485)
PHIL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Cuny John Jay College Criminal Justice (C002693)
PHI 231 — Phil Meth & Appl 3.00
Cuyamaca College (C021113)
PHIL 110 — A General Intro To Philosophy 3.00
Dallas College (C045001)
PHIL 1301 — Intro Philosph 3.00
Daytona State College (C001475)
PHI 2001 — Philosophy 3.00
DeSales University (C003986)
PL 109 — Philosophical Thinking 3.00
Delaware County Community College (C007110)
PHI 110 — Contemp Moral Prob 3.00
Delgado Community College (C004626)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Delta State University (C002403)
PHI 201 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Denison University (C003042)
PHIL 101 — Basic Iss in Philosophy 3.00
Diablo Valley College (C001191)
PHILO 120 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Drury University (C002461)
PHIL 105 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Duquesne University (C003258)
CORE 132 — Basic Philosophical Quest. 3.00
Dutchess Community College (C002864)
PHI 201 — Introduction to Philosphy 3.00
Dyersburg State Community College (C006835)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1030 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
East Central College (C008862)
PR 1003 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
East Tennessee State University (C003487)
PHIL 1030 — Self And World 3.00
Eastern Connecticut State University (C001425)
PHI 120 — Perspectives In Philosophy 3.00
Eastern Florida State College (C001470)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Eastern Illinois University (C001674)
PHI 1000 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Eastern Iowa Community College District (C008737)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Eastern Michigan University (C002259)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Edmonds Community College (C005001)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
El Paso Community College (C010387)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Emory and Henry College (C003709)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Emporia State University (C001927)
PI 225MC — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Enterprise State Community College (C001015)
PHL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Fairfield University (C001385)
PH 0101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Fairleigh Dickinson University (C002607)
PL 101 — Philosophy I 3.00
Farmingham State College (Z002245)
41.101.C — Invitation to Philosophy 3.00
Florida Gulf Coast University (Z100010)
PHI 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Florida Keys Community College (C001485)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Florida SouthWestern State College (C001477)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Philos 3.00
Florida Southern College (C001488)
PHI 1109 — What is Philosophy? 3.00
Florida State College at Jacksonville (C001484)
PHI 2010 — Intro Phlosophy 3.00
Florida State University (C001489)
PHI 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Fontbonne College (C002464)
PHL 110 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Fordham University (C002722)
PHFC 1000 — Phil of Human Nature 3.00
PHIL 1000 — Phil of Human Nature 3.00
PHRU 1000 — Phil of Human Nature 3.00
Fort Valley State University (C001566)
PHIL 2000 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Franklin and Marshall College (C003265)
PHI 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Fresno City College (C001307)
PHIL-1A — Knowledge/Reality 3.00
Friends University (C001918)
PHIL 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Front Range Community College (C007933)
PHI 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Fullerton College (C001201)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Furman University (C003434)
PHL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHL 20 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Gainesville College (C001567)
PHIL 2010 — Great Questions Of Philosophy 3.00
Galveston College (C006662)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Genesee Community College (C006782)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
George C Wallace State Community College (C001018)
PHL 106 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Georgetown College (C001964)
PHI 150 — Basic Philosophy 3.00
Georgetown University (C001445)
PHIL 020 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Georgia College & State University (C001602)
PHIL 2200 — Survey of Philosophy 3.00
Georgia Highlands College (C009507)
PHIL 1000 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Georgia Military College (C001571)
PHI 200 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Georgia Perimeter College (C001562)
PHIL 1301 — Survey Philosophical Thought 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Survey Philosophical Thought 3.00
Georgia Southern University (C001572)
PHIL 1030 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Georgia State University (C001574)
PHIL 2010 — Great Questions of Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Great Question of Philosophy (3.33 hrs) 3.00
Grambling State University (C002006)
PHIL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Grand Canyon University (C001074)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Grand Valley State University (C002268)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Greenville College (C001684)
PHL 201 — Major Issues Philosophy 3.00
Grinnell College (C001868)
PHI 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Grossmont College (C001208)
PHIL 110 — General Intro Philosophy 3.00
Grove City College (C003269)
PHIL 161B — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Gulf Coast State College (c001490)
PHI 2010 — Int to Philosophy 3.00
Hampden-Sydney College (C003713)
PHIL 202 — Problems of Philosophy 3.00
Harford Community College (C002075)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Harold Washington College (Z014145)
PHIL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Harper College (C003961)
PHI 105 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Harrisburg Area Community College-Harris (C003273)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Harvard University (C002155)
PHIL 7 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Hawaii Pacific University (C007279)
PHIL 1000 — Intro to World Philosophies 3.00
Heartland Community College (C030838)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Henderson State University (C001098)
PHI 2013 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Hendrix College (C001099)
PHIL 110 — Intro Philosophical Questioning 3.00
Hibbing Community College (C002355)
PHIL 1200 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Hillsborough Community College (C007870)
PHI 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Holy Cross College (C007263)
PHIL 101 — Introductory Philosophy 3.00
Hope College (C002273)
PHIL 112 — Problems In Philosphy 3.00
Hopkinsville Community College (C001994)
PHI 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (C004925)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Houston Baptist University (C003576)
PHIL 1313 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Houston Community College System (C010633)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Humboldt State University (C001149)
PHIL 107 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Hutchinson Community College (C001923)
PL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Idaho State University (C001620)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Illinois Central College (C006753)
PHIL 110 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (C009136)
PHI 1111 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
Illinois State University (C001692)
PHI 101 — Basic Issues Philos 3.00
Indian Hills Community College (C008736)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Indian River State College (c001493)
HUM 1533 — Humanities-Phil 3.00
PHY 1025 — Principles of Philosophy 3.00
Indiana Univ-Purdue Univ at Indianapolis (C001813)
PHIL 110 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (C003277)
PHIL 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Indiana University-Bloomington (C001809)
PHIL P 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL P100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL-P 110 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Indiana Wesleyan University (C001822)
PHL 180 — Humanities Philosophy 3.00
Iowa Western Community College (C008739)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Itawamba Community College (C002409)
PHY 2113 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Ivy Tech Community College (C010037)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
J Sargeant Reynolds Community College (C003759)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy I 3.00
Jackson Community College (C002274)
PHL 231 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Jackson State Community College (C004937)
PHIL 1030 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Jackson State University (C002410)
PHIL 301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
James Madison University (C003721)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Jefferson College (C007102)
PHL 102 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Jefferson Comm & Technical College (KY) (C006961)
PHI 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Jefferson State Community College (C001022)
PHL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
John A Logan College (C008076)
PHL 131 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
John Wood Community College (C012813)
PHL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Joliet Junior College (C001699)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Kalamazoo Valley Community College (C006949)
PHI 201 — Introduction/Philosophy 3.00
Kankakee Community College (C007690)
PHIL 2513 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Kansas State University (C001928)
PHILO 100 — Intro Philosophy Prob 3.00
Kean College of New Jersey (C002622)
PHIL 1100 — Philosophy 3.00
Kennesaw State University (C001577)
PHIL 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2200 — Ways of Knowing 3.00
Kent State University Main Campus (C003051)
PHIL 11001 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Knox College (C001704)
PHIL 115 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Lake Land College (C007644)
PHI 270 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Lambuth College (C003498)
PHL 1013 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Lawrence University (C003856)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosolphy:Problems 3.00
Le Moyne College (C002748)
PHL 110 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Lee University (C003500)
PHIL 241 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Lewis University (C001707)
PHIL 110 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Liberty University (C010392)
PHIL 201 — Phil & Con Idea 3.00
Lincoln Land Community College (C007170)
PHI 204 — Introduction to Ph 3.00
Lindenwood College (C002480)
PHL 150 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Lindsey Wilson College (C001972)
PHIL 1003 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
Lipscomb University (C003486)
PL 1003 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Lone Star College (C011145)
PHIL 1301 — Introductory to Philosophy 3.00
Long Island University Brooklyn Campus (C004779)
PHI 61 — Philosophical Explorations I 3.00
Longwood College (C003719)
PHIL 200 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Los Angeles City College (C001223)
PHILOS 001 — Intro to Philos 3.00
Los Angeles Valley College (C001228)
PHILOS 001 — Intro to Philo 3.00
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge (C002010)
PHIL 1000 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1001 — Honors: Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Louisiana State University-Shreveport (C002013)
PHIL 105 — Philo Man & Univ 3.00
Louisiana Tech University (C002008)
PHIL 201 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Loyola Marymount University (C011649)
PHIL 1800 — Philosophical Inquiry 3.00
Loyola University in New Orleans (C002016)
PHIL T122 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Loyola University of Chicago (C001710)
PHIL 120 — Phil of Human Nature 3.00
Lycoming College (C003293)
PHIL 140 — Central Problems in Philosophy 3.00
Macomb Community College (C008319)
PHI 201 — Intro to Phil 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Madison Area Technical College (C004007)
20-809-260 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Magnolia Bible College (C023612)
PHI 113 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Marion Military Institute (C001026)
PHL 106 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Marist College (C002765)
PHIL 101L — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Marquette University (C003863)
PHIL 1001 — Foundations in Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 50 — Phil of Human Nature 3.00
Mary Baldwin College (C003723)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Marymount College (C010474)
PHI 120 — Introduction to Philosophy: History 3.00
Mchenry County College (C007691)
PHI 151 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Mclennan Community College (C003590)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Mcneese State University (C002017)
PHIL 201 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Mercer University (C001580)
PHI 190 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Mercyhurst College (C003297)
Messiah College (C003298)
PHIL 101 — Problems in Philosophy 3.00
Metropolitan Community College -Missouri (C002484)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Metropolitan Community College -Nebraska (C004432)
PHIL 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Metropolitan State College of Denver (C001360)
PHI 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Metropolitan Technical Community College (C012586)
PHIL 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Miami-Dade Community College (C001506)
PHI 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Michigan State University (C002290)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHL 200 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Mid-South Community College (Z000457)
PY 2013 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Middle Tennessee State University (C003510)
PHIL 1030 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Middlesex Community College (MA) (C009936)
PHL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Midland College (C009797)
PHIL 1301 — Intro To Philos 3.00
Midwestern State University (C003592)
PHIL 1033 — Primary Concerns Phil 3.00
Millsaps College (C002414)
PHIL 1000 — Probs. Of Philosophy 3.00
Milwaukee Area Technical College (C003866)
SOCSCI 250 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Milwaukee Area Technical Institute (Z005109)
SOCSCI 250 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Mineral Area College (C002486)
PHI 1400 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Mira Costa College (C001239)
PHIL 101 — Introdution to Philosophy 3.00
Mississippi College (C002415)
PHI 207 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999)
PHI 2113 — Introduction To Philosophy I 3.00
Mississippi State University (C002423)
PHI 1103 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PR 1103 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Mississippi University for Women (C002422)
PHL 201 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Mississippi Valley State University (C002424)
EN 205 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Missouri State University (C002503)
PHI 110 — Intro to Philosphy 3.00
Missouri University of Sci. and Tech. (C002517)
PHILOS 5 — Introd to Philosophy 3.00
Philos 1105 — Introd to Philosophy 3.00
Modesto Junior College (C001240)
PHILO 101 — Philosophy 3.00
Mohave Community College (C011864)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Monroe Community College (C002872)
PHL 101 — Int Philosophy 3.00
Montana State University-Bozeman (C002532)
PHL 101IH — Intro Phil: Reason and Reality 3.00
Montgomery College (C006911)
PL 201 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Moraine Valley Community College (C007692)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Morehead State University (C001976)
PHIL 200 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Mount Saint Marys College - MD (C002086)
PHIL 103 — Foundations of Philosophy 3.00
Mt San Antonio College (C001245)
PHIL 5 — Intro to Philos 3.00
Muskegon Community College (C002297)
PHIL 101 — Basic Concepts of Philosophy 3.00
Napa Valley College (C001247)
PHIL 120 — Intro Philo 1 3.00
Nashville State Community College (C007534)
PHIL 1030 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Nassau Community College (C002873)
PHI 101 — Intro Philosophy I 3.00
National Park Community College (C012105)
PHIL 1123 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Navarro College (C003593)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Neosho County Community College (C001936)
HUM 103 — Intro to Philos 3.00
New Mexico Military Institute (C002656)
PHIL 1113 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
New Mexico State University Main Campus (C002657)
PHIL 201 — Intrn to Philosophy 3.00
Newman University (C001939)
PHIL 1003 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Nicholls State University (C002005)
PHIL 203 — General Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
North Carolina State University-Raleigh (C002972)
PHI 205 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
North Central Texas College (C003558)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
North Hennepin Community College (C002370)
PHIL 1010 — Intro Philos 3.00
Northeast Iowa Community College (C004587)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Northeastern Oklahoma Agricultural and M (C003160)
PHIL 1113 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Northeastern University (C002199)
PHIL 1101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Northern Marianas College (C030330)
PI 201 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Northern Virginia Community College (C003727)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy I 3.00
Northwest Arkansas Community College (C000458)
PHIL 2003 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Northwest Florida State College (C001510)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Phil 3.00
PHI 2010 — Humanities Phil 3.00
Northwest Iowa Technical College (C004600)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Northwest Vista College (Z055109)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Northwestern State University (C002021)
PHIL 1010 — Intro. To Philosophy 3.00
Norwalk Community College (C001399)
PHL D101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Nunez Community College (C015130)
PHIL 1100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Oakland Community College (C008760)
PHI 1510 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Oakton Community College (C009896)
HUM 127 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Ocean County College (C002624)
PHIL 191 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Oglethorpe University (C001586)
PHIC 161 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Ohio Wesleyan University (C003109)
PHIL 110 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Oklahoma Baptist University (C003164)
US 104 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Oklahoma State University Main Campus (C003170)
PHIL 1113 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Old Dominion University (C003728)
PHIL 110P — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Orange Coast College (C001250)
PHIL A100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Otero Junior College (C001362)
PHI 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Ouachita Baptist University (C001102)
HPHI 2013 — Intro to Phil 3.00
PHIL 1003 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Ozarks Technical Community College (C030830)
PHL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Palm Beach State College (C001512)
PHI 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Palomar College (C001260)
PHIL 111 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Paradise Valley Community College (C026236)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHI 102 — Introduction to Philisophy 3.00
Parkland College (C007118)
PHI 103 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Pasco-Hernando State College (C010652)
PHI 1010 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Pellissippi State Community College (C012693)
PHIL 1030 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Penn Valley Community College (C002484)
PHIL 100 — Itro Philosophy 3.00
Pensacola State College (C001513)
PHI 2010 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Peralta Commmunity College District (Z201390)
PHIL 1 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Phillips Community College of Univ Ark (C001104)
PHIL 153 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Phoenix Community College (C001078)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Piedmont Virginia Community College (C009928)
PHI 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy I 3.00
Pikes Peak Community College (C008896)
PHI 1011 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHI 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Pittsburg State University (C001926)
SOSCI 103 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Prairie State College (C001640)
PHILO 201 — Intro/Philosophy 3.00
Prince Georges Community College (C002089)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Principia College (C001744)
PHIL 150 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Pulaski Technical College (Z000463)
PHIL 1310 — Intro to Phiosophy 3.00
Purdue University Calumet Campus (C001827)
PHIL 11000 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Purdue University Main Campus (C001825)
PHIL 110 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Radford University (C003732)
PHIL 111 — Knowledge Reality Hum. Cond. 3.00
PHIL 112 — ethics & society 3.00
Reedley College (C001308)
PHIL 1 — Gen Philosophy 3.00
Regent University (C029353)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Rend Lake College (C007119)
PHIL 1101 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Rhodes College (C003519)
PHIL 105 — Topic: Black Mirror and Phil 3.00
Richland College - Dallas College (C008504)
PHI 102 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Richland Community College (C010879)
PHIL 110 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Richmond (London) American Intntl Univ. (CG10594)
PHL 4100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Rio Hondo College (C001269)
PHIL 101 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Rowan College-Burlington County (C007730)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Rutgers University-New Brunswick (C002629)
730 104 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Saddleback College (C008918)
PHIL 1 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Saint John's University (MN) (C002379)
PHI 1000 C — Core: Philosophy Human Person 3.00
Saint Johns River State College (C001523)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Saint Leo University (C001526)
PHI 101 — The Quest for Wisdom 3.00
PHI 121 — Introduction to Philoso 3.00
Saint Louis Community College (C002471)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Saint Louis University Main Campus (C002506)
PHIL 105 — Intro Phil: Self & Reality 3.00
PL A 105 — Intro Phil: Ancnt Greece 3.00
Saint Michael's College (C003694)
PH 103 — Intro Philosophical Problems 3.00
Saint Petersburg College (C001528)
PHI 1010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Saint Peter’s University (C002638)
PL 130 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Saint Xavier College (C001768)
PHIL 150 — The Examined Life 3.00
Salem State University (C002188)
PHL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Salisbury State University (C002091)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Sam Houston State University (C003606)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2361 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHL 261W — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Samford University (C001036)
PHIL 241 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
San Antonio College (C009163)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Phil-Wi 3.00
San Bernardino Valley College (C001272)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Ph 3.00
San Diego City College (C008895)
PHIL 102A — Intro to Philos: Reality/Knowl 3.00
San Diego Mesa College (C001275)
PHIL 102B — Intro to Philosophy: Values 3.00
San Diego Miramar College (C012662)
PHIL 102A — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
San Jacinto College - All Campuses (C003609)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
San Jose City College (C001282)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
San Jose State University (C001155)
PHIL 050 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Sandhills Community College (C002961)
PHI 215 — Philosophical Issues 3.00
Santa Ana College (C001284)
PHIL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Santa Barbara City College (C001285)
PHILO 1 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Santa Fe College (C001519)
PHI 2010 — Int Philosophy 3.00
Santa Monica College (C001286)
PHILOS 1 — Knowledge and Reality 3.00
Santiago Canyon College (C036957)
PHIL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Sauk Valley Community College (C001752)
PHL 102 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Savannah College of Art and Design (C015022)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Schoolcraft College (C002315)
PHIL 243 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Scottsdale Community College (C008304)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Shawnee Community College (C007693)
PHI 0215 — Philosophy 3.00
PHI 215 — Introduction to Philiosophy 3.00
Shelby State Community College NA (C010439)
PHIL 1510 — Philosophies of Life 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Shoreline Community College (C003791)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Siena College (C002816)
PHIL 101 — Philosophy and the Human Being 3.00
Sinclair Community College (C003119)
PHI 2205 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania (C003327)
PHIL 101 — The Examined Life 3.00
PHIL 101 — Intro to Phil 3.00
South Plains College (C003611)
PHIL 131 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
South Texas College (C031034)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Southeastern Illinois College (C001757)
PHIL 121 — Intro Phil 3.00
Southeastern Louisiana University (C002024)
PHIL 301 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Southeastern Oklahoma State University (C003179)
PHIL 2113 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Southern Arkansas University Technical B (C007738)
HU 2203 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (C001982)
PH 103 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Southern Connecticut State University (C001406)
PHI 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsv (C001759)
PHIL 111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale (C001758)
PHIL 102 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Southern Methodist University (C003613)
PHIL 1305 — Intro. to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1306 — Intro. to Philosophy: Minds, Machines, a 3.00
Southside Virginia Community College (C008661)
PHI 100 — Int To Phil 3.00
Southwest Tennessee Community College (C500121)
PHIL 1030 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 121 — Elem Ethics 3.00
Southwestern College (CA) (C001294)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Phil 3.00
Southwestern Illinois College (C001636)
PHIL 150 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (C003181)
PHILO 1453 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
St Charles Community College (C025306)
PHL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
St Philips College (C003608)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
State Fair Community College (C008080)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Sterling College (KS) (C001945)
RP 137 — Basic Philosophical Concepts 3.00
Stockton State College (C009345)
PHIL 1101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Stonehill College (C002217)
GP 100 — Critical Encounters-Philosophy 3.00
Suny College at Plattsburgh (C002849)
PHI 102 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Sussex County Community College Commissi (C005459)
PHIL 110 — Philosophy & the Meaning of Life 3.00
Tallahassee Community College (C001533)
PHI 2010 — Philosophy 3.00
Tarrant County Junior College District (C008898)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2316 — History Classical And Modern Philosophy 3.00
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi (C011161)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Texas A&M University (C003632)
PHIL 251 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Texas State University-San Marcos (C003615)
PHIL 1305 — General Philosophy 3.00
Texas Tech University (C003644)
PHIL 2300 — Beginning Philosophy 3.00
The Community College of Baltimore Cty (C002063)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
The King's College (NY) (C002745)
PHL 110 — Foundations of Philosophy 3.00
The University of Alabama (C001051)
PHL 100 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
The University of Tennessee Southern (C003504)
REL 241 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
The University of The South (C003534)
PHIL 101 — Topics in Philosophy 3.00
The University of West Georgia (C001601)
PHIL 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Three Rivers College - MO (C004713)
PHIL 180 — Ideas in Living 3.00
PHIL 200 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Tidewater Community College (C003712)
PHI 101 — Int Philoso I 3.00
Toccoa Falls College (C001596)
PHY 113 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Tougaloo College (C002439)
PHI 101 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Towson University (C02099)
PHIL 101 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Trevecca Nazarene College (C003526)
PHL 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Trident Technical College (C008818)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Ph 3.00
Trinity College (CT) (C001414)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Phil 3.00
Trinity College (IL) (C001772)
PH 180 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Triton College (C001773)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philos 3.00
Troy University (C001047)
PHI 2203 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Truckee Meadows Community College (C021077)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Tufts University (C002219)
PHIL 0002 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Tulane University of Louisiana (C002029)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 104 — Beginning with Minds 3.00
Tulsa Junior College (C009763)
PHI 1113 — Intro/Philos 3.00
Tyler Junior College (C003648)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
Union University (C003528)
PHI 211 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHL 240 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHL 279 — Intro to Phil 3.00
United States Military Academy (C002893)
PY 201 — Philosophy 3.00
University of Alabama at Birmingham (C001052)
PHL 100 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
University of Alaska Anchorage (C011462)
PHIL A201 — Introductory to Philosophy 3.00
University of Arkansas at Little Rock (C001101)
PHIL 1310 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (C001108)
PHIL 2003 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Arkansas-Fort Smith (C001110)
PHIL 2753 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Arkansas-Monticello (C001085)
PHIL 2223 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
University of California-Santa Barbara (C001320)
PHIL 011 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Central Arkansas (C001092)
PHIL 1301 — Phil Living 3.00
University of Central Florida (C003954)
PHI 2010 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
University of Cincinnati Main Campus (C003125)
PHIL 1000 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Colorado at Boulder (C001370)
PHIL 1000 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (C004509)
PHIL 1000 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Dayton (C003127)
PHL 103 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Florida (C001535)
PHI 2010 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Georgia (C001598)
PHIL 1000 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Hawaii at Hilo (C001611)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Western Philosophy 3.00
University of Hawaii at Manoa (C001610)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Phil: Survey of Prob 3.00
University of Houston (C003652)
PHIL 1301 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Illinois at Springfield (C009333)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Illinois-Urbana Campus (C001775)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Kansas Main Campus (C001948)
PHIL 140 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Kentucky (C001989)
PHI 100 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
PHI 130 — Introduction to Philosophy: Morality and 3.00
University of Louisville (C001999)
PHIL 205 — Intro to Philosophy -H 3.00
University of Mary Washington (C003746)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Maryland Global Campus (C011644)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Maryland-College Park (C002103)
PHIL 100 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth (C002210)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Massachusetts Boston (C002222)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Memphis (C003509)
PHIL 1101 — Classical Issues In Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1111 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Miami (C001536)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Michigan-Dearborn (C002326)
PHIL 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Michigan-Flint (C002327)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Missouri-Columbia (C002516)
PHIL 1 — Gen Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1000 — Gen Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1100 — Introduction to Ethics 3.00
University of Missouri-Kansas City (C002518)
PHILO 210 — Fds of Philosophy 3.00
University of Missouri-Saint Louis (C002519)
PHIL 050 — Major Questions in Phil 3.00
PHIL 1150 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Mobile (C001029)
PY 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (C002565)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (C002569)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of New England (C002050)
PHI 110 — Problems of Philosophy 3.00
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus (C002589)
PHIL 401 — General Intro To Philosophy 3.00
University of New Orleans (C002015)
PHIL 1000 — Introduction to Philisophy 3.00
University of North Alabama (C001016)
PHL 201 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of North Carolina at Pembrok (C002954)
PHI 100 — Intro to Phi 3.00
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (C002974)
PHIL 020 — Intro: Main Probs 3.00
University of North Florida (C009841)
PHI 2010 — Intro to Philos 3.00
University of North Georgia (C001585)
PHIL 1001 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of North Texas (C003594)
PHIL 1050 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Northern Colorado (C001349)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Notre Dame (C001840)
PHIL 10111 — God and the Good Life 3.00
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (C003184)
PHIL 1013 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Phoenix (C014593)
PHI 105 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHL 215 — Philosophy: Methods and Applications 3.00
University of Portland (C003224)
PHL 150 — Introductory Philosophy 3.00
University of Rhode Island (C003414)
PHL 103 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Rio Grande (C003116)
PHR 21103 — Philosophical Inquiry 3.00
University of Rochester (C002894)
PHL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of South Alabama (C001057)
PHL 110 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of South Carolina at Aiken (C003449)
PHIL A102 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of South Carolina-Columbia (C003448)
PHIL 102 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
University of Southern Indiana (C001808)
PHIL 200 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441)
PHI 151 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PHI 151H — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of St Francis (IL) (C001664)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophical Tkng 3.00
University of Tampa (C001538)
PHL 200 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (C003529)
PHIL 101 — Western Philosophical Traditions I 3.00
PHIL 1010 — Western Philosophical Traditi 3.00
PHIL 102 — Western Philosophical Traditions II 3.00
PHIL 1020 — Western Philosophical Traditi 3.00
PHIL 201 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 2010 — Intro To Philosophy 3.00
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (C003530)
PHIL 110 — The Human Condition: Values and Reality 3.00
PHIL 111 — The Human Condition: Knowledge and Reali 3.00
University of Tennessee-Martin (C003531)
PHIL 110 — The Adventure of Ideas (The Living Heri 3.00
PHIL 120 — The Adventure of Ideas (Living Issues in 3.00
University of Texas at Austin (C003658)
PHL 301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Vermont (C003696)
PHIL 001 — Introduction 3.00
University of West Florida (C003955)
PHI 2010 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (C009630)
PHIL 109 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin - Parkside (C005015)
PHIL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin Colleges (C003897)
PHILOS 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin-Madison (C003895)
PHILOS 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (C003896)
PHILOS 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (C003924)
PHIL 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (C003926)
PHILSPHY 241 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
University of Wyoming (C003932)
PHIL 1000 — Intro to Phil 3.00
PHIL 1000 — Intro to Phil 3.00
University of the Incarnate Word (Z055110)
PHIL 1381 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
PL 1381 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Valencia Community College (C006750)
PHI 2010 — Philosophy 3.00
Vanderbilt University (C003535)
PHI 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 100W — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Ventura College (C001334)
PHIL V01 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Victory University (C009982)
HU 2222 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Villanova University (C003388)
PHI 1000 — Knowledge, Reality, Self 3.00
PHI 1050 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Virginia Western Community College (C003760)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy I 3.00
Volunteer State Community College (C009912)
PHIL 1030 — Intro Philosophy 3.00
Walden University (C025042)
PHIL 1001 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Wallace State Comm Col - Hanceville (C007871)
PHL 106 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Warren Community College Commission (C025039)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Warren Wilson College (C002979)
PHI 111 — intro to Philosophy 3.00
Washburn University of Topeka (C001949)
PH 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Washington and Lee University (C003768)
PHIL 101 — Problems of Philosophy 3.00
Waubonsee Community College (C006931)
PHL 100 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Wayne State University (C002329)
PHI 1010 — Int: Phils Systs 3.00
Weatherford College (C003664)
PHIL 1301 — Intr to Philosophy 3.00
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (C003328)
PHI 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
West Kentucky Community & Technical Coll (C001979)
PHI 100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
West Texas A&M University (C003665)
PHIL 101 — Intro/Philosophy 3.00
Western Carolina University (C002981)
PHIL 101 — Man and Value 3.00
Western Colorado University (C001372)
PHIL 101 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Western Iowa Tech Community College (C007316)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Western Kentucky University (C002002)
PHIL 120 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Western Oklahoma State College (C003146)
PHIL 1113 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Westmoreland County Community College (C010176)
PHL 160 — Introduction Philosophy 3.00
Wharton County Junior College (C003668)
PHIL 1301 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Willamette University (C003227)
PHIL 110 — Philosophical Problems 3.00
William Carey University (C002447)
PHI 201 — Introduction To Philosophy 3.00
PHI 450 — History Of Philosophy 3.00
William Jessup University (C001281)
PHIL 271 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
William Paterson Univ. of New Jersey (C002625)
PHIL 1100 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Williams Baptist College (C001106)
PH 2253 — Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Wofford College (C003457)
PHIL 203 — Problems of Philosophy 3.00
Wor-Wic Tech Community College (C020739)
PHL 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (C002233)
PY 1731 — Intro to Philosophy & Religi 3.00
Xavier University (C003144)
PHIL 100 — Ethics as Intro to Philosophy 3.00
Xavier University of Louisiana (C002032)
PHIL 100 — Ethics as Intro to Philosophy 3.00
PHIL 1070 — Problems in Philosophy 3.00
York Technical College (C003996)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Ph 3.00
Young Harris College (C001604)
PHI 101 — Introduction to Philosophy 3.00
Youngstown State University (C003145)
PHIL 2600 — Introduction to Phil 3.00