Transfer Equivalencies

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Equivalencies for Phil 360Philosophical Issues in Science/Religion

School Course Name UM Credits
Georgia Institute of Technology Main Cam (C001569)
PHIL 3127 — Sci, Tech & Human Values 3.00
Marshall University (C003815)
PHL 353 — Philosophy of Science 3.00
New Jersey Institute Technology (C002621)
PHIL 455 — Philosophy of Science 3.00
Ouachita Baptist University (C001102)
PHIL 3183 — Issues in Science and Religion. 3.00
Regis University (C001363)
PL 175 — Phil. of Science 3.00
Rhodes College (C003519)
PHIL 315 — Philosophy of Science 3.00
Rowan University (C002609)
PHIL 09369 — Philosophy of Science 3.00
Saint John's University New York (C002823)
PHI 3000C — Core: Metaphysics 3.00
Saint Louis University Main Campus (C002506)
THEO 2820 — Religion and Science 3.00
Vanderbilt University (C003535)
REL 104 — Religion, Science, and Evolution 3.00
Willamette University (C003227)
REL 320 — Religion and Science 3.00