Transfer Equivalencies
Use this page to look up which courses will transfer from other schools and universities to the University of Mississippi.
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Equivalencies for Rel 101 – Introduction to Religion
School | |
School Course Name | UM Credits |
Adrian College (C002234) | |
RELG 108 — Myth, Ritual and Symbol | 3.00 |
Allen County Community College (C001901) | |
HUM 135 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Amarillo College (C003540) | |
PHIL 1304 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
American Public University System (C038193) | |
RELS 201 — Introduction to World Religions | 3.00 |
Arizona State University (C001081) | |
REL 100 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Atlantic Cape Community College (C002596) | |
RELG 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Ball State University (C001786) | |
RELST 151 — Rel of World | 3.00 |
Baptist Health Sciences University (C034403) | |
REL 201 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Barton County Community College (C004608) | |
RELI 1311 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Beaufort County Community College (C008558) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Belhaven University (C002397) | |
PHI 210 — Comparative Religious Philosophies | 3.00 |
Belmont University (C003479) | |
HON 1517 — World Trad of Faith & Reason | 3.00 |
Bergen Community College (C004736) | |
PHR 121 — Religions of World | 3.00 |
Bevill State Community College (Z000203) | |
REL 100 — History Of World Religions | 3.00 |
Bluegrass Community and Technical Colleg (C005244) | |
ANT 130 — Intro to Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
REL 130 — Intro to Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Brightpoint Community College (C004004) | |
REL 100 — Intro to the Study of Religion | 3.00 |
REL 230 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Brookhaven College - Dallas College (C021002) | |
RELI 1304 — Maj World Rel | 3.00 |
Broward Community College (C001500) | |
REL 2300 — World Religion | 3.00 |
Bucks County Community College (C003239) | |
HUMN 120 — Survey: World Religions | 3.00 |
Butler Community College (KS) (C001906) | |
RG 210 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Butler University (C001788) | |
TI 250-RL — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Calhoun Community College (C001013) | |
REL 100 — History Of World Religions | 3.00 |
California State University-Northridge (C001153) | |
R S 150 — World Relilgions | 3.00 |
California State University-Sacramento (C001150) | |
HRS 137 — Exploring World Religions | 3.00 |
Canisius College (C002681) | |
RST 101 — Intro to Religious Studies | 3.00 |
Cardinal Stritch College (C003837) | |
REL 104E — World Religions | 3.00 |
Carroll Community College (C031007) | |
PHIL 130 — Intro to World Religion | 3.00 |
Catawba Valley Community College (C005318) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Central Michigan University (C002243) | |
REL 101 — World Religions: An Intro | 3.00 |
Central Piedmont Community College (C002915) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Central Texas College (C004003) | |
PHIL 1304 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Centre College (C001961) | |
REL 130 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Century Community and Tech College (C010546) | |
PHIL 1051 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Chattanooga State Technical Community Co (C003998) | |
HU 210 — Religion of the World | 3.00 |
RELS 2020 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Christian Brothers University (C003482) | |
RS 200 — Understanding Religion | 3.00 |
RS 270 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Christopher Newport University (C003706) | |
RSTD 211 — Religions of the East | 3.00 |
Coastal Carolina University (Z004281) | |
RELG 103 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Coconino Community College (C031004) | |
REL 201 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
College of Central Florida (C001471) | |
REL 2300 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
College of Charleston (C003428) | |
HONS 175 — Approaches to Religion | 3.00 |
RELS 105 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
College of Du Page (C006656) | |
PHILO 1150 — World Religions | 3.00 |
RELIG 1100 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Collin College (C023614) | |
PHIL 1304 — Introduction to World Religion | 3.00 |
Colorado Mountain College (C009007) | |
PHI 115 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Columbus State Community College (C006867) | |
HUM 1270 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Concordia College - MN (C002346) | |
REL 100 — Chrstnty/Diversity | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Converse College (C003431) | |
REL 104 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Covenant College (C003484) | |
MIS 302 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Cuesta College (C001192) | |
PHIL 9 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Dallas College (C045001) | |
PHIL 1304 — Major World Religions | 3.00 |
Dean Junior College (C002144) | |
PHL 215 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Delaware County Community College (C007110) | |
HUM 160 — Intro World Relig | 3.00 |
Denison University (C003042) | |
REL 103 — World Religions | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Drury University (C002461) | |
RELG 109 — Intro to the Study of Religion | 3.00 |
RELG 262 — Religions Of The World | 3.00 |
Dyersburg State Community College (C006835) | |
PHI 215 — Survey Of World Religions | 3.00 |
PHIL 2030 — Survey Of World Religions | 3.00 |
Eastern Florida State College (C001470) | |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Eastern Illinois University (C001674) | |
RLS 1200G — Intro to Rel Studies | 3.00 |
Eastern Kentucky University (C001963) | |
REL 301 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Eastern Michigan University (C002259) | |
HIST 100 — Comp Study of Religion | 3.00 |
Eastfield College - Dallas College (C008510) | |
RELI 1304 — Maj World Rel | 3.00 |
Edison State Community College (OH) (C012270) | |
REL 121 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Elgin Community College (C001675) | |
HUM 203 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Emory University (C001564) | |
REL 100 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Emory and Henry College (C003709) | |
RELG 111 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Fayetteville Technical Community College (C007640) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Florida Gulf Coast University (Z100010) | |
REL 2306 — Contemporary World Religions | 3.00 |
Florida International University (C009635) | |
REL 2011 — Into to Religion | 3.00 |
Florida SouthWestern State College (C001477) | |
REL 2100 — World Religions | 3.00 |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Florida State College at Jacksonville (C001484) | |
REL 2000 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Florida State University (C001489) | |
REL 1300 — Intro to World Rel | 3.00 |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Fontbonne College (C002464) | |
REL 100 — Intro to Religious Science | 3.00 |
REL 225 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Freed-Hardeman University (C003492) | |
BIB 445 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Furman University (C003434) | |
REL 140 — Dimensions of Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
RELN 1100 — World Religions | 3.00 |
George C Wallace State Community College (C001018) | |
REL 100 — History of World Religions | 3.00 |
George Mason University (C003749) | |
RELI 100 — Human Relig Experience | 3.00 |
Georgia Highlands College (C009507) | |
RELI 1116 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
Georgia Perimeter College (C001562) | |
RELI 1301 — World Religions | 3.00 |
RELI 202 — World Religions | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
RELS 2001 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Georgia Southern University (C001572) | |
RELS 2130 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Georgia State University (C001574) | |
RELS 2001 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Glen Oaks Community College (C002263) | |
HUR 231 — Comparative Religi | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Governors State University (C009145) | |
PHIL 311 — Studies in Religion | 3.00 |
Grand Canyon University (C001074) | |
INT 463 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Grand View College (C001867) | |
THEO 105 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Grayson College (C003570) | |
PHIL 1304 — Intro World Religion | 3.00 |
Guilford Technical Community College (C004838) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Gulf Coast State College (c001490) | |
REL 2300 — Religions World | 3.00 |
Gwinnett Technical College (C0161369) | |
RELG 1101 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Harper College (C003961) | |
PHI 205 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Harrisburg Area Community College-Harris (C003273) | |
PHIL 200 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Haywood Community College (C008083) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Heartland Community College (C030838) | |
RELI 215 — Major World Religions | 3.00 |
Hendrix College (C001099) | |
RELI 110 — Religion in Global Context | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
High Point University (C002933) | |
REL 1003 — Sacred Experiences | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
REL 108 — Human Images in World Religion | 3.00 |
Hillsborough Community College (C007870) | |
REL 2300 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Holy Cross College (C007263) | |
RELN 123 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Honolulu Community College (C001612) | |
REL 150 — Intro to World Major Religion | 3.00 |
REL 151 — HCC-E-W-Rel & Meaning Exist | 3.00 |
Hopkinsville Community College (C001994) | |
REL 130 — Intro to Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (C004925) | |
REL 103 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Houston Community College System (C010633) | |
PHIL 1304 — Introduction To World Religions | 3.00 |
Huntingdon College (C001019) | |
REL 106 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Illinois Central College (C006753) | |
PHIL 112 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Indian River State College (c001493) | |
REL 1300 — World Religion | 3.00 |
Indiana University-Bloomington (C001809) | |
REL-R 152 — Religions of the West | 3.00 |
Iowa Western Community College (C008739) | |
REL 101 — Survey of World Religions | 3.00 |
James Madison University (C003721) | |
REL 101 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Jefferson College (C007102) | |
PHL 201 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Jefferson Comm & Technical College (KY) (C006961) | |
REL 130 — Intro to Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
John Wood Community College (C012813) | |
PHL 201 — Major World Religions | 3.00 |
Joliet Junior College (C001699) | |
SOC 240 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Kankakee Community College (C007690) | |
HUMS 2613 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Kennesaw State University (C001577) | |
RELS 1102 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Kenyon College (C003065) | |
RLST 101 — Religion in Its Global Context | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Kishwaukee College (C007684) | |
PHL 198 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Lake Land College (C007644) | |
PHI 232 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Lakeland Community College (C006804) | |
PHIL 2000 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Lander College (C003435) | |
RELI 301 — Religious Culture of the World | 3.00 |
Lees-McRae College (C002939) | |
REL 221 — World Rel and Huma | 3.00 |
Lewis and Clark Community College (C010020) | |
HUMN 231 — Comparative Religion I | 3.00 |
Lincoln Land Community College (C007170) | |
PHI 210 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Lindenwood College (C002480) | |
REL 100 — INT to Religion | 3.00 |
REL 15000 — World Religions(GE-Phi-Rel/CrsClt) | 3.00 |
Lone Star College (C011145) | |
PHIL 1304 — Intro World Religion | 3.00 |
Longwood College (C003719) | |
RELI 242 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Lorain County Community College (C003068) | |
RELG 181 — Introduction to World Religions | 3.00 |
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge (C002010) | |
REL 1000 — Religions Of The World | 3.00 |
REL 1003 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
Loyola University in New Orleans (C002016) | |
RELS T122 — Introduction To World Religions | 3.00 |
Lyon College (C001088) | |
RPH 150 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Madisonville Community College (C009010) | |
REL 130 — Intro to Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Maricopa Tech. Community College (Z000330) | |
REL 101 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Marion Military Institute (C001026) | |
REL 100 — History of World Religions | 3.00 |
Mercyhurst College (C003297) | |
Meredith College (C002945) | |
RES 102 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Merrimack College (C002120) | |
RTS 1010 — World Religions | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Mesa Community College (C001077) | |
REL 205 — Religion & the Modern World | 3.00 |
REL 243 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Metropolitan Community College -Nebraska (C004432) | |
PHIL 2200 — Intro to Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
0.01 | |
Metropolitan Technical Community College (C012586) | |
PHL 220 — Intro to Comparative Rel | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Miami-Dade Community College (C001506) | |
REL 2300 — Survey of World Religions | 3.00 |
Midlands Technical College (C003993) | |
REL 103 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Midway College (C001975) | |
REL 285 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (C002485) | |
U HT 411 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Miles College (C001028) | |
RE 211 — Survey of World Religions | 3.00 |
Millsaps College (C002414) | |
RLST 2000 — Introduction to Religious Studies | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Mineral Area College (C002486) | |
PHI 1410 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Mira Costa College (C001239) | |
RELG 101 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Mississippi College (C002415) | |
PHI 419 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999) | |
PHI 2613 — Introductions to World Religions | 3.00 |
PHI 2613 — World Religions I | 3.00 |
PHI 2623 — World Religions II | 3.00 |
Mississippi State University (C002423) | |
REL 1103 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Mississippi University for Women (C002422) | |
REL 213 — Religions Of The World | 3.00 |
Missouri State University (C002503) | |
REL 100 — Religion and Human Culture | 3.00 |
REL 100 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
REL 210 — Paths of World Religions | 3.00 |
Missouri Valley College (C002489) | |
RE 100 — Intro World Religion | 3.00 |
Mohave Community College (C011864) | |
PHI 205 — Compar World Relig | 3.00 |
Molloy University (C002775) | |
TRS 1020 — Intro to Theology and Religion | 3.00 |
Moraine Valley Community College (C007692) | |
PHI 120 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Morehouse College (C001582) | |
HREL 201G — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Neosho County Community College (C001936) | |
HUM 133 — World Religions | 3.00 |
New River Community College (C005223) | |
REL 230 — Rel of World | 3.00 |
North Central College (C001734) | |
REL 100 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
RELG 100 — Intro to World Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Northeast Lakeview College (C042636) | |
PHIL 1304 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Northern Kentucky University (C009275) | |
REL 200 — World Religions and Cultures | 3.00 |
Northern Virginia Community College (C003727) | |
REL 100 — Intro to Stdy of Rel | 3.00 |
Northwest Arkansas Community College (C000458) | |
PHIL 2033 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Northwest Florida State College (C001510) | |
REL 2300 — Human Comp Relgn | 3.00 |
Northwest Vista College (Z055109) | |
PHIL 1304 — Major World Religions | 3.00 |
Northwestern State University (C002021) | |
PHIL 1020 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Oakland Community College (C008760) | |
HUM 1710 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Oakton Community College (C009896) | |
PHL 205 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Ohio State University Main Campus (C003090) | |
COMPSTD 270 — Intro Comp Religion | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Oklahoma State University Main Campus (C003170) | |
REL 1103 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Owens Community College (C005753) | |
HUM 275 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Palm Beach State College (C001512) | |
REL 2300 — Intro to Major Religions of World | 3.00 |
Parkland College (C007118) | |
REL 101 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
REL 120 — Religions of the West | 3.00 |
Pasadena City College (C001261) | |
RELGS 1 — Religious Issues, p | 3.00 |
Pasco-Hernando State College (C010652) | |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Pellissippi State Community College (C012693) | |
PHIL 201 — Introduction to World Religions | 3.00 |
PHIL 2010 — Survey of World Religions | 3.00 |
Pensacola State College (C001513) | |
PHI 2701 — Intro To The Phil Of World Rels | 3.00 |
Pikes Peak Community College (C008896) | |
PHI 114 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Prairie State College (C001640) | |
HUMAN 101 — Comparative Relgns | 3.00 |
Radford University (C003732) | |
RELN 112 — Survey of Wrld Reln | 3.00 |
Randolph-Macon College (C003733) | |
RELS 205 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Richland College - Dallas College (C008504) | |
RELI 1304 — Maj World Rel | 3.00 |
Rio Salado Community College (C021775) | |
REL 243 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Roane State Community College (C009914) | |
PHIL 201 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Rust College (C002433) | |
REL 130 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
SUNY College at Fredonia (C002844) | |
INDS 120 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Saint Cloud State University (C002377) | |
REL 100 — World Religions MGM | 3.00 |
Saint Edward's University (C003621) | |
RELS 1304 — Intro to Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Saint Johns River State College (C001523) | |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Saint Leo University (C001526) | |
REL 224 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Saint Louis Community College (C002471) | |
PHL 103 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Saint Louis University Main Campus (C002506) | |
PHL 201 — World Religion | 3.00 |
THEO 2710 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Saint Thomas University (C001468) | |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Samford University (C001036) | |
RELG 201 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
San Antonio College (C009163) | |
PHIL 1304 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
San Diego State University (C001151) | |
RELS 0101 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Sandhills Community College (C002961) | |
REL 110 — World Religion | 3.00 |
Santa Fe College (C001519) | |
REL 2300 — Contemp Religion | 3.00 |
Santa Rosa Junior College (C001287) | |
PHIL 8 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Savannah College of Art and Design (C015022) | |
PHIL 202 — World Religions | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Scottsdale Community College (C008304) | |
PHI 243 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Shelton State Community College (C005691) | |
REL 100 — Hist of Wld Religion | 3.00 |
Somerset Community College (C001997) | |
REL 130 — Intro to Comp Religion | 3.00 |
Southcentral Kentucky Community & Tech (C005271) | |
REL 130 — Intro to Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Southeast Missouri State University (C002501) | |
RS 101 — World Religion | 3.00 |
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsv (C001759) | |
PHIL 234 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Southern Illinois University-Carbondale (C001758) | |
PHIL 234 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Southwest Tennessee Community College (C500121) | |
PHIL 201 — Introduction to World Religion | 3.00 |
Southwestern Christian College (C003618) | |
BIB 234 — Survey of Religions | 3.00 |
Southwestern Illinois College (C001636) | |
PHIL 155 — Non-Western Philosophy | 3.00 |
Southwestern Oklahoma State University (C003181) | |
GSTDY 2033 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
Spartanburg Methodist College (C003447) | |
RELI 215 — World Religions | 3.00 |
St Charles Community College (C025306) | |
PHL 201 — World Religion | 3.00 |
State College of Florida (C001504) | |
REL 2000 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
REL 2130 — Religion & Contemp Society | 3.00 |
REL 2300 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Stonehill College (C002217) | |
GR 100 — Critical Encounters-Relgi Studies | 3.00 |
Strayer University (C001459) | |
REL 212 — World Religions | 3.00 |
0.01 | |
Susquehanna University (C003369) | |
RELI 105 — World Religions | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Sussex County Community College Commissi (C005459) | |
PHIL 201 — Comparative Religions | 3.00 |
Tallahassee Community College (C001533) | |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Tarrant County Junior College District (C008898) | |
PHIL 1304 — Great Religions Of The World | 3.00 |
Temple University (C003371) | |
REL C053 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Tennessee Technological University (C003523) | |
RELS 2010 — Intro to Religious Studies | 3.00 |
Texas Christian University (C003636) | |
RELI 10013 — Understand Rel: World Rel | 3.00 |
RELI 10023 — Understanding Rel: Communities | 3.00 |
RELI 10033 — Understanding Rel: Texts & Ideas | 3.00 |
RELI 10043 — Understanding Rel: Soc & Culture | 3.00 |
Texas Tech University (C003644) | |
PHIL 2350 — World Religions and Philosophy | 3.00 |
The University of Alabama (C001051) | |
REL 100 — Introduction To The Study Of Religion | 3.00 |
REL 105 — Honors Intro To The Study Of Religion | 3.00 |
REL 220 — Survey Of Asian Religions | 3.00 |
The University of Findlay (C003045) | |
RELI 101 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
The University of The South (C003534) | |
REL 111 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
REL 161 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
RELG 111 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Thomas A Edison State College (C011648) | |
REL 407 — Western Religion | 3.00 |
Three Rivers College - MO (C004713) | |
PHIL 243 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Tidewater Community College (C003712) | |
REL 230 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Tompkins-Cortland Community College (C006788) | |
HUMN 232 — Intro World Religion | 3.00 |
Towson University (C02099) | |
PHIL 105 — Intro Stdy Relig | 3.00 |
RLST 105 — Intro to the Study of Religion | 3.00 |
Trident Technical College (C008818) | |
REL 101 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Troy University (C001047) | |
REL 2280 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Truett Mcconnell College (C001597) | |
MI 329 — WORLD RELIGIONS | 3.00 |
Truman State University (C002495) | |
PHRE 185 — Exploring Religions | 3.00 |
Tulane University of Louisiana (C002029) | |
PARL 3330 — World Religions | 3.00 |
RLST 110 — Intro. to Religious Studies | 3.00 |
Tulsa Junior College (C009763) | |
RELG 1113 — Intro to Religious Studies | 3.00 |
Union University (C003528) | |
PHL 349 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Arizona (C001083) | |
RELI 160D4 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Arkansas at Little Rock (C001101) | |
RELS 1305 — Intro to Relig | 3.00 |
RELS 2305 — Religious World Views | 3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (C001108) | |
HUMN 2213 — Intro World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Bridgeport (C001416) | |
WREL 216 — Philosophy of World Religions | 3.00 |
WREL 216 — Philosophy of World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Central Arkansas (C001092) | |
RELG 1320 — Religion | 3.00 |
RELG 1320 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Central Florida (C003954) | |
REL 2300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
REL 2300H — Honors World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Georgia (C001598) | |
ELEC 115 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
RELI 1003 — Introduction to Religious Thought | 3.00 |
RELI 1006 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
University of Hawaii at Manoa (C001610) | |
REL 150 — Intro to the Worlds Major Rel | 3.00 |
University of Illinois-Urbana Campus (C001775) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Louisville (C001999) | |
HUM 216 — Intro to World Religions -HCD1 | 3.00 |
University of Maine (C002053) | |
ANT 120 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
University of Memphis (C003509) | |
RLGN 1100 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (C002565) | |
RELG 108 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of North Carolina Wilmington (C002984) | |
PAR 103 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
PAR 125 — Gt Books World Religion | 3.00 |
University of North Carolina at Charlott (C002975) | |
RELS 1101 — Intro Rel Stu | 3.00 |
RELS 1200 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of North Florida (C009841) | |
REL 2300 — CD-Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
University of North Georgia (C001585) | |
HIST 2860 — History of World Religions | 3.00 |
RELG 2860 — History of World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Phoenix (C014593) | |
HUM 130 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
REL 134 — World Religious Traditions II | 3.00 |
University of San Diego (C010395) | |
THRS 112 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of South Alabama (C001057) | |
REL 352 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of South Carolina-Columbia (C003448) | |
RELG 103 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
University of Southern California (C001328) | |
REL 301 — Introduction to the Study of Religion | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441) | |
REL 131 — Comparative Religion | 3.00 |
University of Tampa (C001538) | |
REL 205 — World Religions | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (C003529) | |
REL 103 — Introduction to the Study of Religion | 3.00 |
REL 1030 — Introduction to the Study of R | 3.00 |
REL 110 — Introduction to Western Religions | 3.00 |
REL 1100 — Introduction to Western Religi | 3.00 |
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (C003530) | |
REL 101 — World Religions in History | 3.00 |
REL 102 — The Comparison of World Religions | 3.00 |
REST 101 — World Religions/History | 3.00 |
University of Tennessee-Martin (C003531) | |
PHIL 301 — Major Religions of the World | 3.00 |
RLST 301 — Major Religions of the World | 3.00 |
University of The Ozarks (C001094) | |
REL 1023 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
University of Toledo (C003131) | |
REL 1220 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Utah (C003675) | |
PHIL 1600 — World Religions | 3.00 |
PHIL 3640 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Vermont (C003696) | |
REL 001 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Virginia Main Campus (C003745) | |
RELG 1005 — World Religions | 3.00 |
RELG 1559 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of West Florida (C003955) | |
REL 1300 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (C009630) | |
RELSTD 102 — World Religions | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (C003924) | |
REL 202 — Intro to the Study of Religion | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (C003926) | |
REL 101 — Intro-Study of Religion | 3.00 |
University of Wyoming (C003932) | |
RELI 1000 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
Upper Iowa University (C001893) | |
REL 120 — Intro Religion | 3.00 |
Valdosta State College (C001599) | |
REL 2020 — World Religions | 3.00 |
Valencia Community College (C006750) | |
REL 2000 — Understanding Religious Trdtns | 3.00 |
REL 2300 — Understanding Religious Traditions | 3.00 |
Victor Valley College (C001335) | |
RLST 101 — Intro Religious Studies | 3.00 |
Wake Forest University (C002978) | |
REL 101 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Wake Technical Community College (C004844) | |
REL 110 — World Religions | 3.00 |
REL 112 — Western Religions | 3.00 |
Washington and Lee University (C003768) | |
REL 100 — Intro to Religion | 3.00 |
Waubonsee Community College (C006931) | |
PHL 120.004 — Intro to World Religions | 3.00 |
Wesley College (C001433) | |
RE 106 — World Religions | 3.00 |
West Kentucky Community & Technical Coll (C001979) | |
REL 101 — Intro to Religious Studies | 3.00 |
West Virginia University (C003827) | |
RELG 102 — Introduction to World Religions | 3.00 |
Western Carolina University (C002981) | |
PAR 242 — What is Religion? | 3.00 |
Western International University (C014970) | |
HUM 127 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
Western Kentucky University (C002002) | |
RELS 102 — Intro Rel St | 3.00 |
Western Michigan University (C002330) | |
REL 100 — Religions of World | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Wofford College (C003457) | |
REL 240 — Religions of the World | 3.00 |
REL 260 — Introduction to Religion | 3.00 |
Xavier University of Louisiana (C002032) | |
THEO 1150 — Intr Relig Studies | 3.00 |
Young Harris College (C001604) | |
REL 103 — World Religions | 3.00 |