Transfer Equivalencies
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Equivalencies for Thea 201 – Appreciation of the Theatre
School | |
School Course Name | UM Credits |
Adams State College (C001345) | |
THTR 180 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Alcorn State University (C002396) | |
SA 214 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
Alice Lloyd College (C001951) | |
THEA 161 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Allen County Community College (C001901) | |
THE 222 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Angelina College (C006661) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Anne Arundel Community College (C002058) | |
THA 111 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Appalachian State University (C002906) | |
THR 2010 — Analyzing Style & Form Theatre | 3.00 |
THR 2011 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Arizona State University (C001081) | |
THE 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Arkansas Northeastern College (C012860) | |
SP 22013 — Fine Arts Theatre | 3.00 |
Arkansas State University Newport (C011949) | |
THEA 2503 — Fine Arts Theatre | 3.00 |
Arkansas State University Beebe Branch (C001091) | |
THEA 2503 — Fine Arts-Theatre | 3.00 |
Arkansas State University Main Campus (C001090) | |
THEA 1203 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 2503 — Fine Arts - Theatre | 3.00 |
Arkansas State University Mid-South (C015862) | |
AR 1123 — Fine Arts Theater | 3.00 |
ARTS 1123 — Fine Arts Theater | 3.00 |
ARTS 1123 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Armstrong State University (C001546) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Auburn University Main Campus (C001009) | |
THEA 2010 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 2017 — Honors Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Auburn University at Montgomery (C008310) | |
TH 204 — Theatre Apprecn | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
THEA 2010 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 2040 — Theatre Appreciation1 | 3.00 |
Augusta University (C001552) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Austin Community College (C012015) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
DRM 1613 — Intro to Theat | 3.00 |
Austin Peay State University (C003478) | |
SPCH 111 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 1030 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Avila College (C002449) | |
TR 110C — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Ball State University (C001786) | |
THEA 100 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Baylor University (C003545) | |
THEA 1306 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Belhaven University (C002397) | |
THE 120 — Understanding Theatre | 3.00 |
Benedictine College (C010256) | |
THEO 1100 — Introduction to Theat | 3.00 |
Berry College (C001554) | |
THE 201 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Bethel College (C001787) | |
SAT 112 — Understanding Theater | 3.00 |
Bethel University (C003480) | |
SAT 112 — Understanding Theater | 3.00 |
Bevill State Community College (Z000203) | |
THR 120 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Black River Technical College (C011948) | |
FAT 2203 — Fine Arts Theatre | 3.00 |
Blinn College (C003549) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Blue Mountain Christian University (C002398) | |
ST 142 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Blue Ridge Community College (NC) (C009684) | |
DRA 111 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Boise State University (C001616) | |
THEA 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Bossier Parish Community College (C012033) | |
THTR 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Brigham Young University - Idaho (C001625) | |
TA 115 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
Broward Community College (C001500) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Cabrillo College (C001124) | |
TA 9 — Appreciation of Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
Caldwell Community College and Technical (C004835) | |
DRA 111 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Calhoun Community College (C001013) | |
THR 120 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
California State University-Chico (C001146) | |
THEA 110 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
California State University-Fresno (C001147) | |
DRAMA 062 — Theatre Today | 3.00 |
DRAMA 62 — Theatre Today | 3.00 |
California State University-Fullerton (C001137) | |
THTR 100 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Campbell University (C002913) | |
THEA 131 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Catawba Valley Community College (C005318) | |
DRA 111 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Catholic University of America (C001437) | |
DR 101 — Theatre I | 3.00 |
Central Baptist College (C001093) | |
THR 2300 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Central Piedmont Community College (C002915) | |
DRA 111 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Chabot College (C001162) | |
THTR 10 — Introduction to Theater Arts | 3.00 |
Charleston Southern University (C003419) | |
SPCH 311 — Intro to the Th | 3.00 |
Chattanooga State Technical Community Co (C003998) | |
THEA 1030 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Chipola Junior College (C001472) | |
THE 1000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Christian Brothers University (C003482) | |
CA 115 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
Clemson University (C003425) | |
THEA 210 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Cloud County Community College (C001909) | |
CM 140 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Coastal Carolina University (Z004281) | |
THEA 101 — Introduction to Theater Art | 3.00 |
Coffeyville Community College (C001910) | |
THTR 160 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
College of Charleston (C003428) | |
THTR 176 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
College of Coastal Georgia (C001558) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
College of Du Page (C006656) | |
THEAT 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
College of Lake County (C007694) | |
THE 121 — Introduction to Theatre I | 3.00 |
College of Southern Maryland (C002064) | |
THE 1010 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
College of The Canyons (C008903) | |
THEATR 110 — Understanding Theatre | 3.00 |
College of The Sequoias (C001186) | |
DRAM 001 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Collin College (C023614) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Columbia State Community College (C003483) | |
THEA 1030 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Columbus State University (C001561) | |
THE 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Compton Community College (C001188) | |
THR 17 — Drama Appreciation | 3.00 |
Converse College (C003431) | |
THR 100 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
Cowley County Community College (C001902) | |
THE 2730 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Crowder College (C002459) | |
TA 205 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Cuyahoga Community College District (C008797) | |
THEA 1010 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Cypress College (C001193) | |
THEA 100 — Introduction to The Theater | 3.00 |
Darton College (C001543) | |
THEA 1100A — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Daytona State College (C001475) | |
THE 1000 — Dramatic Appre | 3.00 |
DeSales University (C003986) | |
EN 112 — An Introduction to Drama | 3.00 |
Dean Junior College (C002144) | |
THA 111 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Del Mar College (C003563) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Delta State University (C002403) | |
SPE 225 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
THE 225 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
Dyersburg State Community College (C006835) | |
THE 110 — Intro To Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 1030 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
East Carolina University (C002923) | |
THEA 1000 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
East Central College (C008862) | |
CT 1303 — Theatre Apprec | 3.00 |
East Tennessee State University (C003487) | |
THEA 1030 — Introduction To The Theatre | 3.00 |
Eastern Arizona College (C001073) | |
THC 105 — Intro to Drama | 3.00 |
Eastern Illinois University (C001674) | |
THA 2010 — Arts Omnibus | 3.00 |
Eastern Washington University (C003775) | |
HUMN 202 — Theatre in the Humanities | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
El Camino College (C001197) | |
THTRE 1 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Eureka College (C001678) | |
THA 110 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Florence Darlington Technical College (C003990) | |
THE 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Florida Atlantic University (C001481) | |
THE 2000 — Appreciation of Theatre | 3.00 |
Florida Gulf Coast University (Z100010) | |
HUM 2510 — Underst Visual & Perform Arts | 3.00 |
THE 2000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Florida International University (C009635) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Florida Southern College (C001488) | |
THE 1050 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Florida State College at Jacksonville (C001484) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Florida State University (C001489) | |
THE 2000 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
THE 3000 — Intord To Theatre | 3.00 |
Fordham University (C002722) | |
THEA 1100 — Invitation to Theatre | 3.00 |
Freed-Hardeman University (C003492) | |
THE 160 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
G C Wallace State Community College (C009980) | |
THR 120 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Gainesville College (C001567) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Gallaudet University (C001443) | |
THE 110 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Gardner-Webb College (C002929) | |
THEA 235 — Theatre Survey | 3.00 |
Genesee Community College (C006782) | |
THE 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
George C Wallace State Community College (C001018) | |
THR 120 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Georgia Perimeter College (C001562) | |
THEA 1301 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
THEA 2040 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Georgia Southern University (C001572) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminar (C002266) | |
THR 242 — Introduction to Th | 3.00 |
Grand Rapids Junior College (C002267) | |
TH 248 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Grayson College (C003570) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
DRAM 1310 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Great Basin College (C006977) | |
THTR 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Guilford Technical Community College (C004838) | |
DRA 111 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Gulf Coast State College (c001490) | |
THE 2000 — Undrstnd Theatr | 3.00 |
Harper College (C003961) | |
THE 111 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Henderson State University (C001098) | |
THA 2033 — Humanities: Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
High Point University (C002933) | |
THE 1000 — Foundations of The | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Highland Community College - Kansas (C001921) | |
TH 108 — Hist/Aprec of Theat | 3.00 |
Hillsborough Community College (C007870) | |
THE 1000 — Introduction to Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
Hofstra University (C002732) | |
DRAM 003 — Intro-Theater Arts | 3.00 |
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (C004925) | |
THE 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Idaho State University (C001620) | |
THEA 101 — Appreciation of Drama | 3.00 |
Illinois Central College (C006753) | |
THTRE 110 — The Nature of Theatre | 3.00 |
Illinois Eastern Community Colleges (C009136) | |
DRA 1111 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Illinois State University (C001692) | |
THE 152 — Experiencing Theatre | 3.00 |
Indiana University of Pennsylvania (C003277) | |
THTR 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Indiana University-Bloomington (C001809) | |
THTR-T 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Iowa State University (C001869) | |
THTRE 110 — Theatre and Society | 3.00 |
Itawamba Community College (C002409) | |
SPT 2233H — Theatre Appreciation Honors | 3.00 |
Ithaca College (C002739) | |
THPA 16000 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Jackson State Community College (C004937) | |
THEA 1030 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
Jackson State University (C002410) | |
DR 201 — Introduction to Drama | 3.00 |
Jacksonville State University (C001020) | |
DR 242 — Introduction To The Theatre | 3.00 |
James Madison University (C003721) | |
GTHEA 210 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Jefferson State Community College (C001022) | |
THR 120 — theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Johnson County Community College (C008244) | |
THEA 120 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Joliet Junior College (C001699) | |
THEA 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Kaskaskia College (C001701) | |
DRMA 111 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Kennesaw State University (C001577) | |
TPS 1107 — Arts in Society:Theatre & Perf | 3.00 |
Kilgore College (C003580) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Lamar University-Beaumont (C003581) | |
THEA 1310 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Lambuth College (C003498) | |
THE 2013 — Introduction To The Theatre | 3.00 |
Lansing Community College (C002278) | |
THEA 110 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Lee College (C003583) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Lenoir-Rhyne College (C002941) | |
THR 200 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Liberty University (C010392) | |
DRAM 101 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Lincoln Land Community College (C007170) | |
THE 101 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Lindenwood College (C002480) | |
TA 117 — Int Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
Lone Star College (C011145) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Long Island University C W Post Campus (C002754) | |
THE 101 — Introduction to Drama | 3.00 |
Lorain County Community College (C003068) | |
THTR 151G — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Los Medanos College (C010340) | |
DRAM 16 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Louisiana State University Eunice (C002012) | |
SPCM 1020 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge (C002010) | |
THTR 1020 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
Louisiana Tech University (C002008) | |
SPTH 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
SPTH 290 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
THTR 290 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Lycoming College (C003293) | |
THEA 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Lyon College (C001088) | |
SPCH&TH 232 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Malone College (C003072) | |
COMM 222 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Mary Baldwin College (C003723) | |
THEA 101 — Plays in Performance | 3.00 |
THEA 114 — Intoduction to Drama | 3.00 |
Mchenry County College (C007691) | |
THE 151 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
Mclennan Community College (C003590) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Miami University-Oxford Campus (C007104) | |
THE 191 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Mid-South Community College (Z000457) | |
AR 1123 — Fine Arts Theater | 3.00 |
Middle Georgia State University (C001581) | |
DRAM 2222 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Middle Tennessee State University (C003510) | |
THEA 1030 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Millsaps College (C002414) | |
IDS 1118 — World Heritage | 3.00 |
IDS 1128 — World Heritage | 3.00 |
3.00 | |
3.00 | |
3.00 | |
1.00 | |
IDST 1118 — World Heritage-Fine Arts, Religion | 3.00 |
IDST 1128 — World Heritage-History, Lit, Philosophy | 3.00 |
3.00 | |
3.00 | |
3.00 | |
1.00 | |
IDST 1118 — World Heritage-Fine Arts, Religion | 3.00 |
3.00 | |
2.00 | |
THEATRE 1000 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Milwaukee Area Technical Institute (Z005109) | |
SPEECH 212 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Mississippi College (C002415) | |
THE 125 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Mississippi Community Colleges (C999999) | |
SPT 2233 — Theatre Appreciation (Non-Majors) | 3.00 |
Mississippi State University (C002423) | |
CO 1503 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Mississippi University for Women (C002422) | |
TH 175 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Mississippi Valley State University (C002424) | |
TH 201 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Missouri Southern State College (C002488) | |
THE 101 — Theatre/Drama Arts | 3.00 |
Missouri State University (C002503) | |
THE 101 — Theatre/Drama Arts | 3.00 |
Moraine Valley Community College (C007692) | |
THE 105 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Morehead State University (C001976) | |
THEA 110 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Motlow State Community College (C006836) | |
THEA 1030 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Murray State University (C001977) | |
THD 104 — The Theatrical Experience | 3.00 |
Muskegon Community College (C002297) | |
TH 101 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Muskingum College (C003084) | |
THEA 151 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Nassau Community College (C002873) | |
THR 100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Navarro College (C003593) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
New Mexico Military Institute (C002656) | |
DRAM 1113 — Intro to Drama | 3.00 |
New Mexico State University Main Campus (C002657) | |
THTR 101 — World of Theatre | 3.00 |
New York University (C002785) | |
H28. 0500 — Intro to Theatre Studies | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Newberry College (C003440) | |
THE 110 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Normandale Community College (C007954) | |
ThTR 1116 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
North Carolina Wesleyan College (C002951) | |
THR 115 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
North Central Texas College (C003558) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
North Lake College - Dallas College (C020774) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Northeast Alabama State Junior College (C001031) | |
THR 120 — Theatre Appreciate | 3.00 |
Northeast State Technical Community Coll (C005378) | |
SPCH 151 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Northeast Texas Community College (C023154) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Northeastern University (C002199) | |
THTR 1210 — Theatre and Society | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Northern Kentucky University (C009275) | |
TAR 100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Northern Michigan University (C002301) | |
TH 130 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Northwest Arkansas Community College (C000458) | |
DRAM 1003 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Northwest Florida State College (C001510) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Northwest Missouri State University (C002496) | |
THEA 43101 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Oakton Community College (C009896) | |
HUM 131 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Ohio State University Main Campus (C003090) | |
THEA 100 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Ohio University Main Campus (C003100) | |
THAR 1710 — The Theatrical Experience | 3.00 |
Oral Roberts University (C003985) | |
DRAM 215 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Orange Coast College (C001250) | |
THEA A100 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Ouachita Baptist University (C001102) | |
CORE 3133.0 — FA: Theatre | 3.00 |
Palm Beach State College (C001512) | |
THE 1000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Palo Alto College (C023413) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro Theatre/Appreciation | 3.00 |
Palomar College (C001260) | |
TA 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Panhandle State University (C003174) | |
COMM 2423 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Panola College (C003600) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Paris Junior College (C003601) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Pellissippi State Community College (C012693) | |
THEA 1030 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Pennsylvania Western University (C003316) | |
THE 100 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Pensacola State College (C001513) | |
THE 2000 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
Phillips Community College of Univ Ark (C001104) | |
SP 113 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
SP 123 — Intro To Theatre | 3.00 |
Polk Community College (C001514) | |
THE 1000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Porterville College (C001268) | |
DRMA 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Prince Georges Community College (C002089) | |
THE 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Pulaski Technical College (Z000463) | |
DRTH 2300 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Purdue University Main Campus (C001825) | |
THTR 20100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Radford University (C003732) | |
THEA 100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Randolph-Macon College (C003733) | |
DRAM 111 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Red Rocks Community College (C009543) | |
THE 105 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Rend Lake College (C007119) | |
THEA 1106 — Appreciation | 3.00 |
Rhodes College (C003519) | |
THE 100 — Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
Richland Community College (C010879) | |
THTRE 150 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Rio Hondo College (C001269) | |
THTR 101 — Theatre Arts Appreciation | 3.00 |
Riverside City College (Z055516) | |
THE 3 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Rocky Mountain College (C002534) | |
THR 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Roger Williams College (C004917) | |
THEAT 130 — The Art of the Theatre | 3.00 |
Rogers State College (C003168) | |
HUM 2413 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Rollins College (C001515) | |
THE 100 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Rust College (C002433) | |
DRM 235 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Rutgers University-New Brunswick (C002629) | |
965 211 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Sacramento City College (C001233) | |
TA 300 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Saint Leo University (C001526) | |
FAS 125 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Saint Louis Community College (C002471) | |
THT 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Saint Louis University Main Campus (C002506) | |
THR 1000 — Approaching the Arts: Theatre | 3.00 |
Saint Mary's College of Minnesota (C002380) | |
TA 160 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Saint Peter’s University (C002638) | |
EL 207 — Drama | 3.00 |
Samford University (C001036) | |
THEA 200 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
San Antonio College (C009163) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre-Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Santa Barbara City College (C001285) | |
TA 103 — Understanding Drama | 3.00 |
Santa Monica College (C001286) | |
TH ART 5 — History Theatre | 3.00 |
Santiago Canyon College (C036957) | |
THEA 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Sauk Valley Community College (C001752) | |
SPE 141 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Shelby State Community College NA (C010439) | |
THEA 1060 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Shelton State Community College (C005691) | |
THR 120 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Shepherd College (C003822) | |
THEA 204 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Shorter College (C001591) | |
THE 2250 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Sierra College (C001290) | |
DRAMA 13 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Skagit Valley College (C003792) | |
THTR 130 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
Snead State Community College (C001038) | |
THR 120 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
South Florida Community College (C001522) | |
THE 2002 — Theat Hist | 3.00 |
South Texas College (C031034) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Southeast Missouri State University (C002501) | |
TH 100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Southeastern Illinois College (C001757) | |
THTR 121 — Intro Theater | 3.00 |
Southeastern Louisiana University (C002024) | |
THEA 131 — Introduction To The Theatre | 3.00 |
Southeastern University (WA) (C001456) | |
THEA 131 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsv (C001759) | |
THEA 111 — The Dramatic Experience | 3.00 |
Southern Methodist University (C003613) | |
THEA 1380 — Mirror of the Age | 3.00 |
Southwest Baptist University (C002502) | |
FAR 1033 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Southwest Tennessee Community College (C500121) | |
THEA 1030 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Southwestern Illinois College (C001636) | |
SPCH 220 — American Playhouse | 3.00 |
THEA 120 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Spring Hill College (C001041) | |
ENG 242 — Introduction To Drama And Theater | 3.00 |
St Charles Community College (C025306) | |
THE 122 — Introduction to the Theater | 3.00 |
St Philips College (C003608) | |
DRAM 1310 — Intro to Theatre-Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
State Fair Community College (C008080) | |
THEA 107 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
State Technical Institute of Memphis NA (C007105) | |
EN 1055 — Introduction To Theater | 3.00 |
Stephen F. Austin State University (C003624) | |
THR 161 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Tallahassee Community College (C001533) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
THE 2100 — Introduction to Theatre History | 3.00 |
Tarleton State University (C003631) | |
THEA 105 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Tarrant County Junior College District (C008898) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Tennessee State University (C003522) | |
THTR 1010 — Introduction to Drama | 3.00 |
Tennessee Technological University (C003523) | |
THEA 1030 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 200 — Intro To Theatre | 3.00 |
Texarkana College (C003628) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Texas A&M University (C003632) | |
THAR 101 — Intro West Theatre Drama | 3.00 |
Texas Christian University (C003636) | |
THEA 10053 — Survey of Theatre Arts I | 3.00 |
THEA 11003 — Survey of Theatre | 3.00 |
Texas Southern University (C003642) | |
THEA 130 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
The University of Alabama (C001051) | |
TH 114 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
The University of Louisiana at Monroe (C002020) | |
THEA 1091 — Enjoying Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 191 — Enjoying Theatre | 3.00 |
The University of The South (C003534) | |
THTR 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
The University of West Georgia (C001601) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
The University of the Arts (C003350) | |
THEA 151 — Survey of Theater Arts | 3.00 |
Three Rivers College - MO (C004713) | |
SPDR 120 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 120 — History & Apprec of Theatre | 3.00 |
Towson University (C02099) | |
THEA 103 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Trevecca Nazarene College (C003526) | |
COM 2250 — Intro to Drama | 3.00 |
Trident Technical College (C008818) | |
THE 101 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Trinidad State Jr College (C001368) | |
THE 105 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Trinity Valley Community College (C003572) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theatre Appreciat | 3.00 |
Troy University (C001047) | |
THE 1130 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Truckee Meadows Community College (C021077) | |
THTR 210 — Theater: Cultural Context | 3.00 |
Truett Mcconnell College (C001597) | |
TH 101 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Tufts University (C002219) | |
TPS 1 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Tulane University of Louisiana (C002029) | |
THEA 102 — Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
Tyler Junior College (C003648) | |
DRAM 1310 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Union College (C001988) | |
DRAM 131 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
THTR 131 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Union University (C003528) | |
COM 113 — Introduction To Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
University of Alabama at Birmingham (C001052) | |
THR 100 — Introduction To The Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Alabama in Huntsville (C001055) | |
CM 122 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of Alaska Anchorage (C011462) | |
THR A111 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville (C001108) | |
DRAM 1003 — Basic Course In The Arts:Theatre Lecture | 3.00 |
DRAM 1223 — Introduction Dramatic Art | 3.00 |
THTR 1003 — Basic Course:Theatre App | 3.00 |
University of Central Arkansas (C001092) | |
ENGL 2390 — Intro Drama | 3.00 |
THEA 1350 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 2300 — Theatr Apprec | 3.00 |
University of Central Florida (C003954) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Survey | 3.00 |
University of Colorado at Boulder (C001370) | |
THTR 1009 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Evansville (C001795) | |
THTR 110 — Introduction to Th | 3.00 |
University of Florida (C001535) | |
THE 2000 — Theatre Apprec I | 3.00 |
University of Holy Cross (C002023) | |
FNA 320 — Theatre & Film Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of Houston (C003652) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 1331 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Idaho (C001626) | |
THEA 101 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Illinois-Urbana Campus (C001775) | |
THEA 101 — Introduction to Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
University of Kentucky (C001989) | |
TA 101 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Louisana at Lafayette (C002031) | |
THEA 161 — Intro To Theat & Performing Arts | 3.00 |
University of Louisville (C001999) | |
TA 207 — Enjoyment of Theatre-1 | 3.00 |
University of Mary Washington (C003746) | |
THEA 111 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Maryland Global Campus (C011644) | |
THET 110 — Intro to the Theatr | 3.00 |
University of Maryland-College Park (C002103) | |
THET 110 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Massachusetts at Amherst (C002221) | |
THEATER 100 — Intro to Theatr | 3.00 |
University of Memphis (C003509) | |
THEA 1030 — Introduction To Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 1551 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Miami (C001536) | |
THA 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Montevallo (C001004) | |
SPTH 120 — Int to Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 120 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Nebraska at Omaha (C002554) | |
THEA 1010 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Nebraska-Lincoln (C002565) | |
THEA 112G — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Nevada-Las Vegas (C002569) | |
THTR 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of New Hampshire-Main Campus (C002589) | |
THEA 435 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of New Orleans (C002015) | |
DRCM 1000 — Theatre & Comm Arts | 3.00 |
ENGL 2208 — Introduction to Drama | 3.00 |
FTCA 1000 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of North Alabama (C001016) | |
TH 210 — Intro To Theatre | 3.00 |
University of North Carolina Wilmington (C002984) | |
THR 121 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of North Carolina at Charlott (C002975) | |
LBST 1104 — Arts and Society: Theater | 3.00 |
University of North Carolina at Pembrok (C002954) | |
THE 250 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (C002974) | |
DRAM 015 — Persp In West Drama | 3.00 |
DRAM 116 — Persp in the Theatre | 3.00 |
University of North Georgia (C001585) | |
THEA 2500 — Theatre Arts Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus (C003184) | |
DRAM 1713 — Understanding the Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Pikeville (C001980) | |
COM 101 — Appreciation of Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Rhode Island (C003414) | |
THE 100 — Intro Theatre | 3.00 |
University of San Diego (C010395) | |
THEA 111 — Theatre and Society | 3.00 |
University of South Alabama (C001057) | |
DRA 110 — Introduction to Drama | 3.00 |
University of South Carolina at Aiken (C003449) | |
THEA A161 — Introduction to Theater Art | 3.00 |
University of South Carolina at Union (C004927) | |
THEA 200 — Understanding & Appreciation of Theatre | 3.00 |
University of South Carolina-Columbia (C003448) | |
THE 161 — Intro to Theatre Art | 3.00 |
THEA 200 — Understanding & Apprec Theatre | 3.00 |
University of South Florida (C001537) | |
THE 2000 — Theater and Culture | 3.00 |
University of Southern Indiana (C001808) | |
THTR 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Southern Mississippi (C002441) | |
THE 100 — Theatrical Expressions | 3.00 |
THE 100 — Theatr Appreciation | 3.00 |
THE 100H — Theatr Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of St Thomas (MN) (C002345) | |
THTR 111 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
1.00 | |
University of Tennessee-Chattanooga (C003529) | |
THSP 111 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
THSP 1110 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (C003530) | |
THEA 100 — Introduction/Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Tennessee-Martin (C003531) | |
THEA 111 — Understanding Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Texas at Arlington (C003656) | |
THEA 1343 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
University of Texas at Austin (C003658) | |
TD 301 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Texas at El Paso (C003661) | |
THEA 1313 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of Washington (C003798) | |
DRAMA 103 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
0.33 | |
University of West Alabama (C001024) | |
TH 100 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
University of West Florida (C003955) | |
THE 2000 — The Theatre Experien | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh (C009630) | |
THEAT 161 — Apprec of Drama | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin - Parkside (C005015) | |
THEA 110 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (C003899) | |
AVD 141 — Intro to Theatre Arts | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Madison (C003895) | |
THEATRE 120 — Intro-Theatre & Dramatic Lit | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-River Falls (C003923) | |
CSTA 105 — Intro to Theatre & Drama | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (C003924) | |
THEA 105 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
University of Wisconsin-Stout (C003915) | |
THEA 232 — Introduction to the Theater | 3.00 |
University of Wyoming (C003932) | |
THEA 1000 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
THEA 1000 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Valdosta State College (C001599) | |
THEA 1100 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Valencia Community College (C006750) | |
THE 1000 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Vincennes University (C001843) | |
THEA 100 — theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Virginia Highlands Community College (C007099) | |
SPD 130 — Int Theatre | 3.00 |
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State (C003754) | |
TA 2014 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Virginia Western Community College (C003760) | |
CST 130 — Intro to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Volunteer State Community College (C009912) | |
THEA 1030 — Intro to Theater | 3.00 |
Wallace State Comm Col - Hanceville (C007871) | |
THR 120 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Washington State University (C003800) | |
THEAT 160 — Intro Theatr | 3.00 |
Washington and Lee University (C003768) | |
THTR 100 — Introduction to Theater | 3.00 |
Wentworth Military Academy (C002522) | |
ART 103 — Theatre Studies | 3.00 |
West Chester University of Pennsylvania (C003328) | |
THA 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
West Kentucky Community & Technical Coll (C001979) | |
THA 101 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
West Valley College (C001338) | |
THEAR 010 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
West Virginia University (C003827) | |
THET 101 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Western Carolina University (C002981) | |
THEA 104 — The Theatre Experience | 3.00 |
Western Illinois University (C001780) | |
THEA 110 — Intro to Thea | 3.00 |
Western Kentucky University (C002002) | |
THEA 151 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
Western Michigan University (C002330) | |
THEA 1000 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
Wharton County Junior College (C003668) | |
DRAM 1310 — Introduction to Theatre | 3.00 |
William Carey University (C002447) | |
THE 135 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |
THE 235 — Introduction To The Theatre | 3.00 |
Williams Baptist College (C001106) | |
SP 2153 — Theater Appreciation | 3.00 |
Wilmington College (C003142) | |
THR 100 — Intro to Theatre | 3.00 |
Wofford College (C003457) | |
THEA 201 — Introduction to the Theatre | 3.00 |
Young Harris College (C001604) | |
THE 110 — Theatre Appreciation | 3.00 |