Executive Board

Meet the sorority women who facilitate the operations of the College Panhellenic Council, and hear from the CPH President and CPH Vice President of Recruitment.

Emma Grace (EG) Hale


The President serves as the public face of the Panhellenic community, manages all meetings of the Panhellenic Council, and serves as an ex-officio member of all CPH meetings. She regularly works with the Panhellenic advisor, Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, and Office of Fraternal Leadership and Learning. She also consistently communicates with the National Panhellenic Conference area advisor and ensures the completion of the NPC annual report.

Emma Grace (EG) Hale

A Letter from the CPH President

Hello, and welcome to the University of Mississippi College Panhellenic! On behalf of our community, I am so thrilled that you are interested in joining Panhellenic life at the Flagship!

Ole Miss Panhellenic is the proud home of nearly 6,000 women within 11 NPC chapters. Each of these 11 chapters are unique, but are founded upon the ideals of personal growth, academic excellence, sisterhood, and service. Our community holds our members to exceptional standards, and is faithful to fostering an equitable and inclusive experience for all those involved, no matter their background. Whether you are a legacy, a first-generation college student, or simply curious about Greek life, know that you are valued and welcomed with love and open arms.

By joining a Panhellenic sorority, you are not only engaging yourself in endless opportunities for academic success, leadership, and philanthropic initiatives, but you are creating an invaluable support network. The journey you are about to embark on does not end once you graduate – the Ole Miss sorority experience brings about sisterhoods that last a lifetime.

Again, we could not be more excited to begin our recruitment process, and are eager to help in any way that we can! If you have any questions pertaining to Panhellenic life or recruitment, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office at collegepanhellenic@olemiss.edu or call the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life at (662) 915-7609.

Hotty Toddy!

Kylie Luker

Executive Vice President

The Executive Vice President keeps a roll of the members of the Panhellenic Council and maintains minutes of CPH meetings and shares them with the National Panhellenic Council area advisor. She also supervises CPH's finances, preparing the annual budget, receiving and making payments, and maintaining records. The Executive Vice President also assumes the President's duties in her absence. 

Kylie Luker

Rachel Beth Deaton

Vice President of Standards

The Vice President of Standards coordinates, trains, and oversees the Standards Board and handles all recruitment infractions and standards violations through the Judicial Process. She is an expert on all College Panhellenic governing documents and lobbies for changes to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and equity. 

Rachel Beth Deaton

Karli Fulwood

Vice President of Recruitment

The Vice President of Recruitment maintains formal recruitment rules and schedules, corresponds with chapters on recruitment, and chairs the Recruitment Committee. She oversees and assists the Assistant Director of Recruitment, Director of Recruitment Counselors, and Director of Recruitment Board of Ethics.

Karli Fulwood

A Letter from the Vice President of Recruitment

Hotty Toddy and welcome to the University of Mississippi! I have the absolute pleasure to serve as Vice President of Recruitment Logistics for the College Panhellenic Council. On behalf of our council, I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you to the Flagship. I want to express how honored we are to welcome you to our community in your journey of higher education.

The beginning of college is a transformative moment filled with excitement, anticipation, and perhaps a touch of nervousness. Rest assured, you are not alone. Our vibrant Greek community is here to offer you support, guidance, and friendship every step of the way. The college experience is about more than just academics; it's about forging lifelong connections, discovering your passions, and embracing new opportunities for personal growth. As you prepare to navigate your first year on campus, I encourage you to explore all that our Greek community has to offer.

Should you choose to participate in our Primary Recruitment process, I urge you to prioritize the values that you hold closest to your heart. Our Panhellenic community is the proud home of eleven National Panhellenic Conference organizations, each with their own ideals and values. If you are looking for a community of like-minded women who will support you inside and out of these four years at the Flagship, our Panhellenic community is ready to provide you with these opportunities. I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity that is available to you!

I am so excited you are interested in joining our Panhellenic community, and we cannot wait to see you this fall!

Riley Wood

Vice President of Recruitment Counselors

The Vice President of Recruitment Counselors coordinates the selection of roughly 150 Recruitment Counselors through an application and interview process. She plans and facilitates an 8-9 week training program, a retreat, work week, and pre- and post-recruitment content. She manages the RCs as they lead meetings, aid in formal recruitment, and facilitate the 6-week post-recruitment program.

Riley Wood

Riley Dellenger

Vice President of Member Development

The Vice President of Member Development plans programming and events to promote professional, personal, and community development. She oversees the Academic Excellence Committee, Month of the Scholar programming, Academic Excellence Banquet, and scholarship selection committees, in addition to community wellness efforts.

Riley Dellenger

Rebekah (Bekah) Woodruff

Vice President of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Vice President of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion takes the initiative to create lasting, inentional change through programming fostering inclusion throughout the community. She meets with the Inclusion and Community Engagement Committee to establish goals within chapters and meets with the Center for Inclusion and Cross-Cultural Engagement once per semester to create improvements. She is an expert on all NPC and CPH rules regarding equitable experiences within the community.

Rebekah (Bekah) Woodruff

Sheridan Garbe

Vice President of Philanthropy

The Vice President of Philantropy plans and executes CASA Encore and the CARE Walk, participates in Circle of Sisterhood fundraising efforts, and actively seeks out ways for CPH to serve the Lafayette-Oxford-University community. She meets with chapter philanthropy chairs to establish goals for each semester and attends chapter philanthropy events to support Panhellenic efforts.

Sheridan Garbe

Erika Fontana

Vice President of Public Relations

The Vice President of Public Relations manages and maintains the CPH Instagram and Facebook, creates graphics and posts for CPH events, and attends and photographs community events. She also establishes relationships with chapter PR chairs, monitors chapters' social media to report recruitment rules violations, and updates the Primary Recruitment Guidebook.

Erika Fontana

Mariama Kolley

Assistant Vice President of Recruitment

The Assistant Vice President of Recruitment manages Recruitment t-shirt designs and orders, Recruitment Roundtable meetings, and additional projects delegated by the Vice President of Recruitment. She also assists the Vice President of Recruitment Counselors and Vice President of Standards with their trainings.

Mariama Kolley