Fraternity and Sorority Resources

These important links and FAQs will help you navigate your fraternity and sorority experience at Ole Miss.

Open Letter to the FSL Community

At the start of each academic year, we share a letter with our entire FSL community – current and new members, chapter advisors, housing corporation members, chapter alumni, national office leadership, and families of all members – because it takes everyone to create and maintain a culture of kindness, inclusion, respect, and safety. 

In recent years, you have likely heard of student deaths caused by hazing and alcohol or drug abuse across college campuses. You may also be aware of hazing violations for which some of our own chapters have been held responsible. These incidents are heartbreaking, especially because they are preventable. These tragedies can happen anywhere when vigilance and respect for the others’ well-being are absent. Hazing, high-risk drinking, drug abuse, and sexual violence are serious issues that directly go against the values of each of our organizations. 

While these concerns are not limited to Greek life, we want to remind all members of our fraternity and sorority community about the centrality of our values and standards. This is especially important because of the leadership, scholarship, and service roles each of you hold across our campus. As we embark upon a new academic year, we know that students are eager for social engagement. As we get to share and enjoy new experiences, exciting events, and memorable membership processes, we must remember the extremely important role we each have in caring for ourselves and each other. With that being said, we urge you to join us in rededicating ourselves to enormously important truths:

Hazing, high-risk drinking, drug abuse, and sexual violence have no place on our campus.

We are better, and we should want better for our community.

This letter is a reminder to our entire community about the risks we face and the role we play in combating them. It is imperative that we are each courageous and intentional in our actions. It is our responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect. We ask each member of every organization to recommit to your values and adhere to organization and campus policies. But most importantly — we need you to care.

The following page contains important resources of which we want you to be aware. Please reach out if you are motivated to improve a situation, are/become aware of something that should be addressed or suspect something is wrong or in violation of University policies. Your engagement is critical to the culture, safety, and sustainability of our fraternity and sorority community. It will take our entire community to facilitate the culture of kindness and respect required to combat hazing, high-risk drinking, drug abuse, and sexual violence.


  • Dr. Brent A. Marsh, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students
  • Jess Turuc, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Jordan Freeman, Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Beckett Abington, 2024 Interfraternity Council President
  • Jatoni Donelson, 2024 National Pan-Hellenic Council President
  • Sarah Owens, 2024 Panhellenic Council President

Fraternity and Sorority Advisory Board

The Fraternity and Sorority Life Advisory Board (FSLAB) advises the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life on Greek Fee allocation, strategic planning, policy implementation, and visioning at The University of Mississippi.

  • Elizabeth Bailey, Kappa Kappa Gamma (2024)

  • Brian Foster, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. (2022)
  • Katie Busby, Kappa Alpha Theta (2022)
  • Candie Simmons, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (2023)
  • Crystal Grafton Combs, Alpha Omicron Pi (2023)

  • Beckett Abington, Interfraternity Council President
  • Sarah Owens, College Panhellenic Council President
  • Jatoni Donelson, National Pan-Hellenic Council President
  • Brett Barefoot, Student Affairs Development
  • Tracy Murry, Conflict Resolution & Student Conduct
  • Daniel Sanford, University Police Department
  • Erin Cromeans, Campus Recreation
  • Bradley Baker, Ole Miss Student Union
  • Graham Bodie, Academic Liaison
  • Brent A. Marsh, Assistant Vice Chancellor & Dean of Students

Empowering Fraternity and Sorority Communities

Fostering harm reduction, leadership, engagement, and respect within the community.

StandKIND is an ongoing harm-reduction initiative designed to bring awareness to and train fraternity and sorority leaders from each chapter on risk related-issues. This series of programs covers topics such as sexual assault and interpersonal violence prevention, alcohol and other drugs, hazing prevention, bystander intervention, and more. The goal of this program is to equip leaders on multiple levels with the tools necessary to identify issues and to respond, keeping the fraternity and sorority experience at the University of Mississippi safe for all of our members.

The Fraternal Leadership Experience, formerly known as Greek Summit or Greek Retreat, is our annual community program focused on building chapter leaders and council officers through team-building, leadership development, and networking. Chapter presidents and council officers are required to attend.

ENGAGE is designed to cultivate, educate and empower Greek-affiliated students at the University of Mississippi in their first year of membership. Through this experience, we hope to develop student leaders who are passionate about their community, the individual perspectives that each student brings, and the safety and wellness of the entire community.

Through this experience, participants will be able to form relationships with others across the Greek community, learn more about their leadership and skills, and become prepared to take on leadership roles across the community.

B.R.I.D.G.E., or Building Respect in Differing Greek Experiences, fosters respect in Greek-affiliated students at the University of Mississippi based on the differing chapter values and identities present at out institution. Through this experience, we hope to develop student leaders who are passionate about their community, the individual perspectives each student brings, and the safety and wellness of the entire community. B.R.I.D.G.E. participants will be able to form relationships and equip themselves with the tools to create meaningful programs and incorporate them into their chapters' initiatives.

Greek Life Dues

Understanding the costs of brotherhood and sisterhood.

The Greek Fee will be used to provide a long-term funding model for the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, while also providing support for additional professional staff members and new programming for the Greek community.

The Greek Fee is $50 each semester the student is listed an active member of their chapter on the chapter’s roster submitted to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. New members will not be charged during the semester they affiliate but will be charged every subsequent semester. Returning sophomore, junior, and senior members will be billed each semester. The Greek Fee will be added to your Bursar account at the same time as your semester tuition and other fees.

Yes, students who are listed on their chapter’s active roster will have the fee added to their Bursar account, no matter the number of credit hours taken for that particular semester.

Yes, students who are studying abroad are still active members of their chapter and will be assessed the fee.

If this happens, it means that you are not represented on the chapter’s official roster with the University and you may be prevented from assuming parking permits, meal plans, and other benefits associated with membership. You could call FSL ASAP to be added to your chapter.

The Greek Fee is assessed based on the roster received from each chapter prior to the beginning of each semester. Please contact your former chapter to have them update their roster to reflect your membership status.

If you have additional questions, please call the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life at 662-915-7609 or email

Ways to Support Fraternities and Sororities

Help us reach our goal of endowing $1 million to support the educational programs and operations of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. The endowment will provide valuable support for educational programming in leadership development; health and wellness; and diversity, equity and inclusion.

Programs include but are not limited to:

  • STANDKind Harm Reduction Series
  • ENGAGE: New Member Leader Program
  • Fraternal Leadership Experience
  • Chapter officer training and professional development
  • Chapter advisor training
  • Assistance for chapter and governing council officers to attend national and local leadership development conferences
  • Risk management programming: hazing prevention, violence prevention, alcohol & other drugs
  • Greek Day of Service

  • Platinum – $25,000+
  • Diamond – $10,000-$24,999
  • Gold – $5,000-$9,999
  • Silver – $1,000-$4,999
  • Bronze – $500-$999
  • Legacy Society – $100-$499
  • 1850 Society – $18.50 (Undergraduate giving level only)

Greek Honor Societies

Discover our honor societies and their efforts to celebrate the achievements of fraternity and sorority members as students and leaders.
  • Order of Omega

    Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of fraternity and sorority organizations. Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in, leadership, involvement within their respective organization and within the FSL, campus, and local communities. Members are selected from the top 3% of students at each institution. To date, over 500 chapters have been chartered throughout North America, each sharing the common goal of recognizing the many outstanding student leaders at their institution.

    Order of Omega Website
  • Rho Lambda

    Rho Lambda is a national sorority leadership recognition society. The purpose of Rho Lambda is to honor those women within the sorority community who have exhibited the highest qualities of leadership and service to their Greek community and their sorority. They are women who have furthered the ideals and principles of the Greek community throughout their years of sorority affiliation.

    Rho Lambda Website

Additional Resources