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Internal Partners

UMatter: Support for Every Student

UMatter serves the University of Mississippi community by coordinating support efforts both on and off campus to assist students facing challenges in order to promote personal and academic success.

Equal Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance

The University of Mississippi’s Office of Equal Opportunity & Regulatory Compliance (EORC) is responsible for compliance with federal laws and regulations pertaining to the fair treatment of faculty, staff, and students, which includes the application of Title IX and Title VII, and upholds equal employment opportunity to ensure equal access to the University.

University Counseling Center

At the University Counseling Center (UCC), you will find a team of dedicated professionals who strive to offer the best care possible in an atmosphere of acceptance and respect.

University Health Services

Created to serve students, faculty, and staff at the University of Mississippi, University Health Services is dedicated to meeting the health care needs of our community.

Office of Student Disability Services

We lead the university in its commitment to recognize disability as a valued aspect of diversity, to embrace access as a matter of social justice, and to design more welcoming and inclusive environments.

William Magee Center

The William Magee Center for AOD and Wellness Education is dedicated to transforming students’ lives by providing education, intervention, and support services to enhance well-being and foster success at the University of Mississippi.