Police Services

UPD supports the Ole Miss community through comprehensive services dedicated to campus safety.

Our Services

UPD officers provide coverage 365 days-24 hours-7 days. Patrol officers are assigned to one of the four regular patrol shifts. Officers are assigned to a particular twelve-hour shift in which they work on a rotating basis. Usually officers will be assigned to a particular shift until it is decided that a transfer to another shift is needed for the benefit of the department either due to a shortage of manpower or for the enrichment and development of an individual officer. Officers are required to work overtime primarily due to home football and basketball games, concerts, Greek functions, and other special events.

The department also has a Bicycle Patrol Unit and a Motorcycle Patrol Unit. Officers must attend special certified training in order to serve in these units. Both units are utilized on a regular basis to patrol campus. Each unit also supports the efforts to facilitate athletic events, parades, concerts, and the like. Officers in these units wear special uniforms while performing the patrol functions.

Crime Prevention Presentations

UPD has an active crime prevention program which strives to eliminate or minimize criminal opportunities when possible, and encourage faculty, staff and students to be responsible for their own security and the security of others. Crime prevention presentations are routinely scheduled for campus residents, as well as, faculty and staff groups. Topics generally covered are:

  • Rape and Sexual Assault Risk Reduction
  • Domestic Violence Education
  • Workplace Violence Education
  • Personal Safety
  • Self Defense Techniques
  • Sexual Assault
  • Alcohol and Drug Awareness
  • Travel Safety

Item Identification – Property Protection (this includes information on fraud, personal property and university property)

If you are looking for a topic not listed above, please contact us. Programs can be tailored to meet the needs of individual groups. For further information or scheduling of programs, please call UPD at (662) 915-5747 during regular business hours.

Other educational programs to promote awareness of rape, acquaintance rape, and other sexual offenses are routinely provided by other University departments such as the University Counseling Center, Umatter Violence Prevention and Intervention Office, Student Housing, Dean of Students Office, and Student Health Services, as well as, the off-campus Family Crisis Services of Northwest Mississippi, Inc. at (662) 234-9929.

Rebel Patrol Safe Walks

The Crime Prevention Program of UPD coordinates the Rebel Patrol Safe Walks. Rebel Patrol offers on-campus walk-alongs for anyone concerned about walking alone on campus. UPD officers are available to provide on-campus rides when Rebel Patrol is not on duty. For an walk-along, call UPD at (662) 915-7234.

Emergency Phone Towers

The University has an emergency telephone system referred to as “Emergency Phone Towers” which are strategically located on campus. By depressing the button on the Emergency Phone Tower, one will immediately be in contact with UPD for assistance with any emergency situation. The locations of the Emergency Telephone Towers are depicted on the campus parking map.

Motorist Assistance

If you lock your keys in your vehicle or the battery is dead, UPD will attempt to open your vehicle or jump-start the battery. The vehicle must be on university property, and a waiver form must be signed before the service is provided. This service is free and is offered 24 hours a day.

Community Outreach and Housing Unit

The primary objectives of the Community Outreach and Housing Unit (COHU) are the security of the residential halls, Housing facilities and all vehicles that occupy the adjacent residential parking lots, as well as the coordination and implementation of campus and community safety programs utilizing the community police model emphasizing creative proactive policing. COHU officers are required to work directly with Student Housing and Residential Life staff and other community partners in order to achieve these objectives. COHU is comprised a Lieutenant of Administrative Services, Police Sergeant Housing and Campus Safety Officers.

Safety Tips

Ole Miss Students are more often the victims rather than the perpetrators of crime. Using some simple safety precautions will greatly reduce your chance of becoming a victim of crime.

Protecting yourself at home, in your room, residential hall, or apartment

  • Lock your door, even when you intend to return home shortly or even if you are just going down the hall. It takes a thief ten seconds or less to enter an open room and steal your property.
  • Lock or secure doors and windows when you are alone or asleep.
  • Do not leave valuables lying out in plain sight. Record the serial number of your valuables or engrave your drivers license or social security number on the item.
  • Keep emergency numbers by your phone.
  • Do not leave messages on your door indicating that you are away and when you will return.
  • Do not let strangers enter residential halls or premises.
  • Do not prop open outer doors.
  • If someone asks to use your phone for an emergency call, offer to call for them instead of allowing them access.
  • Do not put your address on your key ring.
  • Know your neighbors.
  • Do not leave keys in hiding places. Thieves will find them. Carry your keys or make sure that anyone who truly needs them has their own copy.
  • Call (662) 915-7234 to report suspicious persons or activity in or around your neighborhood. Off campus, call 911.
  • Open a savings or checking account instead of keeping money in your room.
  • Keep automatic teller machine cards in a safe place, keep your PIN number secret. When possible, only use ATM’s during the day.
  • If you find yourself in immediate danger, call 9-911; try to stay calm and get away at first opportunity.

Protect yourself when walking

  • Avoid walking alone at night unless absolutely necessary.
  • Keep to well lit, commonly traveled routes.
  • Avoid shortcuts and dark, isolated areas.
  • Walk purposefully, know where you are going, project a no-nonsense image.
  • Avoid potentially dangerous situations.
  • If you feel threatened, cross the street, locate an emergency phone, or enter a store or place of business even if you have just left it.
  • Have your door keys ready; carry them in your pockets, not buried in a purse.

Protect your auto or bicycle

  • Always lock your car. Never leave the windows down while it is unattended.
  • Do not leave tempting valuables or property visible inside the car. Lock these items in the trunk.
  • Lock bikes to bike racks with hardened-alloy locks and chains or u-shaped locks to prevent thefts.

Protecting yourself when driving

  • Look into your car before getting in. Lock doors and roll up windows once inside for protection.
  • Never pick up strangers.
  • Drive to a police or fire station or open place of business if you feel you are being followed.
  • Do not stop to help occupants of stopped or disabled vehicles. Continue driving to the nearest phone and call assistance for them.
  • Raise the hood, then lock yourself into your car if it breaks down. If someone stops and offers you help, remain in your car and ask them to phone for help. Do not worry about seeming rude.

The University of Mississippi Police Department offers fingerprinting services to University of Mississippi Students, Faculty and Staff and Local Community.

  • The service is offered for a fee of $13.00 to University students, faculty, and staff. We only accept Visa or Mastercard.
  • The service is offered for a fee of $27.00 to individuals who are unaffiliated with the University. We only accept Visa or Mastercard.
  • If needed, FD-258 fingerprint cards are available for an additional fee of $2 per card. We only accept Visa or Mastercard.
  • The hours of operation for this service are Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. This service is not available when the University is officially closed.
  • The department asks that those individuals needing to be fingerprinted must bring your own fingerprint card. The University of Mississippi Police Department does not keep a supply of the many different fingerprint cards that are currently being utilized.
  • All persons being fingerprinted also must have valid form of ID available for officer’s inspection and verification prior to being fingerprinted.
  • The availability of this service may be affected by emergency calls for service to the University of Mississippi Police Department. If officers are unavailable due to the necessity to respond to other needs of the community, you will be asked to come back at a later date.  Appointments are recommended, but not required.
  • If there are any questions or further information be needed please feel free to contact the University of Mississippi Police Department at (662) 915-7234.

Incident Report (Synopsis Only):  – No Charge
No Full Reports are given out by UPD.
Accident Report/Crash Report: https://www.ms.gov/dps/crash_reports
No crash reports are printed out. You must go to the above website to get a copy of the report.
Discovery Paperwork/Photos/ Public Records Request/Subpoenas: You must contact the Universities Office of General Council.
The University of Mississippi
Office of General Counsel
Lyceum 209
University, MS 38677

The University of Mississippi Police Department regularly receives lost and abandoned property from the public. If you have lost property, you may contact UPD at (662) 915-7234 or visit Kinard Hall – Wing C to inquiry.

Fire Emergency

In the event of fire:

Pull the nearest fire alarm and begin evacuating the building. If you are trained in the use of a portable fire extinguisher, the fire is small and is safe to do so, attempt put out the fire. If the fire is too large to extinguish safely, close the door and exit the building and call the University of Mississippi at 662-915-7234 once out of the building.

In the event of fire alarm activation:

Immediately evacuate the building and contact the University of Mississippi Department at 662-915-7234 to report the exact location fire alarm.

Medical Emergencies

If you or someone else is in need of emergency medical attention immediately call 911. Provide the dispatcher your name, phone number, location and medical emergency. An ambulance will be dispatched to your location as well as an officer. If you are not sure if an ambulance is needed contact the University of Mississippi Police Department at 662-915-7234 and provide the dispatcher your name, phone number, location, and medical condition. An officer will be dispatched to assess the situation. Officers of the University of Mississippi Police Department will not transport individuals to the hospital in their patrol vehicles. If immediate medical attention is needed the officer will request an ambulance to be dispatch to the location.

Reporting Crimes of Sexual Nature

The University of Mississippi Department would like to encourage anyone who has been or becomes the survivor of a crime of a sexual nature to seek assistance as soon as possible after the incident. Resources exist that are designed to provide both physical and emotional support and counseling for sexual assault survivors. Regardless of the decision to pursue an investigation into the incident by law enforcement, we strongly encourage sexual assault survivors to report such incidents to law enforcement and seek out the other mechanisms of support that are available, regardless of where the incident occurs. Contact information for local law enforcement as well as other resources that may be helpful is listed below. For emergency situations, always dial 911.

Law Enforcement

University of Mississippi Police and Campus Safety
662-915-7234 (non emergency) 662-915-4911 (emergency)

Oxford Police Department
662-232-2400 (non emergency) 911 (emergency)

Mississippi Crime Victims Bill-of-Rights


A local police records check is a check if an individual has any traffic or criminal records, incident reports, offense reports, citations/summons, protective orders, or any other documented contact with our department.

  • An individual seeking to obtain their local police records check from UPD will need to come to the University Police Department in Kinard Hall Wing C, Room 220 with a picture ID. An authorization for the release of personal information must be completed in our office by the person requesting the records check. This service is offered for a fee of $27. We only accept Visa or Mastercard.
  • Government Agencies may obtain a police records check for no charge by either Fax: (662) 915-5371, email: upd@olemiss.edu, or going to the University Police Department in Kinard Hall Wing C, Room 220. A signed authorization for release of personal information is mandatory.