Public Records Requests

Access the University of Mississippi's public records

Looking for a public record?

Any person wishing to request access to public records of the University of Mississippi should complete the Public Records Request Form and send the completed form by U.S. Mail or email to the following:

The University of Mississippi
Office of General Counsel
Lyceum 209
University, MS 38677


The request must be made in writing and include the following information:

  • Name of requester;
  • Address of requester;
  • Other contact information, including telephone number and email address;
  • Identification of the public records adequate for the public records officer or designee to locate the records; and
  • The date and time of the request.

The University may collect fees reasonably calculated to reimburse it for the actual cost of searching, reviewing, duplicating, and mailing copies of the public records.

For more information about the University’s policy on Access to Public Records, please read the University Public Records Policy.

Please contact the Office of General Counsel at (662) 915-7014 for any questions.