Undergraduate Programs in Modern Languages

Learn about the undergraduate majors and minors.

image of three students seated on the porch of a building with a professor all looking at a large textbook

"Language learning is more than memorizing vocabulary and grammar—it’s a gateway to understanding a culture. By immersing yourself in the language, you unlock the ability to build authentic connections with others and engage with the world on a deeper level."

Claire Sullivan

U.S. Department of State Pickering Fellow, Georgetown University’s Masters of Science

Undergraduate Majors and Minors 

The Department of Modern Languages develops in its students high language proficiencies and is committed to undergirding our language programs with sound linguistic and pedagogical principles. Equally important in the department are the study of literature, cinema and culture.

Our department is also home to a Chinese Flagship Language Program and an Arabic Flagship Language Program, two of only a few such federally-funded critical language programs in the country that train students to be global professionals of the 21st century who command ACFTL Superior proficiencies in the language.

We are proud of the department, campus, and national awards earned by our students. 

Outstanding Student Awards

Federal Language Flagship Programs

The five-year undergraduate programs have a separate, competitive admission process after admission to UM. It is designed for highly motivated and diligent students who seek to achieve superior-level proficiency while pursuing a degree in Arabic or Chinese in addition to other academic majors of their choice. The fifth year is a capstone year in either Morocco or Taiwan, which includes a semester internship placement. The program equips students with professional proficiency and cultural competency for a wide variety of careers including international business, government, intelligence, law, engineering, military, non-profits, teaching, and more.
  • a few students seated around a table with a teacher giving instruction in English

    Minor in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

    The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) program offers students opportunities to develop their teaching skills by learning methods of teaching English language learners, become experts in teaching English as a second language.

    Minor in TESOL