Neuro Pharmacology Core


The Neuropharmacology Core enables investigators to use in vitro and in vivo assays to guide the isolation and identification of biological-active natural products and to evaluate compounds predicted to have activities in these systems through rational drug design. The Core uses human neuroblastoma cell lines to assess neurotoxicity and neuroprotection in response to drug treatment.

About Us

The Neuropharmacology Core enables investigators to use in vitro and in vivo assays to serve as a guide in the isolation and identification of biological-active natural products and to evaluate compounds predicted to have activities in these systems through rational drug design. The Core uses human neuroblastoma cell lines for assessment of neurotoxicity and neuroprotection in response to drug treatment.

The in vivo component of the Neuropharmacology Core currently provides the resources and technical support necessary for drug administration in animal models and analysis of many aspects of animal behavior in response to treatment. Zebrafish assays of developmental toxicity and anti-epileptic effects of drugs are available, and include both genetic and pharmacological induced seizures. Our rodent models (mice and rats) include assays of abuse potential, cannabinoid function (temperature, locomotion, pain, and catalepsy), ataxia, anti-nociception, anxiolytic, anti-depressant, allodynia, and post-traumatic stress effects. Additionally, learning and memory as well as muscle strength can be assessed in both mice and rats. Together, we can develop protocols to best suit the needs of investigators when administering novel compounds to our various animal assays.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much sample do you need to run an assay?

This can vary depending on the number of assays requested but we do ask for 1mg, if available.

How do I prepare the sample for submission?

Samples can be submitted as solids which we dissolve in various buffers to make stock solutions. We prefer 5 to 10 mL sample vials. If they are submitted in solution, we request a stock of 1mM and an aliquot of the dissolving solution.

How long will the assays take?

This varies depending on the number of assays requested and the number already awaiting testing. Some assays take a few days and some take several weeks (primary neuron cultures). Tests are conducted on a first come, first served basis. Upon submission of samples, we will provide an estimated date of completion.

How will you store our samples?

Please specify to our lab how you would like your samples to be stored.

Neuropharmacology Core Services

Neuroprotection – Human neuroblastoma cell lines are treated with one concentration of one to eight compounds or extracts in combination with an excitotoxic insult to assess the potential of neuroprotection. Viability assessed with MTS or Live/DEAD indicators.

Neuroprotection EC-50 – Human neuroblastoma cell lines are treated with increasing concentrations of one compound in combination with an excitotoxic insult to assess the potential of neuroprotection. Viability assessed with MTS or Live/DEAD indicators. 

AssayMeasurable Parameter
NeuroprotectionScreening- % Death
Neuroprotection EC-50EC-50 Determination

Neurotoxicity – Human neuroblastoma cell lines are treated with one to eight compounds/extracts to assess the potential of neurotoxicity. Viability assessed with MTS or Live/DEAD indicators.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
NeurotoxicityEC-50 Determination

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Hotplate – The hotplate will be used to measure thermal nociception and can indicate if compounds have actions at supraspinal mechanisms.

Tail Flick – Tail-flick (TF) assay is used to quantify spinal responses to thermal nociception.

Acetic Acid Writing – The Acetic Acid (AA) Writhing test is used to quantify pain induced by peripheral origins.

von Frey – The electronic von Frey is used to evaluate drugs against mechanical allodynia.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
HotplateThermal Antinocieption
Tail FlickThermal Antinocieption
Acetic acid writhingChemo-Inflammatory Antincociception
von FreyAllodynia and Hyperalgesia

Cisplatin Induced Neuropathy – Cisplatin Induced Neuropathy (CIN) is used to evaluate drugs against mechanical allodynia in a model of chronic nociception.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Cisplatin Induced NeuropathyAnalgesia in Oncology Settings

Complete Freund’s Adjuvant – Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) induced inflammatory pain model is used to test acute and chronic effects of analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Complete Freund’s AdjuvantAnti-inflammatory Screening

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Elevated Plus Maze – The Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) is used to screen anxiolytic activity of pharmacological agents. This test is performed using a plus shaped maze with two open arms and tow closed arms. This procedure is based on a rodent’s exploratory/avoidance behavior whereby animals will naturally avoid open and elevated environments while spending more time exploring closed environments. Administration of anxiolytics will increase the time an animal explores the open arms.

Forced Swim Test – The Forced Swim Test (FST) is used to assess behavioral despair or learned helplessness. Animals are placed in an inescapable container filled with water and their escape behavior is recorded. Over a test trial, animals will struggle to escape but eventually give up and display depressive-live behaviors (immobility/floating). Pharmacological agents with antidepressant activity will reverse this depressive-like behavior and increase the amount of time spent struggling/escaping.

Tail Suspension – The tail suspension test used to evaluate compounds with antidepressant activity. In this test, the extent of immobility is associated with a depressive-like behaviors and is significantly diminished with the use of antidepressant drugs.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Elevated Plus MazeAnxiolytic Activity
Forced Swim TestAnti-depressant Activity
Tail SuspensionAnti-depressant Activity

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Conditioned Place Preference – The Condition Place Preference (CPP) paradigm is used to evaluate positively reinforcing and aversive properties of drugs. CPP is based on associative learning where animals prefer environments paired with rewarding properties and avoid environments paired with aversive properties.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Conditioned Place PreferenceAbuse Liability

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Morris Water Maze – The Morris Water Maze is used to study aspects of spatial memory. This assay relies on animals to explore their environment and escape from water with a minimum amount of effort used (swimming the shortest distance). The time it takes an animal to find a hidden platform in a water pool after previous exposure, using distinct external cues, is used as a measure of spatial memory. The water maze is sensitive to the effects of drugs on the acquisition and performance of this task as well as the effects of aging.

Barnes Maze – The Barnes Maze is commonly used to evaluate spatial learning and memory in mice. Through the use of spatial cues, mice are trained to find an escape hole on top of an open, brightly-illuminated surface. Mice have a natural tendency to avoid brightly-lit, open spaces, thus mice are motivated to find a dark hidden escape box. This task highlights the abilities of the mice to learning, remember, extinguish old memories, and re-learn new spatial memories.

Radial Arm Maze – The Radial Arm water maze is used to evaluate spatial learning and memory in mice. When placed in water, mice are motivated to find an escape platform for safety. This is a modified radial arm maze set to mimic the Morris Water Maze. While the Morris Water Maze is the gold standard for testing spatial learning and memory in rats, mice have a tendency to sink in the large pool of water. Thus, the more restricted zones of the radial arm water maze reduce the risk of drowning. Together, this task highlights the abilities of the mice to learning, remember, extinguish old memories, and re-learn new spatial memories.

Y-maze – The Y-maze is commonly used to evaluate working memory in rodents. Rodents, especially rats, have a natural curiosity to explore their environment. By changing the environment after an acclimation period, cognitively-intact animals will explore the novelty of the new environment. Thus, inferences regarding working memory, willingness to explore novelty, and spatial learning can be made with this maze.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Morris Water MazeSpatial Learning and Memory
Barnes MazeSpatial Learning and Memory
Radial Arm MazeSpatial Learning and Memory, Working Memory
Y-mazeSpatial Learning and Memory, Working Memory

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Open Field – The Open Field test evaluates compounds on locomotive, exploratory, and anxiety-like behaviors. This procedure is based on rodent’s innate exploratory and avoidance behavior. Animals will naturally spend more time in corners or periphery of an open field to protect itself rather than a center, which is the most anxiogenic area. Administration of anxiolytics increase time spent in the center of the arena while stressful stimuli decrease the number of visits to the center of the arena.

Rotarod – The Rotarod (RR) is used to assess motor coordination in rodents. Animals are trained to walk on a rotating rod at various speeds and motor coordination is tested by the latency for the animal to fall off the rotating rod. As some drugs cause motor impairment (ataxia), these animals will demonstrate an increase latency to fall.

Grip Strength – The rodent grip strength test is used to evaluate limb motor or muscular functions in rodents. This test uses the rodent’s natural tendency to grasp a bar or grid when suspended by its tail. The bar is attached to a force transducer that measures the force in grams produced during the pull of the bar. The purpose of this test is to evaluate forelimb strength and is used to monitor the progression of neuromuscular disorders as well as screen novel therapeutics.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Open FieldLocomotor Activity
Grip StrengthMuscle Strength

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Zebrafish PTZ Seizure – The generalized epilepsy zebrafish model is used to identify novel compounds to treat seizures ideally with fewer side effects than current anticonvulsant drugs. In this model, pentylenetetrazole (PTZ) is used to chemically induce seizures in the zebrafish to mimic generalized epilepsy following treatment with novel compound. The ViewPoint Zebrabox measures activity of the larvae to determine if the seizures were reduced following treatment.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Zebrafish PTZ SeizureAnti-seizure

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Zebrafish Toxicity – The purpose of the zebrafish acute toxicity assay is to determine concentrations of novel compounds that are non-toxic to the developing zebrafish embryo/larva. With this assay, we can determine if a compound that was effective at reducing seizures is toxic during an acute exposure.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Zebrafish ToxicityToxicity

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Tissue Harvest – Harvesting of heart, lungs, liver, kidney, spleen, brain, blood, and other tissues will be carried out following an IACUC approved method of euthanasia.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Tissue Harvest

**Animal costs are extra and charged at actuals (PI makes direct purchase).

Rodent PTSD – The rodent PTSD model is used to evaluate interventions that can attenuate or alleviate symptoms of PTSD. This model is highly translational to symptoms humans diagnosed with PTSD experience. Animals will be exposed to an aversive stimulus and exposed to situational reminders of the aversive stimulus. This mirrors the clinical picture of PTSD where after a traumatic event cues in the environment related to the event precipitate features of avoidance, changes in arousal, anxiety, depression, and potential changes in cognition.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Rodent PTSDAnti-PTSD

Tetrad Assay – The tetrad assay is a series of behavioral tests that characterize the effects of cannabinoids. Cannabinoids such as Delta-9-teterahydrocannabinol (THC) have shown to produce decreases in spontaneous activity, catalepsy, hypothermia, and antinociception. These effects are evaluated in the tetrad assay.

AssayMeasurable Parameter
Tetrad Assay (body temperature, hot plate, tail flick, catalepsy, locomotion)