Bridget Martin

Croft Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Korean Studies

Dr. Bridget Martin is a Croft Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Korean Studies in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology and the Croft Institute for International Studies at the University of Mississippi. She is also the Co-Director of the Minor in Geography.

Research Interests

Dr. Bridget Martin is an urban geographer and political geographer researching the US-Korea alliance through the lenses of land, territory, terrain, and sovereignty. Her research traces the logics, techniques, laws, and ambiguities that made widespread American militarized land dispossessions possible during the US military occupation of southern Korea and during the Korean War, and it critically examines the more recent process of US military land returns in the context of Korea’s highly commodified real estate environment.

Bridget was a member of the 2022-2023 cohort of the US-Korea NextGen Scholars Program, a two-year non-resident program in public engagement for mid-career Korea specialists. Along with Lisa Sang-mi Min, she was also the co-organizer and co-facilitator of the DMZ Field School, a workshop on field methods and experimental writing for anthropologists and geographers with the support of the Research Institute of Korean Studies.


Dr. Bridget Martin joined the University of Mississippi in January 2023. Her teaching interests are in Human Geography, Critical Security Studies, International/Development Studies, Political Ecology, Asian/American Studies, and Korean Studies. 

Before joining the University of Mississippi campus as Croft Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Korean Studies, Dr. Martin was the inaugural SBS Korean Studies Postdoctoral Fellow in the Social Sciences at the Korea Institute, Harvard University.

She completed her PhD in Geography with a Designated Emphasis in Global Metropolitan Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. She was a predoctoral Fellow in the US-Asia Grand Strategy Program at the University of Southern California Korean Studies Institute during her final year of graduate study. Her graduate research was also supported by organizations such as the Korea Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, and the Korean-American Educational Commission (Fulbright Korea). She holds a Master’s in Politics from The New School for Social Research in NYC.

Courses Taught

  • Anth/Geog 101 Introduction to Geography
  • Anth 345 Korea: People, Places, and Futures
  • INST 203 East Asian Studies
  • Inst 310 Topics in East Asian Studies
  • Inst 421 Research Seminar I


Ph.D. Geography, University of California-Berkeley (2021)


  • US-Korea NextGen Scholars Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 2022-23
  • Co-Organizer, DMZ Field School, Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korean University, 2022
  • SBS Korean Studies Postdoctoral Fellow in the Social Sciences, Korea Institute, Harvard University, 2021
  • US-Asia Grand Strategy Predoctoral Fellowship, Korean Studies Institute, University of Southern California, 2020
  • Center for Korean Studies Graduate Student Fellowship, University of California-Berkeley, 2020
  • Global Metropolitan Studies Research Fellowship, University of California-Berkeley, 2019
  • U.S. Student Award, Fulbright, 2018
  • Fellowship, Korea Foundation, 2017
  • Kathryn Davis Peace Fellowship (advanced Korean), Columbia University, 2016
  • Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, Social Sciences Research Council, 2015
  • Institute of International Studies Summer Fellowship, University of California-Berkeley, 2015
  • Advanced Korean Award, U.S. Department of Education, Foreign Language and Area Studies Program, 2015