Dr. Bing Wei is a Professor of Mathematics in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Mississippi. He is also one of the Graduate Program Coordinators.
Research Interests
Dr. Wei's research interests include:
- Long paths and cycles in graphs
- Domination in graphs
- Graph polynomials
- Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey numbers
- Extremal graph theory
Dr. Wei has been doing research in combinatorics and graph theory for more than thirty years.
Gallai-Ramsey numbers for graphs with chromaticnumber three, (with Q. Zhao), Discrete Applied Math.304 (2021), 110–118
A note on Gallai-Ramsey number of even wheels,(with Z. Song, F. Zhang and Q. Zhao), Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020), 111725
Independent Bondage Number of a Graph, (with B.Priddy and H. Wang), J. of Comb.Optim. 37 (2019),702-712.
Graph minors and linkages, (with G. Chen, R. Gouldand F. Pfender), J. Graph Theory 49 (2005), 75-91.
Largest circuits in matroids,(with M. Nolan, T. J. Reidand H. Wu), Adv. in Appl. Math. 34 (2005), 213-216.
Extremal Graphs for Intersecting Cliques, (with G.Chen, R. Gould and F. Pfender), J. of Combinatorial Theory B. 89(2003),159–171.
On the Circumferences of Regular 2-connectedGraphs, J. of Combinatorial Theory Ser. B.75 (1999),88–99.
Courses Taught
- Math 121 College Algebra
- Math 123 Trigonometry
- Math 263 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
- Math 264 Unified Calculus & Analytic Geometry IV
- Math 301 Discrete Mathematics
- Math 302 Applied Modern Algebra
- Math 319 Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Math 401 Combinatorics
- Math 780 Seminar in Graph Theory
- Math 782 Graph Theory II
B.S. Mathematics, Huazhong Normal University (1978)
Ph.D. Mathematics, Technischen Universitat Berlin (1992)
M.S. Mathematics, Huazhong Normal University (2002)