Dr. John Conlon Is an Associate professor of Economics at the University of Mississippi. He teaches game theory, math econ, and graduate macroeconomics.
Research Interests
His research areas include theoretical micro and macro economics.
John Conlon received his B.A. in mathmatics and his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Chicago. He joined the faculty in 1987.
Courses Taught
- Econ 202 Principles of Microeconomics
- Econ 203 Principles of Macroeconomics
- Econ 305 Current Economic Topics
- Econ 510 International Trade & Commercial Policy
- Econ 513 History of Economic Thought
- Econ 525 Economics of High-Tech Industries
- Econ 540 Seminar in Economics
- Econ 545 Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
- Econ 605 Microeconomic Theory
- Econ 606 Macroeconomic Theory
- Econ 607 Seminar
- Econ 609 Methods of Mathematical Analysis
- Econ 628 Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis
- Econ 645 Macroeconomics Research Seminar
- MIS 309 Management Information Systems
- MIS 330 Business Application Programming
- MIS 408 Database Mgmt for Business Analytics
- MIS 409 Applications of Database Management
- MIS 419 Applications of Management Information Systems
- MIS 619 Advanced Information Systems Management
- MIS 695 Research Seminar: Special Topics in MIS
B.A. Mathematics, University of Chicago (1978)
Ph.D. Economics, University of Chicago (1988)