Vivian Ibrahim-Dinius

Associate Professor of History and Director of the Office of National Scholarship Advisement

Dr. Vivian Ibrahim-Dinius is an Associate Professor of History in the Department of History at the University of Mississippi. She is also the Director of the Office of National Scholarship Advisement.

Research Interests

  • Modern Egypt, Modern Middle East 
  • Religion and Political Culture, 
  • Museum Studies 


Dr. Vivian Ibrahim is the Director of the Office of National Scholarship Advisement (ONSA). She oversees nationally competitive scholarship and fellowship opportunities by encouraging students to explore their intellectual autonomy, passions and possibilities. 

Dr. Ibrahim joined the University of Mississippi in 2011 and is a Croft Associate Professor of History and International Studies specializing in the Middle East. She is author of “The Copts of Egypt: Between Modernization and Identity” (IB Tauris 2011), editor of “Political Leadership Nations and Charisma” (Routledge, 2013), and co-author of “Muslims in Ireland: Past and Present” (Edinburgh University Press, 2014). Dr. Ibrahim’s current book project is entitled “Détente Shows: Tutankhamun and the Global Cold War” (Expected 2024). Dr. Ibrahim was named the Howell Family Outstanding Teacher of the Year in 2020.


The Copts of Egypt: Challenges of Modernization and Identity, (I.B. Tauris, 2010; second edition 2013) 

Muslims in Ireland: Past and Present, co-authored with Scharbrodt, Sakaranaho, Khan and Shanneik (University of Edinburgh Press, 2014) 

Political leadership Nations and Charisma, co-edited with Margit Wunsch (Routledge, 2012) 

Courses Taught

  • HST 352 The Middle East since 1914
  • HST 355 Water Scarcity in the Middle East (Cross listed with Environmental Studies minor)
  • HST 399 Special Subjects in History: Religion and Society in the Twentieth Century Middle East
  • HST 399 Special Subjects in History: Race, Religion and Representations of the Islam in the West after 9/11
  • HST 585 Historiography of the Middle East
  • HST 568 Special Topics: Gender in the Middle East
  • HST 568 Special Topics: Egyptian Nationalism
  • HST 568 Special Topics: Colonial Subjects in the Middle East
  • HST 785 Research Seminar in the History of the Modern Middle East
  • INST 101 Introduction to Middle Eastern Studies
  • INST 315 Special Subjects in International Studies: Resources, Labor and Governance in the Middle East
  • INST 318 Special Subjects in International Studies: The Water, Energy and Food Nexus
  • INST 318 Special Subjects in International Studies: Revolts, Rebellions and Revolutions
  • INST 421/422 Thesis/Seminar


Ph.D. History, University of London (2003)